
HeliEye wrote on 7/15/2012, 4:20 PM
Title: Zenitasia
Artists: HeliEye

After 30 odd years of not playing a keyboard, I created this track on my new Korg M3 Xpanded.. 

I still haven't made it work with Midi into Magix  but rather than not upload something, I played this Live, using audio out into Audacity, best that I could do folks..

Yup, there is a bum note   but hay hoo it's been a long time since I played




BERNARDPH wrote on 7/15/2012, 4:25 PM

good evening Steve

Very relaxing, a nice theme song, and you play the keyboard well.
Congratulations it's great fun to listen

Former user wrote on 7/15/2012, 4:33 PM

I think after 30 years break but it sounds right time to class.
I really like what I hear.
played very well ....
very relaxed and relaxing. great atmosphere.
LG stefan

Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 7/15/2012, 4:42 PM

Forget the 30 year`s,..... the song leaves behind the time and he is wonderful.


Former user wrote on 7/15/2012, 5:48 PM

I like it. It´s a beautiful piece of music.

Father_of_Joy wrote on 7/15/2012, 5:50 PM

I would say nothing forgotten

you've played this theme wonderful

have furthermore much fun with your new instrument

TheDJGrandfatherKoeddi wrote on 7/15/2012, 5:57 PM



sehr schöne Arbeit (I Like it)



Last changed by TheDJGrandfatherKoeddi on 7/15/2012, 5:57 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

ich bin baujahr 1963 und Vater von 2Kindern und Musikverrückt

Mann nennt mich auch der Dieter Bohlen ohne Kohlen

Achtung !
Meine Songs entsprechen nicht den üblichen Hörgewohnheiten, sondern spiegeln nur meine persönliche Auffassung von Musik wieder.
Die Leute, die meinem speziellen Humor - den ich die Musik einfließen lasse - nicht folgen können, gibt es auf dieser Plattform ausreichend Mainstream zu hören.
Falls Dir oder Ihnen meine Musik gefällt, stell deine oder Ihre Anlage bitte auf Zimmerlautstärke - dein oder ihr Nachbar könnte anderer Meinung sein.

Viel Spaß beim Zuhören, Mut und gute Kopfhörer wünscht,

Euer Köddi


Zum kostenlosen Daunload des Albung bitte hier klicken




"Ich sage immer die Musik ist das Blut der Weld"

"Ich sage immer las die Musik in den Adern erklingen"

Hardware: Arturia Analog Lab, Fame Mix-802 FX USB,  RH Sound Wirelese Mic. Receiver, I Mac, Windows 10 Server, Fame Keyboard, Fender Stratocaster, E-bass, Halbakustisch Gitare,

Software: Apleton, Sampledude ProX, MMX Productionssuite, Analoglab, ElectraX, Gladiator, Astraldreamer, Diva, Groove Generator, Tr808, Absynth,

Videobearbeitung -Video Deluxe 2016 Plus, Elemens, I Movie

Und risiges Sampler-Tool vorhanden

Spartano wrote on 7/16/2012, 2:13 AM

Herzlichen Gutenmorgen Steve, Schöne Relaxe Musik, Herzlichen Gruß von dein Musikfreund Joachim

Last changed by Spartano on 7/16/2012, 2:13 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


naddlange wrote on 7/16/2012, 3:15 AM

 très agréable 

genelythgow wrote on 7/16/2012, 4:41 AM

Hey Steve!  This is incredible!  I love the whole arrangement and especially the exotic sound.  I love this type of vibe: its right up my alley.  5*!  

Former user wrote on 7/16/2012, 5:32 AM

Re check magix settings for audio.There is there audio midi input or something like that,cant remember exactly.You will then select your synth from list,make sure your synth is connected to your pc by usb,also make sure you turn on first the synth then you open the program!

Jinty wrote on 7/16/2012, 7:49 AM


Very nice track!!!!!

All the best


Alix wrote on 7/16/2012, 8:50 AM

Molto bella, struggente e malinconica.


Former user wrote on 7/16/2012, 11:43 AM

Sehr schöne gefühlvolle Musik.

Liebe Grüße, Daniel

Former user wrote on 7/16/2012, 2:58 PM

Posso dire che noi vecchi saggi, della musica, quando ci mettiamo seriamente , non sbagliamo mai.

1_ perchè siamo bravi

2- perchè siamo stati grandi ascoltatori di musica

3- abbiamo avuto la fortuna di vivere momenti indimenticabili( a livello personale e musicale)

4- perchè siamo persone umane

5- ciò che facciamo ci esce dal cuore

e se vorrei andrei avanti all'infinito

Caro amico è stato un vero piacere ascoltare questo brano, che logicamente và dritto nei miei preferiti

qui non c'è solo musica , ma note che escono dalla mente e dal cuore

Grande caro amico, mi sono quasi commosso, probabilmente stò invecchiando , ma non mi interessa quando qualcosa di colpisce o ti risveglia sentimenti è bello anche piangere.

Ciao Franco

Trommel-Herbert wrote on 7/16/2012, 3:17 PM


Hi Steve,

Franco described it perfectly .....
Thank you for this beautiful piece of music.


Hallo Steve,

Franco hat es perfekt beschrieben .....
Vielen Dank für das sehr schöne Musikstück.

Former user wrote on 7/16/2012, 3:27 PM

grande prova compositiva, sonorità magnifiche per un brano tutto da scoltare e da non dimenticare

Troppo bravo

SWProject ( Franco e LOrenzo)

marechal wrote on 7/17/2012, 7:58 PM


belle  .....musik  super  5*

cordial .marechal .

nicology wrote on 7/19/2012, 8:22 AM

Yeah, realaxing nice one. Nothing big, but its good to laid back :)

redisland wrote on 7/21/2012, 8:26 AM

sehr schöne gefühlvolle musik

zum träumen und relaxen

klasse arbeit

lg die redis

equinoxe wrote on 9/16/2012, 6:51 AM

Very good track,reminds me of vangelis,you should work on that one and produce an album around those sounds,that would be awsome :)

alan-corns wrote on 8/9/2018, 5:39 PM