But yes whilst the HDP may be created on import (rather than on export) that ultimately is just a technicality. As I still endup with an extra file every single time I export a video which requires deleting | And so is just pretty annoying.
Is there any way I can change MEP settings so all future HDP files are simply created in a seperate folder (specifically for them), rather than in the folder where my source file was/is stored?
Not that I'm aware of. As I said, other programs do this as well for various different reasons but what you can do is set up the export folder to show different file formats in groups, so they are easier to delete in one go.
In the folders section, for 'Import Folder' it is set as the AudioTemp folder... However these HDPs aren't being created in there (like they used to), instead are now being created in the source folder. :/
In the folders section, for 'Import Folder' it is set as the AudioTemp folder... However these HDPs aren't being created in there (like they used to), instead are now being created in the source folder. :/
The HDP files created in the Audio Temp folder are for audio files, not video files (or the audio part of video files). The HDP files for video files were never created in the Audio Temp folder, always in the source folder for the video files. I looked all the way back to MEP2013.
. . . . I still endup with an extra file every single time I export a video . . . .
As has been repeatedly said the HDP and H0 files are only created on import.
Are you loading or viewing the exported file with MEP?
. . . . creates a seperate sub-folder (called Temp Audio) in My Documents . . . . I don't mind that as I never look in that folder, and it doesn't invade my screen area . . . .
You should pay attention to the AudioTemp folder it can grow rapidly eating up far more disc space than the HDP and H0 files take up.
My AudioTemp folder size is currently using 190 MB of disk space and contains 16 files, whereas the image of the H0 and HDP files I posted previously is taking up only 5MB of disk space for 457 files.
Also be aware that if you are archiving/backing up projects and not using the MEP functions to do this, emptying the AudioTemp, can cause issues if you decide to reload those projects at a later date. MEP will complain the files are not accessible, and if no other copies exist, the project will end up missing the audio it was looking for.
. . . . Is there any way I can change MEP settings so all future HDP files are simply created in a seperate folder . . . .
This is what FileInfo says about .HDP (Type2) files:-
Audio clip created by MAGIX audio and video editing software, such as Movie Edit Pro (MEP) and Samplitude Music Studio; describes a sound object that has been imported or captured directly in the software; allows destructive edits to the audio data without affecting the original audio; generated automatically when dragging an audio file onto the movie timeline, or when importing a video file that includes audio data.
More Information
NOTE: HDP files are used internally by Movie Edit Pro when the user edits movies. If they are manually deleted, they will be recreated the next time the audio object is accessed in MEP.
I just wonder why this has suddenly started happening through, when previously (up until last week) when I exported a video from MEP back onto my laptop it simply just exported the mp4 video file (didn't also create other HO or HDP files too).
I just wonder why this has suddenly started happening through
Apollo, read our lips! EVERY time you IMPORT a video file into MEP the HDP is created, in the same location that the file is in. It is NOT created on export. The reason that you have suddenly started seeing them is because you have previously exported to a different folder. Now, you are exporting back to the same folder that the original video file is in, together with it's HDP and HO files. MEP has been doing this for 20 years. It has not just recently changed/developed a bug/gone haywire.
Please don't keep going on about it. Read the thread again slowly and digest what we're saying. MEP is behaving perfectly normally (and logically).
If you're worried about what files are where, you can set up folders for the various MEP functions (including HDPs and HOs). Go into Program Settings (File>Settings>Program... or hit key Y, then on the folders tab you can set the folders. I'd suggest you make a folder for each project, and keep all files in there. MEP will put the HDPs and HOs in there. You can of course export to any folder location you like. This also means you can back up that folder or take it with you; MEP will remember the files when you open the project (MVP) provided the files haven't been moved out of that folder, regardless of where it actually now is. In this case, if you have moved the "project" folder to say a different drive and then re-open the project, it would be wise to set the folder Locations (Y) to the new folder to store any new files that may be created.
I have always imported & exported files from the same folder | But never had this occur before.
And in the folders tab for 'Imports' I have set a specific folder... However these HDP files are still being created in the folder where my imported video was.
If it can't be fixed I won't keep going on about it, just seems bizzare (and annoying) why MEP creates new files merely because you upload a video for editing, when other video editors (such as Windows Movie Maker) don't do that.
I shoot videos using my camera, put the files onto my laptop, upload them into Windows Movie Maker (to edit them into a full video), then save it onto my laptop in MP4 format. *If I need to add facial blurring to the video, or adjust the gamma/contrast I will upload the video into MEP and edit it there, then save that onto my laptop.
I have tested both with uploading videos (previously edited in MEP) & with raw footage never edited anywhere, but the result is the same that when I save either variation of the video back onto my laptop a HDP file is created in the folder where the video.
For some reason you are avoiding a simple question, this is not the first time and continued obfuscation will end up again with no one willing to help.
For the final time exporting does not create a HDP file see this clip
You will see no HDP file created - try it for yourself exporting to an empty folder and do not import the clip back into MEP to play it.
Yes I know that the HDP file is created based on the import not the export... *_* But ultimately that is nothing more than a mere technicality when you word it | As the only reason someone would import a video into MEP would be to export it.
So it doesn't actually make any difference to the end-user if the HDP file is created at the moment of import/mid-way through processing/or on export... As the end result is still exactly identical, that once you have finished using MEP (thus finished exporting your video), you will then have to a certain folder on your laptop and delete extra files which MEP has created.
I also do know and understand that if I have my source file in a folder / save the exported file to my desktop that, that the HDP file will appear in the folder not on my desktop.
However me (the customer) still then has to go to that folder and delete the file, which is a hassle when you have to do that 60x per day!
And I did answer you question, you asked if I was loading/viewing the exported file in MEP... So I explained to you that I have tried BOTH with importing files (which were previously exported out of MEP & with raw files never imported or exported via MEP).
The actual finished video files, well ofcourse I'm not going to 'watch them' in MEP, as MEP is merely an editing software app, not a Video Player.
I have tested both with uploading videos (previously edited in MEP) & with raw footage never edited anywhere, but the result is the same that when I save either variation of the video back onto my laptop a HDP file is created in the folder where the video.
....where the (source?) video (is that has been brought into from the camera?). Yes??
"when I save" can only mean when I export - which can only be accomplished by at first importing the file into an MEP Project / timeline which is when the .HDP gets created......eh!
"when I save" can only mean when I export - which can only be accomplished by at first importing the file into an MEP Project / timeline which is when the .HDP gets created......eh!
Those HPD and H0 files are a real nuisance.... I learned my lessons well with them.
Both the files are not created on import......
HPD are created when you exit the project, not even necessary to save the project, without saving the project MEP still creates it. Just close MEP and they are there.
H0 files are created when you want to see the waveform in the timeline. My guess it is faster to reload than re-calculate it each time you load the project.
When I first started with MEP ages ago, deleting these files seems to lead to missing audio. I think they fixed that subsequently and no problem now if those files are missing. In any case nowadays I will just move everything MEP creates automatically with my archived movies to avoid issue that MEP never warn you of (like not telling about mysterious files that are needed to work properly).
At least this is what happens on my system.... others may see differently depending on their MEP configurations ( just like how that space-bar start/stop is configurable).
"when I save" can only mean when I export - which can only be accomplished by at first importing the file into an MEP Project / timeline which is when the .HDP gets created......eh!
Those HPD and H0 files are a real nuisance.... I learned my lessons well with them.
Both the files are not created on import......
HPD are created when you exit the project, not even necessary to save the project, without saving the project MEP still creates it. Just close MEP and they are there.
I have been going in & out of MEP and a photo editor to make photo edits and do not see them HDP files on new projects. Only the next time I edit the project, the folder then has these files. So I do see when those HDP files are created.
May be because I have a slower PC and that HPD file only saved on exit. May be even because I have an older MEP. May I don't import video files rather drag them to the timeline. IDK but at least this is what I am seeing on mine. Other may behave differently due to different settings.
Ah well spotted John EB. I have disabled auto save because I do not like to have so many BAKn.MV_ files in my source folder... where I save my project file. I really don't like having extra files in my folders ( sure they are to help me in case I mess up my project I do understand that).
. . . . I really don't like having extra files in my folders . . .
I can understand that, IIRC you save versioned copies of the project when working on them.
However to put that into perspective -
there is a maximum of 10 BAK files per project, after reaching the tenth they are recycled starting with the oldest.
the average size I have seen with my projects is about 5 MB, at that size per project, they are using less than 50 MB of disc space - this is equivalent to about 25 secs of 1920 x 1080 mp4 video
The folder to watch is AudioTemp, this is used by every project - this can grow to a massive folder size with only a few files.
Not to mention the other temporary files - ie proxy files (2 per video clip if the audio is separated out to a proxy wav) if used and the mxfilerelatedcache.mxc2 cache files (for smoother previewing).
It's not the space the files takes... it more like I don't like having a messy folder with funny files. If those can be just placed inside a subfolder within the source file folder... it will look cleaner.
Not wanting to derail the thread, but as it seems to be dying... What is this audiotemp folder all about anyway? I've checked mine (in C:\Users\AAProds\Documents\MAGIX\Movie Edit Pro Premium\AudioTemp) and it is completely empty. Nada in it. I've loaded projects, created new projects, saved projects but there's nothing in it.