Recently installed Movie Studio 2023. Since the install I can colour and render clips but they do not run smoothly. It would seem as if the render process did not work. All working fine with movie edit pro. Any thoughts?
Sorry for being thick. How do I find the information on a file I have just downloaded to the timeline to see if proxy files have been created. Is ther a folder that time date stamps ot or some other option. I cannot find a folder called video file. Thanks
Ray, I did try that after reading it. On a short file that I thought would proxy, it didn't, Magix saying it didn't need to. But the file that Derek is dealing with, XAVC at 52mb/sec, I think it would, although it is quite short...
Thank you for guiding me in the direction of looking at the file information.never really paid it much attention before but I now realise with all my tinkering I may have been trying to play clips that had already been proxied. To that end double checked and used a clean file imported and the software did indeed apply the proxy files with the blue bar appearing at the foot of the the timeline. Still no dialogue box to querie copy/import only and the clip still runs smoothly with colour added(is this a new update?) and renders the clip and plays it smoothly.. Nearly There.
I have ticked the create proxy files automatically in the movie setup and copy media to project folder when starting a new project. Anywhere else?
Hi Derek.
No there is nothing else to do. They will automatically be created when the file is imported into the project unless one of the conditions I posted in my last screen shot are not met.
Proxy Files are only ever labeled on the audio portion of a video track as far as I'm aware. Not sure about combined audio visual tracks as I never use them.
Former user
wrote on 9/15/2022, 1:00 PM
@derek-brown 'Still no dialogue box to querie copy/import only'
Don't know if this has been mentioned, click this to show the pop windows that you may have closed permanently, (Do not shows this msg again)
. . . . Still no dialogue box to query copy/import only . . . . That is also done in the Programs Movie Setup section before you start your project. . . . .
Unfortunately i do not have MMS 2023 installed on my laptop (very slow Internet connection here) however AFAICR, MMS does not have this capability as it does not support Project folders like VPX does.
John EB
Former user
wrote on 9/15/2022, 4:10 PM
@derek-brown Hi, the creation of Proxy files can be disabled in Settings if that is causing a problem.
When you create a project, there's an option to Copy Media to project folder,
If you tick that, the Project folder box above will become active & you can choose the destination, & also when you drag media onto the timeline you'll get the Copy or Import only option,
@johnebaker Hi I posted this earlier in this thread, MMS2023. Is this the same as you're thinking?
I think because this post had proceeded for a while we might be confusing each other.I understand ticking folder project box should then allow the software to show the option of copy/ import only. I have followed this and the dialogue box does not appear. I suppose if the dialogue box copy/import does not show the clip if deleted will disappear to its original folder on my desktop as it does not have a destination to copy to? This whole thread started because 2023 was not going through the same processes as MEP. I have always used the Proxy setting and was trying to establish why they were not working the same on 2023. I believe there is some bug fix needs correcting but as usual support do not respond.
I have followed this and the dialogue box does not appear. I suppose if the dialogue box copy/import does not show the clip if deleted will disappear to its original folder on my desktop as it does not have a destination to copy to?
This just gets more confusing.
Do you mean to say you create folders on your desktop or place shortcuts to your folders from the other drive on the desktop? If you are creating folders on your Desktop then your projects are getting written to your C: drive.
Historically I had a lot of issues getting the software to recognise the camera. Through various conversations with Magix support they suggested creating a separate folder and import from the folder.. I know this occupies space on the C drive but after completion and exporting to Vimeo I then delete the files and free the space. When the files are imported and copied they are saved to the D drive.
Derek, I'm using the trial of MMS 2023. If the "Copy media to project folder" box is ticked, and "Automatically create proxy files" is ticked, both function as advertised. And when I drag a file onto the timeline, I get the "Copy/Import" message. So it appears the program itself is OK.
I'd suggest you do a program reset: File>Settings>Reset program settings to defaults and see what happens with a brand new project.
Decided to try and restart of the computer before program reset and the dialogue box is now working. I would like to thank everybody for thier help. Start new project tomorrow so fingers crossed no further issues.
. . . . I posted this earlier in this thread, MMS2023. Is this the same as you're thinking? . . . .
Yes, more or less. If the video files are already in a folder where the project is saved to, then the import/copy dialog should not appear.
The one thing that may stop the files being copied is if the project folder is literally on the Desktop. This should never be used for storing files either in folder or not.