Just purchased 2022 version Movie Studio Platinum and it freezes every time I start using it. Older version is still on the computer and works fine. New Version What should I do, Uninstall and reinstall ? No error codes
Can you check your motherboard model number please - the D850GB motherboard does not support the i7-930 processor, nor can it have 12 GB of RAM installed.
However looking at the image you posted above, it looks like you have 2 possibly 3 external USB drives and a multi format card reader connected to the PC - is this correct?
Are the project and source files used in your projects on an external USB drive? if so then this is likely to be the source of the issue, however we still need the MediaInfo information of one of the video files you are working with.
I had not come across triple memory before. It's cool.
DDR3 Triple Channel Memory is a set of three or six matched memory modules, specifically for Intel X58 Chipset Motherboards which feature three or six memory slots. Triple channel memory will have a higher bandwidth than a dual (2 memory module) channel memory system. These Memory modules come with a clock speed of 1333Mhz, and are available in packs of three or six modules. Always fit triple channel memory modules as a complete set to your motherboard.
Are you using a USB hub for any external drives that the project files may reside on?
Can you share a photo like this showing the CPU, expand the window so it includes the GPU, , right click on the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen - Taskmanager - Performance, you can use Sipping Tool that is in the Start menu - Windows Accessories to capture the image, then use the arrow button next to the smiley button at the top of a new comment to add that photo on here, ,
Hi, sorry i can only just read that photo & pls expand it so it shows the GPU that's at the bottom of the list, use Snipping Tool like my photo above,
Nearly there I think. That is exactly what we need, but now keeping the window open in Task Manager could you then open Movie Edit Pro 2022 (or Movie Studio Pro 2022, whichever it shows) and take a screen shot as it freezes or as soon as you can after?
We should then be able to see which bits of the system may be causing the problem.
Also what are the drives marked as removable please?
I also noticed the programs asks me whether or not I want to adjust the the screen to fit the video file. I have a sony 4K video camera, Maybe the resolution is the problem.
I took another look at my video card and re-installed the driver update. Created a test program, told it to adjust for the higher resolution. Did not freeze, Played around and saved it several times with no issue. It appears to have been the Driver Update was not right the first time but is working now. Thank You for your help and patience with me !
You may not be completely out of trouble yet as Sony cameras can record in various formats such as X-OCN, XDCAM SD and HD, XDCAM EX, XAVC-Intra, XAVC Long-GOP, XAVC S, NXCAM, Sony RAW, HDCAM SR (SStP), AVCHD, AVC H.264/MPEG-4. DNxHD, HDV and DV, ProRes, depending on the camera model and always not easily read by most video editing software.
Looking at your screenshots it looks like you have recorded to H.264/MPEG-4 and that the files could be residing on a memory card. If that is correct then the files need to be transferred first to a proper hard drive or SSD to be able to be read fast enough by the program to prevent the playback or export from freezing.
Please let us know if you encounter further problems.
Thanks again, I always download them to an external HD then transfer them into the program. The only thing I noticed right of the bat was the question , Do you want to adjust program to the higher resolution. Didn't get that with the older Movie edit pro.
. . . . I always download them to an external HD then transfer them into the program. . . . .
Do be aware that this may cause problems when you have multiple 4K vides in Picture in Picture or Collage effect.
The D580 motherboard USB ports are USB 2 which limits the data read to a maximum of 30 MB/s, additionally the datarate is shared between all devices that are connected to the same USB Root hub - with four clips of 4K video in a PiP or collage this maximum rate can be exceeded and result in jerky preview playback.
. . . . Do you want to adjust program to the higher resolution. Didn't get that with the older Movie edit pro. . . . .
You would have if the project setting and/or video resolutions were different. An option to use the same projects settings for all projects was introduced with Movie Edit Pro MX
and has been in all versions since then, MEP/MMS 2022
It may be that you do not have this option checked.
Feel free to return if you have any other issues in the future, could you please add your Pc specs in your signature under profile which will greatly help the users to assist you.
Here is an example of my computer specs in my signature.
There is some confusion here - can you clarify which motherboard you have:
here on page 1 of this topic you quoted the motherboard as an Intel D850GB
above it is an ASUS PGX58D Premium - there is no such motherboard in the ASUS range - do you mean the ASUS P6X58D, which would fit the processor and number of USB 3 ports as described?
With USB 3 and assuming the external drives are also USb 3, there should be no issues unless you have a a USB 2 device, eg keyboard, mouse etc connected to the same hub.