Just realised this is my first post here for 7 years and still some reconisable names Wow!
I recently bought a Xi2 4K action cam (not the 4K+) as an addition to my Gopro and SJ4000 cams. Most of my filming is in 4K and HD with Panasonic cams, with the smaller action cams for unusual or discreet angles, plus some electronic stabiliser mounting for walk around shots.
Magix will run almost anything including 3 streams of 4k or a mix of 4k and HD. It will also play files from the GoPro and SJ4000 cameras. However it will allow me to load in footage from the Yi, but will lock up immediately I try to run it. That applies to footage in any resolution from the Yi. Windows media player plays it with no problem at all, so it must be a difference with the Yi Codec. Has anybody else had a similar problem or know what steps I can take next? I have transcoded using Handbrake, but would prefer to use the original files for best clarity.
Intel I7-6700 3.4Ghz (8 thread) 16Gb Ram, Graphics Nvidea GT740, Win10 Home V1703 64-bit