Recently installed Movie Studio 2023. Since the install I can colour and render clips but they do not run smoothly. It would seem as if the render process did not work. All working fine with movie edit pro. Any thoughts?
Is it possible to recover saved video effects.To allow me to edit video I ahve reinstalled MEP but have lost my saved video effects in the cover folder.
@derek-brown I was always under the impression it was better to have Windows & programs on the same drive,?
I totally missed that post.
I have to agree with Gid. That is not a good move. Once upon a time it would have been a sensible thing to do but no longer. That would cause unnecessary delays in the program creating, transferring and reading back the temp files needed.
Jeff also makes a very good point that those temp files can be huge. Much larger than the actual file content of a project.
However Jeff is wrong about there not being silence on the wav section of the file. @emmrecs Sorry Jeff.
I exported a 30 second, 16 bit 48kHz wav file from my audio editor containing no audio.
Here is the resulting file size.
Neat huh?
The only time I have known a file to be produced without an accompanying audio section is when shooting slow mo of 120fps or above. Then the audio file is recorded in real time and split from the video portion.
Thanks for that demonstration! Yes, I should have realised that a totally silent file would actually consist of rather a lot of digital zeros, all of which take up space and contribute to file size!
However, I have to say I don't agree that having Windows and Programs on separate drives is, necessarily, a "bad" thing!
For several years now I have run various systems with Windows (and programs which will NOT install anywhere else!) on a 480GB SSD, C:\; all other programs are installed on a 1TB HDD, D:\. At no time have I experienced a problem obviously related to or caused by this configuration. I accept that having Windows and Programs on the same drive is much less of an issue than it used to be but, for me at least, it "works"!
Yes I like the depth of change Slog3 allow. Colour via colour correction on Magix and along the way saved as video effects.Now when I try and load the video effect the cover folder shows but there is nothing in it. Mainly external sky and interior.
Fair enough on the using a D: drive as an alternative but we don't know the specs of the D: drive compared to your D: drive or whether it is running via a USB port. For that matter we also don't know the specs / type (apart from its size) of @derek-brown s SSD. Your CPU is also two generations newer as I suspect your 4 x more ram is. The memory spike Derek is seeing could be caused by any one or more of the problems outlined including your suggestion that more free C: drive space may be needed. I personally think it could be that or the need for another stick of ram. Or both.
Having said that, even with MEP 2022, running 4K footage of any length on my machine can cause slight stutters every now and again at the same points along the timeline each time the project is played. My machine is slowly but surely becoming less capable with each new release of the program. I am not suffering any visibly detectable problems with disc speeds, memory shortage, CPU or GPU deficiency or lack of disk space or seek time / speed problems but nonetheless I get the occasional stutter, even using proxy files. As others with similar system specs do not seem to have the same problems but have more capable nvidia GPUs I put my problems down to needing more Vram or a wider memory bus width (not sure which) in my system but I can live with the program as is for now.
On a side note I have one project that is only one minute long with so many effects in use and clips on up to 20 tracks that it takes MEP a full three minutes before I see no C: disc activity on loading and If I try to play that project before the C: drive has finished writing to disk then the project immediately corrupts most of the PiP images within the timeline.
Can someone confirm please. Everytime I add colour to a clip in MEP the clip does not play smoothly, is this normal? I am now using studio suite 2023 and the cip is playing smoothly with colour? any thoughts.
Can someone confirm please. Every time I add colour to a clip in MEP the clip does not play smoothly, is this normal? I am now using studio suite 2023 and the clip is playing smoothly with colour? any thoughts.
That statement seems the opposite of your initial statement at the beginning of this topic.
I have several changes since this all started. I had to complete a project and had to revert to reinstalling MEP to allow me to render. I then reinstalled new drivers and updated MEP to 2023. The rendering still caused issues but at one point it played a clip with colour but did not play the same clip when rendered . I have since uninstalled and reinstalled 2023. It now still plays the clip when coloured and also when rendered. My only concern is it all appears ok but the clip when imported to the timeline does not display the copy or import only and does not show any sign of adding proxy files along the bottom of the timeline which was always the case with MEP. If this the way the new 2023 software works fine but if it is not normal I need to still look for an answer.
Are the project timeline markers in the correct position to export the desired clips?
Regarding proxy files. In the Movie Settings it has to be set manually. If you want the program to use the same settings on the next project that box must also be ticked. As far as I can remember it has always been that way.
Yes range is rendered . Proxy box ticked in movie setting and reduce resolution and use proxy objects is also enabled.Is it possible to smoothly play a track with colour added pre-render? Can a clip be rendered correctly without proxy files being created ?
. . . . Everytime I add colour to a clip in MEP the clip does not play smoothly, is this normal? . . . .
It can be, using Colour correction and using LUTs is done by the CPU which takes longer, pre-rendering the range where the effect is applied should remove this playback issue for preview.
The i5-7300HQ is limited in performance as it has 4 cores, and no hyperthreading which doubles the 'core count' for processing.
Exporting uses the original files not the proxy files.
Thank You all for your support. The attached photos now show I might be the only user with the latest software That can set all the settings to create proxy files. However the software does not show any process of the creation of proxy files happenning,once the clip is imported to the timeline. It then allows me to add a saved video effect to a clip and plays this clip smoothly. Then allows me to remove noise with neat video and render very quickly. This is indeed a huge improvement. I cannot feeling slight intrepidation when I load my newest project this week. Will let you know if this completes as easily as above or if further issues occur. Still await any comments fro Magix support on there new features. .
Derek, the setting to force creation of proxy files is on the Movie Settings screen, not the "New "Project" screen.
File>Settings>Movie... or key E
When this is ticked, you will see the proxy files being created along the bottom of the Magix window. You can stop the creation of the proxy file by hitting ESC. Also, I have had instances where Magix has said "proxy isn't needed for this file".
Have you actually gone into the movie settings I gave above and manually set the program to create proxy files?
If not you haven't created any. Ticking that box only works if proxy files were created.
Also why are you taking pictures with a camera rather than using your keyboards Print Screen button and pasting to paint? Print Screen is much less hassle and gives cleaner images.
Did not include all photos but that is enabled. I have five years experience with this product and have encountered various issues. It always takes a process of elimination as support is rarely forthcoming.For some reason no proxy files are being created which is not the norm but have asked support and had no response.
Derek, the surefire way to see if proxys are being created is to go to the folder containing your video file. in that folder will be a bunch of files with "proxy" in the name.
Ray, it is actually easier for me to take a photo with my phone, do a sync, then insert the image into a post. Mucking around with Paint is harder, especially if you are not up to speed with image editing. Besides, those might look ugly to the purists but they do get the message across.
Makes sense. How do I find that information? So if I select a clip to import and it appears on the timeline where do I go to find the clip and look in its video file to find if Proxy setting have been created
@CubeAce@AAProds Why not use Windows Snipping Tool? The easiest and quickest way. No fiddling with a phone or Windows Paint. Just drag the box around the area on your screen and save as jpg or png.
This thread is going around in circles, proxy files were already discussed & @derek-brown 'The attached photos now show I might be the only user with the latest software' , I'm using MS 2023 Platinum, it's the same as your Suite, the only difference in a suite version are the extras they throw in like NewBlue plugins, & @CubeAce says 'it has always been that way' , I've been using MEP since 2004, i can't remember all the way back but these settings mentioned haven't changed much if at all in the last yrs, so all comments here are relevant regardless of which version is being used.
Screen shot, I either use the Snipping tool that I've pinned to the Taskbar, that can be found in Windows Accessories,
Windows key+Shift+S, make a selection or do a full screen capture, this one is useful if you want to capture the dropdown menus which normally go away when you use other capture apps,
How do I find that information? So if I select a clip to import and it appears on the timeline where do I go to find the clip and look in its video file to find if Proxy setting have been created
Derek, as I mentioned, the Magix proxy files are in the same folder as your video file. The image of my proxy files is a screenshot of my Windows Explorer folder that contains my video file.
I think the last suggestion of checking the file to find out if Proxy files have been created is a way forward. If they have been created the question then is why is this not being shown or if not created why. I aslo agree nothing much has changed apart from the fact something is amiss with the way the sotware is performing.Software support when available always recommended using proxy settings.
Ray, there is no longer an option (from at least MEP 2021 on) to create proxy files "directly in the start dialogue". The only way to invoke them is on the Movie Settings dialogue.