please tell me a Light Color theme is coming to Acid Pro 8 ?

peachstealingmonkeys wrote on 6/18/2018, 11:18 AM


I can't work in this dark mud. The workflow in AP7 was so much clearer. I could see spikes, clips, dropouts without any issues without zooming in to anything.

This dark color theme is a complete mess. I feel like I'm a blind person trying to use a computer with some enhanced contrast view. Ironically it makes it excruciatingly difficult to find the ends of clips, sound waves, fx curves...

Please tell me the lighter color scheme is coming soon.

The reason why AP7 color scheme stayed the way it was is that it worked 100% all the time. Jumping on the bandwagon of Logic, Ableton, Sonus (this is the worst one) color scheme for NO apparent reason nor benefit is .. shortsighted.

Painting the sound clip waves in dark color - who came up with this brilliant idea? How can you see anything with this?

or I'm just going old I guess..

anyway, end of rant. I should've tried the trial version before buying it right off the bat mistakenly thinking that in our day and age the GUI designers give us at least 2 different color themes. Over and over again I'm proven wrong.


sheppo wrote on 6/18/2018, 11:38 AM

As you've seen from the other thread, Vegas Pro offers multiple themes and additional gui customisation options that Acid currently does not. Whilst we have not heard what the developers plans are for changes in this area, yet, I personally am expecting feature parity between the two products.

peachstealingmonkeys wrote on 6/18/2018, 2:08 PM

As you've seen from the other thread, Vegas Pro offers multiple themes and additional gui customisation options that Acid currently does not. Whilst we have not heard what the developers plans are for changes in this area, yet, I personally am expecting feature parity between the two products.

thank you. I surely hope they'll bring another theme over or they'll lose a dedicated Acid Pro user of 19 years...

Acid Pro's main feature is a powerhouse of inline and real-time sample editing that no other tool can offer. I can load a multitude wave forms in a project and quickly cut it up in to something extremely unique. Free waveform editing that also includes beat matching from the get-go (or converted to loop, or one shot) is a treasure trove for coming up with new ideas. But the key is that one must see what he's doing with it. And the devs took it away from the only people who actually understand what AcidPro brings to a workflow simplification.

With this color scheme of dark colored wave forms on top of dark background I can't see anything. And the overall interface is so straining on the eyes I'm not even sure who the devs used to test it and for how long. And what baffles me is why changing it? Yes, there were some "industry reviewers" who said Acid's interface looked 'dated' but they neither complained about it on any technical level nor explained why it was dated. Listening to the hipster's logic isn't the best choice sometimes. I have 4-5 hour editing sessions and I can't even last 10 minutes with this dark colored mud.

I was so excited about Acid Pro finally going to x64bit so I could throw a lot more real-time processing at it but alas this hope was successfully squashed. I never ever in my life asked for a software refund but I strongly feel if I don't get a response from the devs within a week I will ask for one and may be look at it again when the colors are acceptable and manageable.

Man.. this is just upsetting.

Babis wrote on 6/22/2018, 11:59 AM

Double on the light theme selection. A legacy theme (the old Acid light theme) option should be available in preferences. I hope they bring it back and if possible give us even more skins. Cheers

loes-pardoes wrote on 6/26/2018, 4:12 PM

one vote extra for the light theme…………… just works easier

roberthi wrote on 6/27/2018, 7:18 PM

Not to beat the dead horse again, but the new dark interface is horrible -- essentially unusable. I was unsure about this product family leaving Sony, and you've done nothing to build my confidence as a customer. Please fix ASAP by either returning to the AP7 interface or offering options like Vegas Pro.

kinvermark wrote on 6/28/2018, 9:59 PM

+6. Whatever the aesthetics, the interface does need to be usable. It is not. I cannot even see the loop notches to line up event when dragging to the timeline. That is fairly important. :)

weevil wrote on 7/1/2018, 4:47 PM

Yeah I don't relate to the dark scheme either. Lots of other things I'd like to see the program do too, but this is on the list for me.

I-feel-soiled wrote on 7/2/2018, 9:36 PM

Unbelievable that a trained interface designer would perform this kind of optical vandalism. Just unbelievable.

Alain-Chappaz wrote on 7/4/2018, 2:05 PM

I have uninstalled Acid Pro 8 and reverted to AP 7 until this nightmare of a botched interface is fixed. I can't work with it at all.


Matt-Francis wrote on 7/11/2018, 6:51 AM

I just upgraded and also hope Magix implement this ASAP.. Holding off recommending AP8 to friends until Magix fix a few things.

svartpelz wrote on 7/13/2018, 5:35 PM

I would like to have the orginal colours back again. I tried the demo of ap8 for 15 minutes, before i closed it and went back to ap7. The theme colours was the main reason for going ap7.

Former user wrote on 7/15/2018, 3:40 AM

Reviewers called the ACID Interface "dated" because it was, but there is still a hint of intellectual dishonestly given that many DAWs use somewhat dated UIs.

However, the use of blinding bright colors is a dated concept, and it's objectively tiresome to look at.

The issue with bad contrast in the new UI has more to do with the shade of Grey they use and the design of the Graphics in the UI than the fact that it's dark.

The light UI of ACID and Vegas was awful, even though many people would prefer to have what they are used to. I'm hoping Sound Forge gets the dark treatment soon.

I can feel my pupils dilate when I look at the UI of Vegas Pro 14 vs. some of the other NLEs out there, with darker UIs. The same is true of earlier versions of Acid, which were even worse than Vegas in this regard.

Choice is good, and I see no reason why the developers should give it to those who prefer or are accustomed to how the application looked before.

IMO, they rushed this "redesign" out to make the update look more substantial than it is. They really needed to redesign other graphical aspects of the application to a greater degree to balance the contrast and visual fluency against the dark background. They didn't really accomplish that in 8... yet, at least.

weevil wrote on 7/15/2018, 3:55 AM

However, the use of blinding bright colors is a dated concept, and it's objectively tiresome to look at.

I think 'objectively tiresome' is stepping over the mark. But agree that giving a legacy user base the option for something a little more familiar while also improving the dark skin would be beneficial.

But in either case personally I think modernising and cleaning up some of the editing would be more important .

Former user wrote on 7/15/2018, 9:21 AM

However, the use of blinding bright colors is a dated concept, and it's objectively tiresome to look at.

I think 'objectively tiresome' is stepping over the mark. But agree that giving a legacy user base the option for something a little more familiar while also improving the dark skin would be beneficial.

But in either case personally I think modernising and cleaning up some of the editing would be more important .

No, absolutely not.

It's well known that staring at screens with tons of white or very light colored backgrounds causes eye strain.

weevil wrote on 7/15/2018, 4:00 PM

It's an objective fact that there are problems with an interface that is too bright or too dark. Not that one is inherently better or worse than the other. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

LooneyBinJim wrote on 7/16/2018, 11:49 AM

I have to say if the dam interface is your problem what the ()+-!

I be lucky to even get a hour without it crashing.I moved from Cubase 3.5 because it was so unstable, Yes it had good midi but so did my Roland w30 workstation.

Acid was so stable yes the v7 had 64bit problems but I just used a 32bit plug-in I could run acid rewire reason until I couldn't stay awake late night sessions were the best.

Then I got Ap8 .dam

david-l2543 wrote on 7/22/2018, 2:37 PM

holly eye strain batman the dark interface is abysmal, unusable, honestly, crap. There isn't anything modern about it, it is the same friggin interface layout. I seriously can not even start to use it without a headache, how can there be no choice for a lighter interface? REFUND TIME!

fan-boy wrote on 7/22/2018, 6:51 PM

Ditto !

I don't have ACP-8 , but I can say , that when other Magix's programs went to a Dark Theme , it is really bad .

Can't see Jack !

unbelievable to hear that they did it again .

Theme interfaces such as Samplitude , Vegas 13 , Vegas 14 , Music Maker MM25 are ALL GOOD ! That's what works . Samplitude and Music Maker are not bright interfaces , but they are very easy to look at and work with .

Movie Studio 14 Platinum . it is a Dark interface . trying to read on-screen interface text of the GUI is difficult . …...…...Dark Theme interface is a really bad idea .

david-l2543 wrote on 7/23/2018, 5:19 PM

Yep they took me for a couple hundred bucks. I had also upgraded to movie studio 15, same friggin problem. rolled back to 13 last sony version, and just reinstalled acid pro 7, all my vst's still support 32 bit so i can live with it, have a big project over the next 30 days and i'll just stick with what I know, dont have time for fools.

fan-boy wrote on 7/24/2018, 9:15 PM


wow , about  "Rolling back" , the only task remaining is to get rid of windows ,...

Dark interface actually Cripples the software ,...have to re-read EULA , or try Demos first .

Stringini wrote on 9/11/2018, 9:25 PM

😠 The Dark interface is terrible. I can't work in this environment. The wonder of working with 4.5 gig drum samples... it's really something, but I'll be working in ACID 7 and rendering my drums in 8 until this is fixed. ANNOYINGLY STUPID. It smells like a last second change.

weevil wrote on 9/26/2018, 11:34 AM

Is there anyone new to ACID who thinks the dark theme is terrible? Seems to be entirely legacy users of the product who were used to the grey that think this?

The grey looks amazingly dated to me now. Understand why they had to change it, but in hindsight with so many rusted on users a more familiar option would have been a good idea.

Think the latest version they have ironed out the bugs in the colour scheme. Don't think there are any actual technical usability issues now. Still understand people missing what they are used to.

fan-boy wrote on 9/26/2018, 3:36 PM


Music Maker has good colors , nice .

Samplitude Music Studio Carbon colors , nice . Vegas 13 Vegas Pro 14 , nice .

Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 14 is Dark . hated it right away . Black text on dark brown . The only way to use it was to crank contrast way up in a well lit room ( eye strain none the less ) .if i do use a Movie Studio , i use 13 . or Vegas Pro 14 .

i did read a catch phrase from Magix about the Dark interface :"simulates editing in a dark room" ,... what is that ?

Viscount_Omega_2120 wrote on 9/26/2018, 6:52 PM

This thread was started in June. Still no option for a lighter interface. I've been an Acid/Vegas user since the Sonic Foundry days, circa 1999. I bought Acid Pro 8 and I can't even use it I hate it so much.

Does Magix even care about its customers, I wonder?