So where are the "9 GB of new ACIDized loops"?

MrSoundman schrieb am 25.04.2018 um 21:47 Uhr

The main product page for ACID Pro 8 advertises "9 GB of new ACIDized loops" .... where are they, pray tell?

Zuletzt geändert von PATIENT-X am 18.09.2023, 18:09, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Grund: Post is now over four years old and users are adding new different questions to an old thread.

SpectraLayers Pro 4.0.87 and ACID Pro 8 on Windows 10 Pro x64


william-buck schrieb am 25.04.2018 um 22:01 Uhr

Once AP8 has been registered, you access the add'l content from within the app itself. Go to the "Help" menu and at the bottom "Download Instruments and Loop Collections".

MrSoundman schrieb am 25.04.2018 um 22:26 Uhr

Thank you very much! A strange way to access what is advertised as a feature ... or am I missing something? I couldn't find any reference to it in the manual. Anyway, it's downloading now .... I just wish I knew where that downloader was putting all that stuff!

[EDIT:] Of course, the vital "clue" was in the registration email 😀

For additional information about installing and activating your download version, please click here:

kinvermark schrieb am 26.04.2018 um 03:18 Uhr

Anyone care to post a list (even a rough idea) of what is included in the "9 GB of new ACIDized loops?". Would be a big part of the purchase decision for me. ThX!!!!

AndyG schrieb am 26.04.2018 um 06:50 Uhr

Here is where you can find the "9GB of new Acidized Loops" after downloading in your computer (see photo above), It's took me almost like an hour looking for the folder. I "cut" and "paste" in My Loops folder in another hard drive, and works perfect. There's a tons of loops. Thanks.

sheppo schrieb am 28.04.2018 um 00:05 Uhr

Anyone care to post a list (even a rough idea) of what is included in the "9 GB of new ACIDized loops?". Would be a big part of the purchase decision for me. ThX!!!!

@kinvermark - I believe the packs are from producerplanet, here's a link to their page for each pack. Each of these packs is around 1GB in size.

There are additional a couple of other packs listed in the downloader which have generic names, their descriptions are

  • Instruments & Loops 1 (2.46GB)
    • Vita 2
    • Rhythm and SFX Collection
  • Instruments & Loops 2 (2.64GB)
    • Vita Analog Synths
    • Vita Choir
    • Vita Church Organ
    • Vita Cinematic Synth
    • Vita Concert Grand
    • Vita Drum Engine
    • Vita Electric Bass
    • Vita Electric Piano
    • Vita Jazz Drums
    • Vita Pop Drums
    • Vita Rock Drums
    • Vita Urban Drums
    • Vita Vintage Organ

edit: links that actually work + more info

MrSoundman schrieb am 28.04.2018 um 00:10 Uhr

Included in the email you get when you purchase, there's also a coupon code:

Your purchase includes a coupon code for free download of a new, previously unreleased ACID Loop Collection. Simply visit our online content store Producer Planet at and choose one of the following ACID Loop Collections:

- This is EDM!
- Modern Waveforms
- Urban Vibes
- Radio Rock
- Pretty in Pop

Enter your coupon code during the order process and then start the download.
Have fun producing with Coupon code for an ACID Loop Collection!

kinvermark schrieb am 28.04.2018 um 01:04 Uhr

Thanks sheppo & MrSoundman for the useful info!

quentin-budworth schrieb am 28.04.2018 um 16:25 Uhr

I've downloaded the 9gb collection but can't find it on my pc to use in acid where do I look please?

kinvermark schrieb am 28.04.2018 um 17:11 Uhr


Not a great place to "hide" 9 gb of loops, but you can move them.

GroovinDJ schrieb am 29.04.2018 um 11:49 Uhr

Does this new collection include loops that were part of AP7 (so old projects can be imported), or can we install our AP7 loops into this location?

BTW the Profile page on this site seems to be broken. I tried to enter some info, but it doesn't get saved when clicking the 'saving' button (which should surely say 'save'). This is using Chrome, because I couldn't even post a message here using Firefox. Apologies if this is the wrong place to post "broken forum" issues, but I couldn't find anywhere else suitable.


Grazie schrieb am 29.04.2018 um 23:31 Uhr

I’ve been reading the licence requirements for non and commercial usage. I strongly suggest you should also read through. IMO the usage is not the same as the SONY ACID Loop usage. Hmm....

sheppo schrieb am 30.04.2018 um 00:36 Uhr

I’ve been reading the licence requirements for non and commercial usage. I strongly suggest you should also read through. IMO the usage is not the same as the SONY ACID Loop usage. Hmm....

@Grazie - For the packs I have linked to producerplanet I did so for illustrative purposes only so you have an idea of the content.

When you download one of the packs using the Acid Pro 8 downloader you will be presented with terms and conditions. To me these look like they allow the use of the sounds for commercial use, as long as you are not simply reselling the sounds in an unedited manner - if you are creating original work with the contents of the packs you're allowed to sell that resulting piece commercially.

5. Using the software and contents for commercial purposes

5.1 Software
The software may be used for commercial purposes subject to the restrictions in clause 6.

5.2 Contents
a) The contents may be used for commercial purposes subject to the restrictions in clause 6 if they are used to create your own work results. This also applies to music, video or photo data as well as the corresponding templates acquired through or by means of MAGIX Products.

b) Exploitation of contents outside the scope of personally created work, i.e. separate from the work results achieved with the software, is prohibited in all cases. In particular, the photos contained in the templates may not be extracted and used separately. This applies to both Commercial and non-commercial Uses.

Please contact support if you have any questions around how to interpret the legal terms and conditions in the downloaded installers.

wormdrink schrieb am 30.04.2018 um 23:55 Uhr


Not a great place to "hide" 9 gb of loops, but you can move them.

Yeah, i sent that comment to the support team after the bonus loop package from producerplanet failed to download (still waiting for resolution guys!). Took me nearly an hour to find them as well.

Hint for the Magix Team. Your installers should have a browse option so the consumer can specify where the download ends up. Not one of the installers had this option. Not a really huge deal, but I could have started using the program a lot sooner, with less irritation.

All good now, but aggravation was experienced. 😉

wormdrink schrieb am 01.05.2018 um 00:45 Uhr

I’ve been reading the licence requirements for non and commercial usage. I strongly suggest you should also read through. IMO the usage is not the same as the SONY ACID Loop usage. Hmm....

I did so as well. My interpretation is that any work using the PP and the Sony soundpools can be used for personal or nonprofit use. If used in whole or in part for any purpose which results in personal financial gain, or is posted on a site that is monetized (ie; YouTube), or becomes released to the wild (ie; public domain download), then you will be required to purchase (retroactively apparently) a professional license, at a much higher price than the listed "public" price.

This means that you can create copies for your MP3 player, CD for your car/boombox, soundtracks for your home movies, even perform your creations publicly, as long as you are not making money off it, creating and selling copies, and as long as no one else involved (ie; sponsors or at ticketed venues) is making money in the process.

Near as I can tell this would constrain the terms "personal use only" , "non-profit or uncompensated use" and "use in public recorded venues (ie; the presence of a TV or sound recording crew)" as legal parameters for protection of copyrights held by Magix/Sony and/or the authors of the works. Actually not that different from use of any copyrighted material under the same circumstances.

Incidentally, if anyone decides to put your works out there without your permission, especially for the purpose of profit, YOU are on the hook for compensating the copyright holders, and you have to bring suit against the distributing party at your expense. Protect yourself and your personal domain rights. Read the Terms of Use and do not distribute your works (or allow them to be distributed) without the proper authorization from the manufacturer/distributor of the soundpools in question.

Otherwise, enjoy the software and the works you create freely.

If my interpretation is wrong please clarify. Copyright law is as obscure as any other, but this is what i got from reading the Terms.

Grazie schrieb am 01.05.2018 um 04:48 Uhr

@wormdrink : Unless I purchase MAGIX commercial licences I’m restricted to “home use” even if I use ACID to mix, arrange and downmix my own arrangements. I’m not considering using ACID loops “as is”, but mix and compile complex music. I’ve already got PreSonus Studio Pro One Three with an immense of Royalty free music plus a further library of Royalty free.

At this point we would benefit the MAGIX line on this. Until such time I won’t be using MAGIX ACID Loops for commercial work. It’s just not worth it.

Grazie schrieb am 01.05.2018 um 05:14 Uhr

How would this be if I used my own mixdowns for my own videos?

sheppo schrieb am 01.05.2018 um 17:19 Uhr

@wormdrink I think you and @Grazie are getting confused by looking at the Producer Planet terms and licensing. You are not purchasing or agreeing to the producer planet terms when you install one of the packs. You are agreeing to the terms in the pack installation application (quoted above), which doesn't mention anything about Producer Planet personal or professional licenses. As far as I can tell Producer Planet is owned by Magix, so they apply whichever licensing terms they want, where appropriate, whether those packs are sold separately via Producer Planet, or bundled with a Magix product, such as Acid Pro 8.

I understand this is a big concern, as a moderator I will escalate this for clarification to Magix directly.

Grazie schrieb am 01.05.2018 um 17:28 Uhr

@sheppo : Thank you so much for jumping in. And yes I admit I’m confused and confusing myself. I want to have a transparent direction from MAGIX as to what I can have as Royalty Free music I contrive, arrange from ACID for my videos.

Again thank you @sheppo!

wormdrink schrieb am 02.05.2018 um 02:53 Uhr

@sheppo like I said, obscure. Thanks for escalating that. It would be nice to know what we can and can't do with Magix products, in a clearly laid out document devoid of legal mumbo jumbo, in plain (insert native language here).

again, thanks.

MAGIX_Redaktion schrieb am 03.05.2018 um 16:01 Uhr

Hi everybody,

I just got the information that you can use the content commercially.

It is not allowed to resell the content as it is.

Best regards,

Grazie schrieb am 03.05.2018 um 16:09 Uhr


Hi everybody,

I just got the information that you can use the content commercially.

It is not allowed to resell the content as it is.

Best regards,

So, all those Extra Licence charges are for as-is requirements? If I mix, mangle and produce combos of bongos with congos I’m/we’re good to go?

roland14 schrieb am 03.05.2018 um 18:47 Uhr

Those are the terms and conditions of use of 9GB free library, got this in the email from Magix:


Terms and conditions for unlimited commercial license

The provider (MAGIX Software GmbH, Quedlinburger Str. 1, 10589 Berlin, Germany)

grants the customer a simple, nontransferable right to use the content within the scope of

these conditions, provided that the customer pays the required fee for the content.

1. General

The purpose of this agreement is to enable the customer to use the content for certain

commercial purposes. However, it is not the purpose of this agreement to offer the

customer the option to pass on, sell or further license the content as such to third parties,

or to permit third parties to use the content, unless this is permitted for individual cases

within the scope of this agreement.

2. Granting of rights

The provider grants the customer a nonexclusive, nontransferable right unrestricted in

terms of location or time to the private and noncommercial use of the content.

Furthermore, the provider grants the customer a nonexclusive, nontransferable right

unrestricted in terms of location or time for the following commercial uses:

a. Use in edited form or within the scope of combination with another work

(1) The customer receives the simple and nontransferable right to edit the content and/or

to combine it with other works and to use, or allow the use of, the content as follows within

the scope of combination with another work:

(a) The customer is permitted to reproduce and distribute the edited or combined content.

The right of time-limited transfer of use is excluded (rental, lending).

(b) The customer is entitled to publicly display the edited or combined content or make it

publicly visible using image or audio storage devices.

(c) The customer is entitled to make the edited or combined content publicly available.

(a) In addition, the customer is permitted to transmit or allow the transmission of the edited

or combined content.

(2) Definitions:

(a) Editing of the content constitutes the personal intellectual creation of the customer.

Non-essential redesigning is not editing within the terms of this contract and may only be

used according to the provisions indicated in item 2. b.

(b) Combination with a work within the terms of this contract takes place if the content is

combined with another copyright-protected work (e.g. audio or video), i.e. if the object with

which the content is combined represents an independent work in terms of the relevant

copyright law. Combination with everyday objects does not constitute combination with a

work within the terms of this contract The conditions outlined in item 3. (1) must be

adhered to.

b. Use in unedited form or independent of combination with a work

The customer receives the simple and nontransferable right to make the edited or

combined content publicly visible using image or audio storage devices. Furthermore, the

customer receives the simple and nontransferable right to make the content publicly

available at an Internet address on a server, provided the customer ensures that the

content cannot be permanently saved by any party who accesses it.

c. No additional rights

No additional rights are granted to the customer beyond the rights outlined above. In

particular, the customer does not receive the right to ownership of the content, and the

customer is not permitted to grant third parties rights to the content (sublicensing

forbidden). An assignment of the customer's rights under this contract is not permitted.

3. Explicit limitations

Regardless of the scope of the granting of rights and irrespective of any further restrictions

arising from this contract, the following uses of the content and the following actions are

not permitted:

(1) Sale or distribution of a reproduction of the content as such.

The content is constituted as such, if there is no editing or combination with a work in line

with the above provisions. It is also not permitted to make the content available in such a

manner that enables third parties to acquire the content as such in the form of an

electronic file or copy. The customer shall take sufficient protective measures (e.g. copy

protection) to prevent this.

(2) Violation of personal rights of any depicted person.

(3) Use of the content in an insulting, disparaging, or any other unlawful manner.

(4) Removal of any indications of copyright, trademarks, right of use on or in connection

with the content. The customer is obliged to reproduce these markings with every use.

(5) Use of the content in the scope of or as part of a trademark, of a commercial

appellation, of a name, or appellation of an establishment.

4. Guarantee

The customer guarantees to use the content only according to the provisions of this

contract and indemnifies the provider from all third-party claims resulting from use which

deviates from the provisions of this contract.

The provider hereby declares to the best of their knowledge and with good conscience that

the content does not violate the rights of any third parties. This guarantee pertains only to

the content and and not to any editing or combination with works.

5. Contractual period

The duration of this contract is unlimited.

The provider reserves the right to terminate this contract through an extraordinary process

for substantial reasons. Such substantial reasons exist in particular if the customer has

violated the obligations or limitations of this contract. Cancellation shall be permitted after

notification with declaration of a deadline.

6. Other

Providing that nothing to the contrary has been agreed to, the general terms and

conditions shall apply with regard to the relationship between the provider and the

customer. The contract is subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Grazie schrieb am 04.05.2018 um 09:11 Uhr

@kinvermark; @sheppo; @wormdrink

Please see this:

I'm remaining confused about this:

My COUPON allows me to download Modern Waveforms. But seeing that choice makes me want to be clear that I am permitted to USE the "Modern Waveforms" Content without the requirement to purchase the Commercial License too?

Question: Can I use the COUPON to download and then use the content within a ACID Pro composition for Commercial purposes without the need to purchase a Commercial License?

Please advise,


sheppo schrieb am 04.05.2018 um 13:55 Uhr


Hi everybody,

I just got the information that you can use the content commercially.

It is not allowed to resell the content as it is.

Best regards,

So, all those Extra Licence charges are for as-is requirements? If I mix, mangle and produce combos of bongos with congos I’m/we’re good to go?

@Grazie yes, this is essentially what I suggested would be the case in my earlier response. Thanks to @MAGIX_redaktion for clarifying. If you simply upload the samples somewhere you would be in breach of the terms of use. There has to be some form of creativity involved for the output to be considered yours for you to be able to use the samples for commercial purposes. Editing, mixing, creating tracks with multiple samples would all be valid use cases.

Your question about the coupon download is not on-topic, or even related to Acid Pro, also we can't see your coupon so it's impossible for us to answer.