You Don't Have To Worry

neonron wrote on 1/25/2015, 12:17 PM

I wrote this song for my father who passed away 6 months ago. When I was driving out in the country in my home state of South Dakota, I looked at all the fields of wheat and corn, and realized that our parents planted the seeds and helped us grow and took care of us. We carry on their legacy.

I recorded this live on a Boss BR-800 recorder, imported to Music Maker 2014 where I edited, mixed and mastered it.

You Don't Have To Worry

All the seeds are planted and the crops are in
And the signs say ''well done''
All the i's are dotted and  the t''s'' are crossed
And your final painting has begun

You don't have to worry
all your work is done
All the seeds you planted
are growing in the sun

The values of a different age
borne in hardship and strife
Were what you tried to instill in us
Through your lessons in our life

You don't have to worry
all your work is done
All the seeds you planted
Keep growing in the sun


You don't have to worry
You don't have to cry
All the seeds you planted
Now reach up to the sky

You taught us hard work and honesty
You showed us how to be strong

But now it's time to lay down and rest
For you've given us all you have
You taught us to always give our best
But now your final painting is done

You don't have to worry
All your work is done
Your legacy will continue
Through your daughters and sons

You don't have to worry
All your work is done
You don't have to worry
All your work is done


JuanIsidoro wrote on 1/25/2015, 2:21 PM

hello friend
do not worry, your father will be proud to hear this beautiful song from the sky ... rest in peace.


Last changed by JuanIsidoro on 1/25/2015, 2:21 PM, changed a total of 1 times.


Me llamo Juan Isidoro. Soy de Sevilla al sur de España.Trabajo en un camion y hago musica por placer.

Espero que os guste.

My name is juan Isidoro. I’m from Seville in southern Spain.
Working a truck and do music for pleasure.I hope you like.



Spartano wrote on 1/26/2015, 6:52 AM

Ein sehr schöne Relaxe Musik mit ein sehr schöne Gesang,

Lg, von Spartano!

Last changed by Spartano on 1/26/2015, 6:52 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


beabea wrote on 1/26/2015, 4:00 PM

...wunderschön......und erinnert mich ein bisschen an america und crosby, stills, nash & young... *fav*

guentersiegert wrote on 1/27/2015, 12:09 AM

Your song is beautiful! My father died in Oktober 2014 and he was the last of our parents.

Former user wrote on 1/27/2015, 5:10 AM

just this morning I happened to listen to a song by Neil Young, you know now that I listen to your song rimmango astonished by the similarity.
guitar played to large and vocal interpretation of the highest level
I really liked your performance this


GBTraveller wrote on 1/27/2015, 6:13 AM

Wunderbar...............ich bin echt beeindruckt !

Stark und authentisch arrangiert ! Super Gesang und Gitarrenarbeit . Was mich in einigen Passagen nur ein wenig stört, ist das Schlagzeug ! Habe den Eindruck, hier und da kommt es ein wenig aus der Spur ! Es sind die Snareschläge ? Ist aber nur Peanuts in meinen Ohren !

Bea's Anmerkung trifft wirklich sehr gut zu !

5*chen keine Frage für mich !

Gruss Freddy



Former user wrote on 1/27/2015, 9:51 AM


very nice song, great voice. class work!!

Former user wrote on 1/27/2015, 12:54 PM

Hi! neonron. Was ich hir vorfand und hörte, war schon eine große Nummer. Weiter so.

LG / aces-e37

beabea wrote on 1/27/2015, 3:31 PM's me again...

stuallan wrote on 1/28/2015, 11:47 AM

Hi neonron,

The loss of a loved one is never easy and no matter who's thoughts are with you, it's ultimately up to the individual to heal on their own terms. It sounds as if your father was very special. You have made a beautiful tribute to a special person in your life.

Excellent song!





tingel wrote on 1/28/2015, 12:34 PM

Hey you, do you have the set in a beautiful peaceful song very strongly expressed ... Anyone who has ever lost his father or mother or a loved one can empathize ...
Your music is very authentic and I like that in spite of mastering error ... what you can and bring out the very well expressed ... strong guitar and bass ... the drum is OK in my ears ... it hooks here and maybe there, because you've recorded live, not worked ... I think that's great and you are a great musician ... thank you for letting me hear your song ... greetings across the pond - Andi (Thanks Juan for the tip)

Former user wrote on 1/28/2015, 1:31 PM


Gefällt mir sehr Dein Song,schöne Melodie!!!

Die Stimme finde ich auch sehr passend und cool!!!

Ich nehm mal an,oder besser ich geh davon aus,das Du selber Gitarre gespielt hast,klingt SUPER!!!

Alle Fuenfe,saubere Sache!!!

Weiter so und gern wieder!!!!!

Viele liebe Grüße Chris ( Wie wärs für mich Gitarren-Unterricht?)

DEPO57 wrote on 1/28/2015, 3:00 PM

i like it a lot....i like live song .

good , very good


Former user wrote on 1/29/2015, 11:56 AM

Hi neoron!

Andi sent me the link to your song - thanks Andi. It is very peaceful and a beautyful composition. Your guitarplaying is very good and your voice is great too. The theme of this song is very bad and my thinks are with you. I think, the people we loved in our life and passed, are always in our hearts and in our minds and their life is going on with this thinks. Great music and goes into my FAV! Thank you!


best wishes ever and

regards Bernd

Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 1/29/2015, 12:43 PM

Very very good guit & work.

The peculiarities and small criticisms already become mention.
I like this song.

Thanks Andi for the link.

LG  Tyler

Maboe wrote on 1/29/2015, 12:54 PM

Wooow, what a lovely song!

You´ve played and sung it fantastic, I´m so impressed. You let your fahter be proud of you!

Thanks Juan for the link.



mcbin wrote on 1/30/2015, 6:53 PM

..... a very nice slow ballad, very soulful vocals. I like this kind of music.

Thanks Juan for the link.



BWmuse wrote on 1/31/2015, 12:22 PM


Former user wrote on 1/31/2015, 1:06 PM

Hi Ron:

Wonderful tribute to your father...

Once again Ron, yet another fine example of what an accomplished musician can do.  I always feel (when listening to one of your arrangements) that I'm out in a country field (with my lady friend) gazing towards a sun-filled sky...

Really enjoyable work, buddy.

(Pssst...  Next time, kindly give me a heads up).  It's easy to miss among the scads of songs posted here at any given time.


josebalas72 wrote on 2/2/2015, 2:19 PM

Me encanta,muy bonita

Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 2/7/2015, 6:56 PM

molto bella !! - CIAO DA SANDRO

Last changed by Sandro_Glavina_Channel on 2/7/2015, 6:56 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Former user wrote on 2/14/2015, 7:54 AM

Hey Ron

You sound like Neil Young!  I never noticed before.  This is excellent.  I really like it a lot.

I wish you would have sent me the link to this song.


Former user wrote on 2/14/2015, 8:01 AM

Hi, It's me again.

I have to tell you, Ron that the lyrics really hit home.  My father-in-law passed away 3 days ago and now I happen upon this song of yours.  I copied your lyrics to show my husband and added your song to my favorites.

The funeral is Monday


Pierrot. wrote on 2/6/2016, 11:01 AM

Bonjour. C' est une  belle chanson  * * * * *