Crashing Software


Daneane71 wrote on 2/12/2017, 8:22 PM

Well I knew it was too good to be true. I was working on my movie, everything going smoothly until the program crashed when I wasn't even in front of the computer actively working on it. I closed it, opened the backup, went to add more media and simply opening the folder in which my media was in (an external hard drive) caused the crash again... TWICE. Here is the crash log and the screenshot of the error message. I am so frustrated!!!

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus  30.01.2017  19:27
CrashDump 20170130_192750_v15.0.0.90.dmp successfully written

Error in module "Videodeluxe.exe" (Load address: 0x0000000140000000) to address 0x00007FFF406D18B7 (Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION")

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00004d64)
  00007fff406d18af   2a 06 66 0f 38 2a 4e 10 
  00007fff406d18b7 > 66 0f 38 2a 56 20 66 0f 
  00007fff406d18bf   38 2a 5e 30 66 0f 7f 07 

Main Thread
  fffffffffffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 

Videodeluxe.exe    17.12.2015  04:12      88a230e7

Memory Allocation
Base:        1.168
PE:        176
Pages:        65.536

PI:        79.112
PI_TEMP_DATA:    13.824
SI:        649.536
SI_TEMP_DATA:    296.480
FSI:        240

Blocks:        0
Temporary:    0
BE:        32.000
PLE:        706.144
BE Pool:        432
PLE Pool:        0
wHdr/inst:    544
B.cache inproc:    94.346.736
B.cache outproc:    0(0)
B.cache mapped:    0(0)
V.cache outproc:    11.059.712(8)
V.cache mapped:    0(8)
Video:        2.534.600(6.773.968/4.239.368)
Bitmap:        0

Video thumbs:    12.788.720(10)
SI Display Cache:    1.730.400
PLE Display Cache:    342.144

Buffer:        1.592.848
Pointer:        0

Title:        1.884
Memory GF:        0
Memory GF Zero:        0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:        0
Memory GF Dyn:        0
Memory TT:        0
Audio Effect:        66
PPE:        40.000

Video Monitor:    0
malloc/free:    0
DIB:        5.982.968

VP: admin:        1.920
VP+Trans: privateData:        1.872
Transitions::        0

Frame Cache:    0
EXIF:        128
VSW:        0
global UI (malloc):    0
global UI (valloc):    100.663.296
MP3 Reader:    0
JPEG buffer:    0

Private Bytes:    638 MByte

TLS:        986
MXGUI:        42.240.578
Sum:        264.371.672

Processor [46]  1895MHz  4 Core(s)
Microsoft Windows NT 10.0 (Build 14393)
Used Memory: 986 MB             Max Used Memory: 997 MB
Free Virtual Memory: 2728 MB     Total Virtual Memory: 131072 GB

 Call stack:
Address   Frame
00007FFF406D18B7  000000003D098EF0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF406C72F6  000000003D099070  0000:00000000 
00007FFF406C4506  000000003D0991A0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF406E7478  000000003D0992E0  DllUnregisterServer+2888
0000000140A0DD66  000000003D099370  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F9C66
0000000140A0A747  000000003D099730  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F6647
0000000140A1073B  000000003D099D70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC63B
0000000140A103B4  000000003D099DF0  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC2B4
0000000140A10317  000000003D099E70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC217
0000000140A10508  000000003D099F00  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC408
00000001402D583D  000000003D09A350  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+1990ED
00000001402D5455  000000003D09A3B0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+198D05
00000001408B2C2E  000000003D09F6E0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39EB2E
00000001408B13CC  000000003D09F750  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D2CC
00000001408B1650  000000003D09F8D0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D550
00000001408AFF63  000000003D09F960  QWinWidget::showCentered+39BE63
00000001408B1B30  000000003D09F9B0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39DA30
0000000140264B35  000000003D09FEF0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+1283E5
0000000140266A4E  000000003D09FF50  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+12A2FE
00007FFF67CE8364  000000003D09FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFF685670D1  000000003D09FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus  30.01.2017  19:42
CrashDump 20170130_194215_v15.0.0.90.dmp successfully written

Error in module "mxmpeg2_x64.dll" (Load address: 0x00007FFF39AA0000) to address 0x00007FFF39AB18B7 (Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION")

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00002760)
  00007fff39ab18af   2a 06 66 0f 38 2a 4e 10 
  00007fff39ab18b7 > 66 0f 38 2a 56 20 66 0f 
  00007fff39ab18bf   38 2a 5e 30 66 0f 7f 07 

Main Thread
  fffffffffffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 

Videodeluxe.exe    17.12.2015  04:12      88a230e7

Memory Allocation
Base:        1.168
PE:        176
Pages:        65.536

PI:        73.656
PI_TEMP_DATA:    13.824
SI:        532.032
SI_TEMP_DATA:    296.480
FSI:        240

Blocks:        0
Temporary:    0
BE:        32.000
PLE:        706.144
BE Pool:        336
PLE Pool:        0
wHdr/inst:    0
B.cache inproc:    94.346.736
B.cache outproc:    0(0)
B.cache mapped:    0(0)
V.cache outproc:    11.059.712(8)
V.cache mapped:    0(8)
Video:        2.534.600(6.773.968/4.239.368)
Bitmap:        0

Video thumbs:    12.788.720(10)
SI Display Cache:    1.730.400
PLE Display Cache:    340.032

Buffer:        0
Pointer:        0

Title:        1.884
Memory GF:        0
Memory GF Zero:        0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:        0
Memory GF Dyn:        0
Memory TT:        0
Audio Effect:        50
PPE:        0

Video Monitor:    0
malloc/free:    0
DIB:        5.981.864

VP: admin:        1.920
VP+Trans: privateData:        1.544
Transitions::        0

Frame Cache:    0
EXIF:        128
VSW:        0
global UI (malloc):    0
global UI (valloc):    100.663.296
MP3 Reader:    0
JPEG buffer:    0

Private Bytes:    628 MByte

TLS:        987
MXGUI:        42.190.510
Sum:        262.561.596

Processor [46]  1895MHz  4 Core(s)
Microsoft Windows NT 10.0 (Build 14393)
Used Memory: 981 MB             Max Used Memory: 998 MB
Free Virtual Memory: 1962 MB     Total Virtual Memory: 131072 GB

 Call stack:
Address   Frame
00007FFF39AB18B7  0000000034448EF0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF39AA72F6  0000000034449070  0000:00000000 
00007FFF39AA4506  00000000344491A0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF39AC7478  00000000344492E0  DllUnregisterServer+2888
0000000140A0DD66  0000000034449370  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F9C66
0000000140A0A747  0000000034449730  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F6647
0000000140A1073B  0000000034449D70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC63B
0000000140A103B4  0000000034449DF0  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC2B4
0000000140A10317  0000000034449E70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC217
0000000140A10508  0000000034449F00  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC408
00000001402D583D  000000003444A350  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+1990ED
00000001402D5455  000000003444A3B0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+198D05
00000001408B2C2E  000000003444F6E0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39EB2E
00000001408B13CC  000000003444F750  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D2CC
00000001408B1650  000000003444F8D0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D550
00000001408AFF63  000000003444F960  QWinWidget::showCentered+39BE63
00000001408B1B30  000000003444F9B0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39DA30
0000000140264B35  000000003444FEF0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+1283E5
0000000140266A4E  000000003444FF50  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+12A2FE
00007FFF67CE8364  000000003444FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFF685670D1  000000003444FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus  31.01.2017  09:08
CrashDump 20170131_090806_v15.0.0.90.dmp successfully written

Error in module "mxmpeg2_x64.dll" (Load address: 0x00007FFF39C00000) to address 0x00007FFF39C118B7 (Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION")

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00003028)
  00007fff39c118af   2a 06 66 0f 38 2a 4e 10 
  00007fff39c118b7 > 66 0f 38 2a 56 20 66 0f 
  00007fff39c118bf   38 2a 5e 30 66 0f 7f 07 

Main Thread
  fffffffffffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 

Videodeluxe.exe    17.12.2015  04:12      88a230e7

Memory Allocation
Base:        1.168
PE:        176
Pages:        65.536

PI:        70.928
PI_TEMP_DATA:    13.824
SI:        417.792
SI_TEMP_DATA:    296.480
FSI:        240

Blocks:        0
Temporary:    0
BE:        32.000
PLE:        706.144
BE Pool:        336
PLE Pool:        0
wHdr/inst:    0
B.cache inproc:    94.346.736
B.cache outproc:    0(0)
B.cache mapped:    0(0)
V.cache outproc:    11.059.712(8)
V.cache mapped:    0(8)
Video:        2.534.600(6.773.968/4.239.368)
Bitmap:        0

Video thumbs:    12.788.720(10)
SI Display Cache:    1.730.400
PLE Display Cache:    337.536

Buffer:        0
Pointer:        0

Title:        1.884
Memory GF:        0
Memory GF Zero:        0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:        0
Memory GF Dyn:        0
Memory TT:        0
Audio Effect:        50
PPE:        0

Video Monitor:    0
malloc/free:    0
DIB:        5.981.864

VP: admin:        1.920
VP+Trans: privateData:        1.248
Transitions::        0

Frame Cache:    0
EXIF:        128
VSW:        0
global UI (malloc):    0
global UI (valloc):    100.663.296
MP3 Reader:    0
JPEG buffer:    0

Private Bytes:    627 MByte

TLS:        987
MXGUI:        42.190.510
Sum:        262.441.836

Processor [46]  1895MHz  4 Core(s)
Microsoft Windows NT 10.0 (Build 14393)
Used Memory: 980 MB             Max Used Memory: 998 MB
Free Virtual Memory: 2197 MB     Total Virtual Memory: 131072 GB

 Call stack:
Address   Frame
00007FFF39C118B7  0000000034078EF0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF39C072F6  0000000034079070  0000:00000000 
00007FFF39C04506  00000000340791A0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF39C27478  00000000340792E0  DllUnregisterServer+2888
0000000140A0DD66  0000000034079370  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F9C66
0000000140A0A747  0000000034079730  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F6647
0000000140A1073B  0000000034079D70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC63B
0000000140A103B4  0000000034079DF0  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC2B4
0000000140A10317  0000000034079E70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC217
0000000140A10508  0000000034079F00  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC408
00000001402D583D  000000003407A350  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+1990ED
00000001402D5455  000000003407A3B0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+198D05
00000001408B2C2E  000000003407F6E0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39EB2E
00000001408B13CC  000000003407F750  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D2CC
00000001408B1650  000000003407F8D0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D550
00000001408AFF63  000000003407F960  QWinWidget::showCentered+39BE63
00000001408B1B30  000000003407F9B0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39DA30
0000000140264B35  000000003407FEF0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+1283E5
0000000140266A4E  000000003407FF50  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+12A2FE
00007FFF67CE8364  000000003407FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFF685670D1  000000003407FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus  03.02.2017  08:15
CrashDump 20170203_081540_v15.0.0.107.dmp successfully written

Error in module "mxmpeg2_x64.dll" (Load address: 0x00007FFF3E4F0000) to address 0x00007FFF3E5018B7 (Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION")

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00000428)
  00007fff3e5018af   2a 06 66 0f 38 2a 4e 10 
  00007fff3e5018b7 > 66 0f 38 2a 56 20 66 0f 
  00007fff3e5018bf   38 2a 5e 30 66 0f 7f 07 

Main Thread
  fffffffffffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 

videodeluxe.exe    14.12.2016  14:19      95344b12

Memory Allocation
Base:        1.168
PE:        176
Pages:        65.536

PI:        65.472
PI_TEMP_DATA:    13.824
SI:        300.288
SI_TEMP_DATA:    296.480
FSI:        240

Blocks:        0
Temporary:    0
BE:        32.000
PLE:        706.144
BE Pool:        288
PLE Pool:        0
wHdr/inst:    0
B.cache inproc:    93.525.856
B.cache outproc:    0(0)
B.cache mapped:    0(0)
V.cache outproc:    11.059.712(8)
V.cache mapped:    0(8)
Video:        3.225.840(6.773.968/3.548.128)
Bitmap:        0

Video thumbs:    12.788.720(10)
SI Display Cache:    1.730.400
PLE Display Cache:    288.160

Buffer:        0
Pointer:        0

Title:        1.884
Memory GF:        0
Memory GF Zero:        0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:        0
Memory GF Dyn:        0
Memory TT:        0
Audio Effect:        50
PPE:        0

Video Monitor:    0
malloc/free:    0
DIB:        5.979.656

VP: admin:        1.920
VP+Trans: privateData:        952
Transitions::        0

Frame Cache:    0
EXIF:        96
VSW:        0
global UI (malloc):    0
global UI (valloc):    100.663.296
MP3 Reader:    0
JPEG buffer:    0

Private Bytes:    622 MByte

TLS:        988
MXGUI:        42.141.504
Sum:        262.068.926

Processor [46]  1896MHz  4 Core(s)
Microsoft Windows NT 10.0 (Build 14393)
Used Memory: 941 MB             Max Used Memory: 941 MB
Free Virtual Memory: 3099 MB     Total Virtual Memory: 131072 GB

 Call stack:
Address   Frame
00007FFF3E5018B7  0000000034098EF0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF3E4F72F6  0000000034099070  0000:00000000 
00007FFF3E4F4506  00000000340991A0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF3E517478  00000000340992E0  DllUnregisterServer+2888
0000000140A13656  0000000034099370  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F97D6
0000000140A10037  0000000034099730  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F61B7
0000000140A1602B  0000000034099D70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC1AB
0000000140A15CA4  0000000034099DF0  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBE24
0000000140A15C07  0000000034099E70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBD87
0000000140A15DF8  0000000034099F00  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBF78
00000001402D4EBD  000000003409A350  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+198CAD
00000001402D4AD5  000000003409A3B0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+1988C5
00000001408B888E  000000003409F6E0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39EA0E
00000001408B702C  000000003409F750  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D1AC
00000001408B72B0  000000003409F8D0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D430
00000001408B5BB3  000000003409F960  QWinWidget::showCentered+39BD33
00000001408B7790  000000003409F9B0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D910
0000000140264C45  000000003409FEF0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+128A35
000000014026699E  000000003409FF50  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+12A78E
00007FFF67CE8364  000000003409FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFF685670D1  000000003409FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus  05.02.2017  13:00
CrashDump 20170205_130058_v15.0.0.107.dmp successfully written

Error in module "mxmpeg2_x64.dll" (Load address: 0x00007FFF370C0000) to address 0x00007FFF370D18B7 (Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION")

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 0000185c)
  00007fff370d18af   2a 06 66 0f 38 2a 4e 10 
  00007fff370d18b7 > 66 0f 38 2a 56 20 66 0f 
  00007fff370d18bf   38 2a 5e 30 66 0f 7f 07 

Main Thread
  fffffffffffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 

videodeluxe.exe    14.12.2016  14:19      95344b12

Memory Allocation
Base:        1.168
PE:        176
Pages:        65.536

PI:        73.656
PI_TEMP_DATA:    13.824
SI:        532.032
SI_TEMP_DATA:    296.480
FSI:        240

Blocks:        0
Temporary:    0
BE:        32.000
PLE:        706.288
BE Pool:        336
PLE Pool:        0
wHdr/inst:    0
B.cache inproc:    94.346.736
B.cache outproc:    0(0)
B.cache mapped:    0(0)
V.cache outproc:    17.972.032(13)
V.cache mapped:    0(13)
Video:        2.534.600(6.773.968/4.239.368)
Bitmap:        0

Video thumbs:    20.565.520(15)
SI Display Cache:    1.730.400
PLE Display Cache:    332.544

Buffer:        0
Pointer:        0

Title:        1.884
Memory GF:        0
Memory GF Zero:        0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:        0
Memory GF Dyn:        0
Memory TT:        0
Audio Effect:        50
PPE:        0

Video Monitor:    0
malloc/free:    0
DIB:        5.981.864

VP: admin:        2.400
VP+Trans: privateData:        1.544
Transitions::        0

Frame Cache:    0
EXIF:        128
VSW:        0
global UI (malloc):    0
global UI (valloc):    100.663.296
MP3 Reader:    0
JPEG buffer:    0

Private Bytes:    631 MByte

TLS:        988
MXGUI:        42.141.504
Sum:        270.284.318

Processor [46]  1895MHz  4 Core(s)
Microsoft Windows NT 10.0 (Build 14393)
Used Memory: 969 MB             Max Used Memory: 1010 MB
Free Virtual Memory: 3281 MB     Total Virtual Memory: 131072 GB

 Call stack:
Address   Frame
00007FFF370D18B7  000000003CBF8EF0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF370C72F6  000000003CBF9070  0000:00000000 
00007FFF370C4506  000000003CBF91A0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF370E7478  000000003CBF92E0  DllUnregisterServer+2888
0000000140A13656  000000003CBF9370  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F97D6
0000000140A10037  000000003CBF9730  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F61B7
0000000140A1602B  000000003CBF9D70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC1AB
0000000140A15CA4  000000003CBF9DF0  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBE24
0000000140A15C07  000000003CBF9E70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBD87
0000000140A15DF8  000000003CBF9F00  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBF78
00000001402D4EBD  000000003CBFA350  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+198CAD
00000001402D4AD5  000000003CBFA3B0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+1988C5
00000001408B888E  000000003CBFF6E0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39EA0E
00000001408B702C  000000003CBFF750  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D1AC
00000001408B72B0  000000003CBFF8D0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D430
00000001408B5BB3  000000003CBFF960  QWinWidget::showCentered+39BD33
00000001408B7790  000000003CBFF9B0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D910
0000000140264C45  000000003CBFFEF0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+128A35
000000014026699E  000000003CBFFF50  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+12A78E
00007FFF67CE8364  000000003CBFFF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFF685670D1  000000003CBFFFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus  05.02.2017  14:10
CrashDump 20170205_141043_v15.0.0.107.dmp successfully written

Error in module "mxmpeg2_x64.dll" (Load address: 0x00007FFF3E4F0000) to address 0x00007FFF3E5018B7 (Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION")

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 000044c8)
  00007fff3e5018af   2a 06 66 0f 38 2a 4e 10 
  00007fff3e5018b7 > 66 0f 38 2a 56 20 66 0f 
  00007fff3e5018bf   38 2a 5e 30 66 0f 7f 07 

Main Thread
  fffffffffffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 

videodeluxe.exe    14.12.2016  14:19      95344b12

Memory Allocation
Base:        1.168
PE:        176
Pages:        65.536

PI:        109.120
PI_TEMP_DATA:    55.296
SI:        1.286.016
SI_TEMP_DATA:    298.400
FSI:        240

Blocks:        0
Temporary:    0
BE:        32.000
PLE:        706.144
BE Pool:        432
PLE Pool:        0
wHdr/inst:    0
B.cache inproc:    115.099.820
B.cache outproc:    0(0)
B.cache mapped:    0(0)
V.cache outproc:    11.059.712(8)
V.cache mapped:    0(8)
Video:        1.497.760(6.428.368/4.930.608)
Bitmap:        27.688

Video thumbs:    12.788.720(10)
SI Display Cache:    1.730.400
PLE Display Cache:    331.200

Buffer:        0
Pointer:        0

Title:        2.392
Memory GF:        0
Memory GF Zero:        0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:        0
Memory GF Dyn:        0
Memory TT:        0
Audio Effect:        216
PPE:        40.000

Video Monitor:    0
malloc/free:    0
DIB:        5.982.968

VP: admin:        3.000
VP+Trans: privateData:        3.616
Transitions::        296

Frame Cache:    0
EXIF:        160
VSW:        0
global UI (malloc):    0
global UI (valloc):    100.663.296
MP3 Reader:    0
JPEG buffer:    0

Private Bytes:    681 MByte

TLS:        993
MXGUI:        46.586.462
Sum:        287.590.250

Processor [46]  1895MHz  4 Core(s)
Microsoft Windows NT 10.0 (Build 14393)
Used Memory: 1024 MB             Max Used Memory: 1041 MB
Free Virtual Memory: 3160 MB     Total Virtual Memory: 131072 GB

 Call stack:
Address   Frame
00007FFF3E5018B7  0000000052468EF0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF3E4F72F6  0000000052469070  0000:00000000 
00007FFF3E4F4506  00000000524691A0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF3E517478  00000000524692E0  DllUnregisterServer+2888
0000000140A13656  0000000052469370  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F97D6
0000000140A10037  0000000052469730  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F61B7
0000000140A1602B  0000000052469D70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC1AB
0000000140A15CA4  0000000052469DF0  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBE24
0000000140A15C07  0000000052469E70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBD87
0000000140A15DF8  0000000052469F00  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBF78
00000001402D4EBD  000000005246A350  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+198CAD
00000001402D4AD5  000000005246A3B0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+1988C5
00000001408B888E  000000005246F6E0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39EA0E
00000001408B702C  000000005246F750  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D1AC
00000001408B72B0  000000005246F8D0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D430
00000001408B5BB3  000000005246F960  QWinWidget::showCentered+39BD33
00000001408B7790  000000005246F9B0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D910
0000000140264C45  000000005246FEF0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+128A35
000000014026699E  000000005246FF50  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+12A78E
00007FFF67CE8364  000000005246FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFF685670D1  000000005246FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus  08.02.2017  07:43
CrashDump 20170208_074345_v15.0.0.107.dmp successfully written

Error in module "mxmpeg2_x64.dll" (Load address: 0x00007FFF38B90000) to address 0x00007FFF38BA18B7 (Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION")

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00003398)
  00007fff38ba18af   2a 06 66 0f 38 2a 4e 10 
  00007fff38ba18b7 > 66 0f 38 2a 56 20 66 0f 
  00007fff38ba18bf   38 2a 5e 30 66 0f 7f 07 

Main Thread
  fffffffffffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 

videodeluxe.exe    14.12.2016  14:19      95344b12

Memory Allocation
Base:        1.168
PE:        176
Pages:        65.536

PI:        70.928
PI_TEMP_DATA:    13.824
SI:        417.792
SI_TEMP_DATA:    296.480
FSI:        240

Blocks:        0
Temporary:    0
BE:        32.000
PLE:        706.144
BE Pool:        336
PLE Pool:        0
wHdr/inst:    0
B.cache inproc:    136.207.536
B.cache outproc:    0(0)
B.cache mapped:    0(0)
V.cache outproc:    11.059.712(8)
V.cache mapped:    0(8)
Video:        2.534.600(6.773.968/4.239.368)
Bitmap:        0

Video thumbs:    12.788.720(10)
SI Display Cache:    1.730.400
PLE Display Cache:    334.080

Buffer:        0
Pointer:        0

Title:        1.884
Memory GF:        0
Memory GF Zero:        0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:        0
Memory GF Dyn:        0
Memory TT:        0
Audio Effect:        50
PPE:        0

Video Monitor:    0
malloc/free:    0
DIB:        5.980.760

VP: admin:        1.920
VP+Trans: privateData:        1.248
Transitions::        0

Frame Cache:    0
EXIF:        128
VSW:        0
global UI (malloc):    0
global UI (valloc):    100.663.296
MP3 Reader:    0
JPEG buffer:    0

Private Bytes:    665 MByte

TLS:        987
MXGUI:        42.141.504
Sum:        304.249.070

Processor [46]  1895MHz  4 Core(s)
Microsoft Windows NT 10.0 (Build 14393)
Used Memory: 933 MB             Max Used Memory: 933 MB
Free Virtual Memory: 2314 MB     Total Virtual Memory: 131072 GB

 Call stack:
Address   Frame
00007FFF38BA18B7  0000000050B28EF0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF38B972F6  0000000050B29070  0000:00000000 
00007FFF38B94506  0000000050B291A0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF38BB7478  0000000050B292E0  DllUnregisterServer+2888
0000000140A13656  0000000050B29370  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F97D6
0000000140A10037  0000000050B29730  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F61B7
0000000140A1602B  0000000050B29D70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC1AB
0000000140A15CA4  0000000050B29DF0  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBE24
0000000140A15C07  0000000050B29E70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBD87
0000000140A15DF8  0000000050B29F00  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBF78
00000001402D4EBD  0000000050B2A350  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+198CAD
00000001402D4AD5  0000000050B2A3B0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+1988C5
00000001408B888E  0000000050B2F6E0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39EA0E
00000001408B702C  0000000050B2F750  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D1AC
00000001408B72B0  0000000050B2F8D0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D430
00000001408B5BB3  0000000050B2F960  QWinWidget::showCentered+39BD33
00000001408B7790  0000000050B2F9B0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D910
0000000140264C45  0000000050B2FEF0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+128A35
000000014026699E  0000000050B2FF50  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+12A78E
00007FFF67CE8364  0000000050B2FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFF685670D1  0000000050B2FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus  12.02.2017  20:51
CrashDump 20170212_205113_v15.0.0.107.dmp successfully written

Error in module "mxmpeg2_x64.dll" (Load address: 0x00007FFF47800000) to address 0x00007FFF478118B7 (Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION")

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 0000649c)
  00007fff478118af   2a 06 66 0f 38 2a 4e 10 
  00007fff478118b7 > 66 0f 38 2a 56 20 66 0f 
  00007fff478118bf   38 2a 5e 30 66 0f 7f 07 

Main Thread
  fffffffffffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 

videodeluxe.exe    14.12.2016  14:19      95344b12

Memory Allocation
Base:        1.168
PE:        176
Pages:        65.536

PI:        117.304
PI_TEMP_DATA:    65.688
SI:        1.671.168
SI_TEMP_DATA:    311.960
FSI:        480

Blocks:        328
Temporary:    0
BE:        32.000
PLE:        706.192
BE Pool:        384
PLE Pool:        0
wHdr/inst:    544
B.cache inproc:    51.362.064
B.cache outproc:    0(0)
B.cache mapped:    0(0)
V.cache outproc:    23.501.888(17)
V.cache mapped:    0(17)
Video:        4.637.080(13.127.864/8.490.784)
Bitmap:        27.688

Video thumbs:    26.786.960(19)
SI Display Cache:    1.730.400
PLE Display Cache:    299.744

Buffer:        0
Pointer:        0

Title:        1.299
Memory GF:        0
Memory GF Zero:        0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:        0
Memory GF Dyn:        0
Memory TT:        0
Audio Effect:        216
PPE:        40.000

Video Monitor:    0
malloc/free:    0
DIB:        5.988.488

VP: admin:        720
VP+Trans: privateData:        900
Transitions::        0

Frame Cache:    0
EXIF:        224
VSW:        0
global UI (malloc):    0
global UI (valloc):    100.663.296
MP3 Reader:    0
JPEG buffer:    0

Private Bytes:    756 MByte

TLS:        1004
MXGUI:        50.005.930
Sum:        244.753.649

Processor [46]  1895MHz  4 Core(s)
Microsoft Windows NT 10.0 (Build 14393)
Used Memory: 1092 MB             Max Used Memory: 1092 MB
Free Virtual Memory: 2479 MB     Total Virtual Memory: 131072 GB

 Call stack:
Address   Frame
00007FFF478118B7  00000000589E8EF0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF478072F6  00000000589E9070  0000:00000000 
00007FFF47804506  00000000589E91A0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF47827478  00000000589E92E0  DllUnregisterServer+2888
0000000140A13656  00000000589E9370  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F97D6
0000000140A10037  00000000589E9730  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F61B7
0000000140A1602B  00000000589E9D70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC1AB
0000000140A15CA4  00000000589E9DF0  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBE24
0000000140A15C07  00000000589E9E70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBD87
0000000140A15DF8  00000000589E9F00  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBF78
00000001402D4EBD  00000000589EA350  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+198CAD
00000001402D4AD5  00000000589EA3B0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+1988C5
00000001408B888E  00000000589EF6E0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39EA0E
00000001408B702C  00000000589EF750  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D1AC
00000001408B72B0  00000000589EF8D0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D430
00000001408B5BB3  00000000589EF960  QWinWidget::showCentered+39BD33
00000001408B7790  00000000589EF9B0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D910
0000000140264C45  00000000589EFEF0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+128A35
000000014026699E  00000000589EFF50  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+12A78E
00007FFF67CE8364  00000000589EFF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFF685670D1  00000000589EFFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus  12.02.2017  21:13
CrashDump 20170212_211348_v15.0.0.107.dmp successfully written

Error in module "mxmpeg2_x64.dll" (Load address: 0x00007FFF47800000) to address 0x00007FFF478118B7 (Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION")

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00006634)
  00007fff478118af   2a 06 66 0f 38 2a 4e 10 
  00007fff478118b7 > 66 0f 38 2a 56 20 66 0f 
  00007fff478118bf   38 2a 5e 30 66 0f 7f 07 

Main Thread
  fffffffffffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 

videodeluxe.exe    14.12.2016  14:19      95344b12

Memory Allocation
Base:        1.168
PE:        176
Pages:        65.536

PI:        90.024
PI_TEMP_DATA:    55.296
SI:        727.872
SI_TEMP_DATA:    307.120
FSI:        480

Blocks:        328
Temporary:    0
BE:        32.000
PLE:        706.240
BE Pool:        384
PLE Pool:        0
wHdr/inst:    0
B.cache inproc:    5.854.896
B.cache outproc:    0(0)
B.cache mapped:    0(0)
V.cache outproc:    22.119.424(16)
V.cache mapped:    0(16)
Video:        4.637.080(9.783.976/5.146.896)
Bitmap:        27.688

Video thumbs:    24.885.760(16)
SI Display Cache:    1.730.400
PLE Display Cache:    335.296

Buffer:        0
Pointer:        0

Title:        866
Memory GF:        0
Memory GF Zero:        0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:        0
Memory GF Dyn:        0
Memory TT:        0
Audio Effect:        216
PPE:        40.000

Video Monitor:    0
malloc/free:    0
DIB:        5.984.072

VP: admin:        600
VP+Trans: privateData:        240
Transitions::        0

Frame Cache:    0
EXIF:        160
VSW:        0
global UI (malloc):    0
global UI (valloc):    100.663.296
MP3 Reader:    0
JPEG buffer:    0

Private Bytes:    592 MByte

TLS:        990
MXGUI:        42.290.268
Sum:        188.672.166

Processor [46]  1895MHz  4 Core(s)
Microsoft Windows NT 10.0 (Build 14393)
Used Memory: 944 MB             Max Used Memory: 944 MB
Free Virtual Memory: 2699 MB     Total Virtual Memory: 131072 GB

 Call stack:
Address   Frame
00007FFF478118B7  00000000528E8EF0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF478072F6  00000000528E9070  0000:00000000 
00007FFF47804506  00000000528E91A0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF47827478  00000000528E92E0  DllUnregisterServer+2888
0000000140A13656  00000000528E9370  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F97D6
0000000140A10037  00000000528E9730  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F61B7
0000000140A1602B  00000000528E9D70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC1AB
0000000140A15CA4  00000000528E9DF0  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBE24
0000000140A15C07  00000000528E9E70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBD87
0000000140A15DF8  00000000528E9F00  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBF78
00000001402D4EBD  00000000528EA350  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+198CAD
00000001402D4AD5  00000000528EA3B0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+1988C5
00000001408B888E  00000000528EF6E0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39EA0E
00000001408B702C  00000000528EF750  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D1AC
00000001408B72B0  00000000528EF8D0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D430
00000001408B5BB3  00000000528EF960  QWinWidget::showCentered+39BD33
00000001408B7790  00000000528EF9B0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D910
0000000140264C45  00000000528EFEF0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+128A35
000000014026699E  00000000528EFF50  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+12A78E
00007FFF67CE8364  00000000528EFF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFF685670D1  00000000528EFFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

Currently using Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus 2021 on Windows 10 OS,

Device name    LAPTOP-IGAPNCBQ
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz   1.80 GHz
Installed RAM    8.00 GB (7.89 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

johnebaker wrote on 2/13/2017, 2:00 AM

Hi Daneane71

. . . . until the program crashed when I wasn't even in front of the computer actively working on it. . . . . opening the folder in which my media was in (an external hard drive) . . . .

It is highly likely that the laptop shut down the external USB hard drive and it did not restart quickly enough and crashed MEP.

Check the amount of free space on the internal drive of the laptop and try moving the entire project into the Documents folder on the internal hard drive of the laptop - there should be a folder called Magix which was setup when you installed MEP. When you open the project you may find MEP cannot find the files - click the Folder button in the dialog that opens and browse to the new folder location.

If you do not have plenty of free space, try changing the Windows power settings so that the USB devices are not shut down - this will require you to run the laptop off the power block - on batteries they may be drained more quickly.

See solution 2 here for how to do this.


John EB



VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 23H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

Daneane71 wrote on 2/13/2017, 6:49 AM

I moved the entire folder from my external hard drive into a new folder in my documents and the results were the same. As soon as I select a photo to add to my movie, the program crashed.

Currently using Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus 2021 on Windows 10 OS,

Device name    LAPTOP-IGAPNCBQ
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz   1.80 GHz
Installed RAM    8.00 GB (7.89 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

johnebaker wrote on 2/13/2017, 7:05 AM

Hi Daneane71

. . . . As soon as I select a photo to add to my movie, the program crashed . . . .

What format is the photo jpg, png or other and is it from a digital camera or mobile phone?

John EB

Last changed by johnebaker on 2/13/2017, 7:05 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 23H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

terrypin wrote on 2/13/2017, 8:48 AM

Hi Daneane71,

You might also want to confirm that you've tried these basic steps:

1. Rebooted PC and run MEP with new test project using a few different imported files.
2. Reset program settings to defaults (after noting any customisations you'll want to restore).
3. Checked that no other graphics program behaving incorrectly, only MEP 2016.
4. Used Help > Update online ... to check that latest patches are installed. Automatic prompts on start-up are not issued reliably.
5. Checked that the crash occurs with any photo in any project?


Terry, East Grinstead, UK. PC: i7 6700K, 4.0 GHz, 32GB with Win 10 pro. Used many earlier versions of MEPP, currently mainly MEPP 2016 & 2017 (Using scores of macro scripts to add functionality, tailored to these versions.)

Daneane71 wrote on 2/13/2017, 9:04 AM

Hi Daneane71

. . . . As soon as I select a photo to add to my movie, the program crashed . . . .

What format is the photo jpg, png or other and is it from a digital camera or mobile phone?

John EB

They are jpg from a digital camera.

Last changed by Daneane71 on 2/13/2017, 9:04 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Currently using Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus 2021 on Windows 10 OS,

Device name    LAPTOP-IGAPNCBQ
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz   1.80 GHz
Installed RAM    8.00 GB (7.89 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

emmrecs wrote on 2/13/2017, 9:24 AM

I suspect we are all running out of ideas rather fast but I wonder whether it is possible for you to attach here a small group of these pictures which, if you use them in a project on your computer, MEP is certain to crash? Doing so will enable other users to confirm whether there is something "unusual" about your images, which could lead to the crash, or whether this set of images can be opened without problem and inserted into a project. Unfortunately, if it is the latter, the problem is clearly something on your specific computer; if others experience the crash then there would seem to be something "different" about your images. Whichever is the outcome, we might have a little more chance of resolving your problem.

I'm also aware that you are using a video file in your project; again, is it possible to export a very few seconds of this ( as an mp4, which, I think MEP will not "alter" in any way) and post it here, or a link to it, so that we fellow-users can attempt to recreate what you are doing? There is clearly something very unusual about your project, or there is a problem, possibly unique, with some part of the configuration of your computer.


Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 16 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, MOTU 8-Pre f/w audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

Daneane71 wrote on 2/13/2017, 9:33 AM

I will do that as soon as I get home from work. I'll try anything at this point!

Currently using Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus 2021 on Windows 10 OS,

Device name    LAPTOP-IGAPNCBQ
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz   1.80 GHz
Installed RAM    8.00 GB (7.89 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

Daneane71 wrote on 2/14/2017, 6:24 AM

Here is a sample of the converted mp4 I've added to my project as well as two photos that have caused the crash once I try to add them.  

Last changed by Daneane71 on 2/14/2017, 6:26 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Currently using Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus 2021 on Windows 10 OS,

Device name    LAPTOP-IGAPNCBQ
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz   1.80 GHz
Installed RAM    8.00 GB (7.89 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

emmrecs wrote on 2/14/2017, 7:26 AM

Hi again. Thanks for these. I have downloaded all the files and will shortly test to see what happens on my machine, though I am running VPX (8) rather than MEP.

Will report back asap.

UPDATE: I added the video file and two jpgs to a new timeline and everything was fine, no problem about playback, no crashing. However, just one other thing to ensure everything is "similar" for you and me: if you add only the section of footage and the two jpgs you posted above to a new project timeline, does it then crash for you? If so, I fear this strongly points to a problem with your computer. If it does not crash that suggests that there is something in the rest of your party footage (outside what you posted) that is causing the crash. Unfortunately, even that does not exclude the possibility of a computer problem.

In either scenario I think I would now be considering seriously planning for a complete uninstall and reinstall of MEP. My app of choice for total removal of any software is Revo Uninstaller, available in both free and paid for versions - if you choose to use either of these do make sure you read carefully all the info it shows about what it is going to remove before you give it permission to do so - then reboot the computer, reinstall (along with any/all additional content) check for updates, etc.. Then retry your project.

I know MAGIX have also previously made available a removal tool for all their software. Unfortunately I have not been able to find the page where it can be downloaded, or rather, the only version I can find is for 32 bit apps and your version is clearly 64 bit, according to your crash report.

Finally, I think we all feel your pain and frustration! Similar things have happened to a number of users who post here; as I intimated above, I'm one of them! The only solution I could find was the total uninstall/reinstall (having tried everything I could think of, including the "Repair" option, available by rerunning the installer when the program is already installed.)


Last changed by emmrecs on 2/14/2017, 9:18 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 16 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, MOTU 8-Pre f/w audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

terrypin wrote on 2/14/2017, 11:10 AM

Like Jeff, I found no problem in MEP 2016 Premium ( after importing your three objects on this Win 10 PC.

Re my previous reply, have you confirmed that this issue occurs exclusively with just one particular project? If so, try two other longshots.

1. In the problem project, add a new movie tab, copy everything to it, delete the original movie tab, save, re-open.

2. Failing that, and clinging to the hope that it's not a hardware problem, try the somewhat tedious Christmas Tree Light approach. Saving with a new name each time, divide your timeline roughly into half, discarding the other. Repeat methodically, loading each successively smaller section, until you find one (or more!) that crashes. Eventually you might find one or more implicated files, probably a video. Appropriate action then would depend, but no point discussing that yet!



Daneane71 wrote on 2/14/2017, 3:39 PM

I'm somewhat embarrassed I didn't think of this sooner, but is it possible that my previous version of Magix wasn't uninstalled properly? I didn't use any special uninstaller, just uninstalled it like any other program. I searched my computer and didn't find any trace of it, but since you mentioned it I have to wonder.

Terrypin, I just recently downloaded this version of Magix and this is my first project using the Pro Edit 2016 Plus. I currently have 4 different versions of it saved and regardless which I open, the program crashes. I only have about 7 photos, one video and a title imported into the movie (that's as far as I can get).

I will continue trying your suggestions and hopefully something gives.

Question; can I re-download this version if I uninstall it? I think there is a limit to the amount of downloads I am allowed (unless I wanted to purchase the extension, which I didn't).

Currently using Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus 2021 on Windows 10 OS,

Device name    LAPTOP-IGAPNCBQ
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz   1.80 GHz
Installed RAM    8.00 GB (7.89 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

johnebaker wrote on 2/14/2017, 4:13 PM

Hi Daneane71

Could you upload the converted video file and the 2 jpg images to a file sharing site such as Dropbox and post the links to them here.

@ jeff

. . . .I think MEP will not "alter" in any way . . .

Unfortunately uploading to the forum may well have converted the video.

The MediaInfo data for the file provided by Daneane71 does not look like that I would expect from an exported, default setting, mp4 from MEP.

I checked 2 videos I posted to the forum recently just to confirm.

MediaInfo shows differences in Bitrate mode, Bitrate, Format settings ie GOP M and N numbers, Stream size - that from forum is highly compressed, approx 1/6 of the original file size, and several other details - between the original and what I downloaded back from the forum.

John EB


VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 23H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

Daneane71 wrote on 2/14/2017, 6:23 PM

Currently using Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus 2021 on Windows 10 OS,

Device name    LAPTOP-IGAPNCBQ
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz   1.80 GHz
Installed RAM    8.00 GB (7.89 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

terrypin wrote on 2/15/2017, 2:09 AM

And those Dropbox-hosted files behave OK too.

Still no reply to my question: "Re my previous reply, have you confirmed that this issue occurs exclusively with just one particular project?"

I'm sort of assuming so, but it would be hel[pful to know for sure. And, if so, have you tried isolating yet?

Last changed by terrypin on 2/15/2017, 2:56 AM, changed a total of 2 times.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK. PC: i7 6700K, 4.0 GHz, 32GB with Win 10 pro. Used many earlier versions of MEPP, currently mainly MEPP 2016 & 2017 (Using scores of macro scripts to add functionality, tailored to these versions.)

emmrecs wrote on 2/15/2017, 3:42 AM

As Terry says, no problem with those files downloaded from Dropbox either.

@JohnEB, thanks for the reminder about how the forum software can "alter" file attachments. It's especially noticeable in one of the stills that Daneane supplied; the forum version was extremely pixellated, the Dropbox version not.


Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 16 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, MOTU 8-Pre f/w audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

johnebaker wrote on 2/15/2017, 8:43 AM

Hi Daneane71

Thank you for the Dropbox uploads.

I can also confirm there is no issue with the Dropbox files in MEP here.

@ Jeff

. . . . thanks for the reminder about how the forum software can "alter" file attachments . . . .

It was 'one of those moments' when you realise something was not quite right with the MediaInfo data.

Looks we are back to square one in trying to find out what is causing the crashing.

To expand on Terry's question - does MEP crash when you start a new project and add a different video clip converted from the same source and images to the timeline?

John EB

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 23H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

Daneane71 wrote on 2/16/2017, 7:04 AM

Ok I started a new project, added photos from the same source, titles, collage edits and transitions. Then I added a new converted video clip. It played fine. Upon trying to add a photo after the video, the software froze. I had to use Task Manager to shut it down. Reopening Magix gave me a crash log. So it appears as though the converted videos and/or the converter itself is the issue here. I hate to think I spend $30 on a converter that doesn't work. What other options do I have at this point? By the way, I can't thank you gentlemen enough for all of the help! It's so very much appreciated!!!

Last changed by Daneane71 on 2/16/2017, 7:05 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Currently using Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus 2021 on Windows 10 OS,

Device name    LAPTOP-IGAPNCBQ
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz   1.80 GHz
Installed RAM    8.00 GB (7.89 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

Daneane71 wrote on 2/16/2017, 7:04 AM

Here is the crash log I received.

Old information removed from log by moderator


MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus  16.02.2017  07:53
CrashDump 20170216_075306_v15.0.0.107.dmp successfully written

Error in module "mxmpeg2_x64.dll" (Load address: 0x00007FFF52410000) to address 0x00007FFF524218B7 (Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION")

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00003338)
  00007fff524218af   2a 06 66 0f 38 2a 4e 10 
  00007fff524218b7 > 66 0f 38 2a 56 20 66 0f 
  00007fff524218bf   38 2a 5e 30 66 0f 7f 07 

Main Thread
  fffffffffffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 
  0000000000000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 

videodeluxe.exe    14.12.2016  14:19      95344b12

Memory Allocation
Base:        1.168
PE:        704
Pages:        262.144

PI:        109.120
PI_TEMP_DATA:    65.688
SI:        1.596.096
SI_TEMP_DATA:    316.840
FSI:        480

Blocks:        2.308
Temporary:    10.004
BE:        160.000
PLE:        706.528
BE Pool:        624
PLE Pool:        0
wHdr/inst:    2.040
B.cache inproc:    149.542.524
B.cache outproc:    0(0)
B.cache mapped:    0(0)
V.cache outproc:    522.916.928(377)
V.cache mapped:    0(377)
Video:        4.039.144(8.202.684/4.544.804)
Bitmap:        27.688

Video thumbs:    535.358.960(79)
SI Display Cache:    3.253.152
PLE Display Cache:    459.732

Buffer:        0
Pointer:        0

Title:        2.745
Memory GF:        0
Memory GF Zero:        0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:        0
Memory GF Dyn:        0
Memory TT:        0
Audio Effect:        216
PPE:        40.000

Video Monitor:    0
malloc/free:    0
DIB:        5.984.072

VP: admin:        600
VP+Trans: privateData:        48
Transitions::        0

Frame Cache:    0
EXIF:        15.616
VSW:        0
global UI (malloc):    0
global UI (valloc):    100.663.296
MP3 Reader:    0
JPEG buffer:    0

Private Bytes:    1403 MByte

TLS:        989
MXGUI:        47.577.356
Sum:        850.469.565

Processor [46]  1895MHz  4 Core(s)
Microsoft Windows NT 10.0 (Build 14393)
Used Memory: 1412 MB             Max Used Memory: 1603 MB
Free Virtual Memory: 2608 MB     Total Virtual Memory: 131072 GB

 Call stack:
Address   Frame
00007FFF524218B7  0000000075D48EF0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF524172F6  0000000075D49070  0000:00000000 
00007FFF52414506  0000000075D491A0  0000:00000000 
00007FFF52437478  0000000075D492E0  DllUnregisterServer+2888
0000000140A13656  0000000075D49370  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F97D6
0000000140A10037  0000000075D49730  QWinWidget::showCentered+4F61B7
0000000140A1602B  0000000075D49D70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FC1AB
0000000140A15CA4  0000000075D49DF0  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBE24
0000000140A15C07  0000000075D49E70  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBD87
0000000140A15DF8  0000000075D49F00  QWinWidget::showCentered+4FBF78
00000001402D4EBD  0000000075D4A350  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+198CAD
00000001402D4AD5  0000000075D4A3B0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+1988C5
00000001408B888E  0000000075D4F6E0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39EA0E
00000001408B702C  0000000075D4F750  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D1AC
00000001408B72B0  0000000075D4F8D0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D430
00000001408B5BB3  0000000075D4F960  QWinWidget::showCentered+39BD33
00000001408B7790  0000000075D4F9B0  QWinWidget::showCentered+39D910
0000000140264C45  0000000075D4FEF0  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+128A35
000000014026699E  0000000075D4FF50  QWinWidget::qt_metacast+12A78E
00007FFF67CE8364  0000000075D4FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFF685670D1  0000000075D4FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

Last changed by johnebaker on 2/16/2017, 10:53 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Reason: Unwanted log information removed from post

Currently using Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus 2021 on Windows 10 OS,

Device name    LAPTOP-IGAPNCBQ
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz   1.80 GHz
Installed RAM    8.00 GB (7.89 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

terrypin wrote on 2/16/2017, 9:31 AM

Ok I started a new project, added photos from the same source, titles, collage edits and transitions. Then I added a new converted video clip. It played fine. Upon trying to add a photo after the video, the software froze.

So it was stable before adding the image? And crashed after adding it? Why have you concluded that it's necessarily the converted video at fault? You may well be right (IOW the combination of video followed by image triggers some inherent problem with the video) but can you at least quickly eliminate the image as a culprit before proceeding?

I would continue the isolation work. Restart MEP and try to trigger the crash again. Keep the components simple. Don't initially complicate the challenge by adding collages, transitions etc; stick to images and video clips with no effects. If there's no crash, methodically increase the complexity. For example add one of the transitions you used when you got this morning's crash. With and then without the 'converted video plus image' step. Ditto with a collage. Etc.

If you do then get a crash, close, reboot, restart MEP, and build a new project with exactly the same material that crashed the last project, a few minutes ago, except try a different converted video clip.

If that crashes, begin to test your hypothesis that it's the converted video causing the trouble (despite none of us so far being able to replicate that), by using original video.

And so on. Methodical testing with the minimum number of objects, effects and transitions.

You might also try changing the video mode:


BTW, if you do post more crash logs, the first few lines will suffice. Finding posts in this thread is becoming tricky when some of them are 1,500 lines long! 🙂


I had to use Task Manager to shut it down. Reopening Magix gave me a crash log. So it appears as though the converted videos and/or the converter itself is the issue here. I hate to think I spend $30 on a converter that doesn't work. What other options do I have at this point? By the way, I can't thank you gentlemen enough for all of the help! It's so very much appreciated!!!


Last changed by terrypin on 2/16/2017, 9:39 AM, changed a total of 3 times.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK. PC: i7 6700K, 4.0 GHz, 32GB with Win 10 pro. Used many earlier versions of MEPP, currently mainly MEPP 2016 & 2017 (Using scores of macro scripts to add functionality, tailored to these versions.)

johnebaker wrote on 2/16/2017, 11:06 AM

Hi Daneane71

From Terry - 'the first few lines will suffice' - sorry to correct you Terry - it is the last section of the log file with the latest error that requires uploading.

Each crash log is added to the end of the file and starts as I have edited your post - if you have to post a crash log again please copy only the last crash information starting as shown in the edited post above.

To eliminate the video as causing the crash try a project with just the images adding them one by one and play the timeline in between each addition.

If there is no crash then add the video after the images and play the timeline.

As Terry says one step at a time is needed to eliminate potential causes.

I am beginning to suspect you may have a codec issue.

Have you installed any of the 'all in one' codec packs eg K-Lite ?

If not then do not install one, if you have then un-install it and reboot the computer before further testing.

John EB


VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 23H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

terrypin wrote on 2/16/2017, 11:40 AM

Hi John,

You're right, of course, careless wording on my part. I really meant the first few lines of the latest crash.

But your edit still leaves a surprisingly long section. Is the part below the version detail (about line 15) really of any diagnostic value?

johnebaker wrote on 2/16/2017, 11:47 AM

Hi Terry

. . . . your edit still leaves a surprisingly long section . . . .

You are correct in this case, the info starting at Call stack is not necessary, however sometimes there a snippets of information which can help.

John EB

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 23H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

Daneane71 wrote on 2/16/2017, 12:55 PM

The minute I get home I will do as you both suggested. Sorry for the erroneous information. I'm not savvy enough to know which parts are important. @John I do NOT have any codec packs installed.

Currently using Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus 2021 on Windows 10 OS,

Device name    LAPTOP-IGAPNCBQ
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz   1.80 GHz
Installed RAM    8.00 GB (7.89 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display