
tgfmusica wrote on 10/24/2013, 3:17 PM

Buona traccia e buon ritmo, 5* da tgfmusica Gianfranco, ciao

Piazzini wrote on 10/24/2013, 3:43 PM

Very gentle music with a lot of atmosphere.
Groovy bass and percussion very appropriate.

I like your funky-chillout very well.

En liebe gruess vom


Picnicboy wrote on 10/24/2013, 5:11 PM


At first I was a bit afraid of a "FUNKY DISCO-Track"!

But THIS?!?!

Absolutely wonderfull and full of Changes and a very nice Beat!

Instruments are very nice chosen. Ok, Loops. But it sounds really cool!



TheDJGrandfatherKoeddi wrote on 10/24/2013, 6:47 PM



Coole Mucke

so zum Halloween


LG Köddi

Last changed by TheDJGrandfatherKoeddi on 10/24/2013, 6:47 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

ich bin baujahr 1963 und Vater von 2Kindern und Musikverrückt

Mann nennt mich auch der Dieter Bohlen ohne Kohlen

Achtung !
Meine Songs entsprechen nicht den üblichen Hörgewohnheiten, sondern spiegeln nur meine persönliche Auffassung von Musik wieder.
Die Leute, die meinem speziellen Humor - den ich die Musik einfließen lasse - nicht folgen können, gibt es auf dieser Plattform ausreichend Mainstream zu hören.
Falls Dir oder Ihnen meine Musik gefällt, stell deine oder Ihre Anlage bitte auf Zimmerlautstärke - dein oder ihr Nachbar könnte anderer Meinung sein.

Viel Spaß beim Zuhören, Mut und gute Kopfhörer wünscht,

Euer Köddi


Zum kostenlosen Daunload des Albung bitte hier klicken


"Ich sage immer die Musik ist das Blut der Weld"

"Ich sage immer las die Musik in den Adern erklingen"

Hardware: Arturia Analog Lab, Fame Mix-802 FX USB,  RH Sound Wirelese Mic. Receiver, I Mac, Windows 10 Server, Fame Keyboard, Fender Stratocaster, E-bass, Halbakustisch Gitare,

Software: Apleton, Sampledude ProX, MMX Productionssuite, Analoglab, ElectraX, Gladiator, Astraldreamer, Diva, Groove Generator, Tr808, Absynth,

Videobearbeitung -Video Deluxe 2016 Plus, Elemens, I Movie

Und risiges Sampler-Tool vorhanden

jo-biwell wrote on 10/24/2013, 7:57 PM

Bon morceau et beau passage à la basse..du bon funk !..

Amitié : Jo !..

Former user wrote on 10/25/2013, 12:53 AM

Say DJ:

It's cool and "Funky Cool"; all at the same time buddy.  It also has a nice jazzy tinge to it.  (After all "Funk" has its roots in Jazz). 

Very good blend.


Former user wrote on 10/25/2013, 12:53 AM

Say DJ:

It's cool and "Funky Cool"; all at the same time buddy.  It also has a nice jazzy tinge to it.  (After all "Funk" has its roots in Jazz). 

Very good blend.


Former user wrote on 10/25/2013, 3:55 AM

Excellent rythme , très jolie mélodie , bref , le Top !         *****

Cordial Tony

gerrycix wrote on 10/25/2013, 4:58 AM

Excellent track Roar !

Super sound and mix,

Great job

Ciao David

Former user wrote on 10/25/2013, 5:09 AM

 lately you're having to change always musical style very well.
I find it interesting the song, the rhythm seems very tribal in the first part and then come very close to funky. melody is rather light and delicate.
I find this work of yours very pleasant and excellent
very good


Huck wrote on 10/25/2013, 5:15 AM


Gefällt mir sehr gut!!!

Finde ich gut gmacht!!

Gruß Huck!

Former user wrote on 10/25/2013, 5:19 AM

 this song is very interesting, sound exellent and absolutely wonderfool.

nice very good



Former user wrote on 10/25/2013, 5:26 AM

work at the highest level.
very beautiful rhythm, but also the instrumental ensemble seems well chosen.
very well


Maboe wrote on 10/25/2013, 9:01 AM

An absolutely well-arranged piece of music, very cool and relaxed. I enjoyed listening.



AtomicFusion wrote on 10/25/2013, 10:36 AM

great Track...!

I like your style

very well done




Former user wrote on 10/25/2013, 10:46 AM

that's great, really like it.

Lg sigrid

Former user wrote on 10/25/2013, 12:27 PM

Hello Djroar,
funky very special for me excellent composition.
Yes my friend, great job.


Trommel-Herbert wrote on 10/25/2013, 12:31 PM

I love Funk

Beste Grüße
Starless friend


Former user wrote on 10/25/2013, 12:43 PM

Great song and nice voice.


tingel wrote on 10/25/2013, 12:59 PM

nice song you´ve mixed... congratulation my dear... greetings Andi... :-)

Farstom wrote on 10/25/2013, 1:56 PM

very nice work

i like it

Last changed by Farstom on 10/25/2013, 1:56 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



Former user wrote on 10/25/2013, 3:19 PM

Hello my friend
another excellent work ..mixed with more attention .. really pleasant !!
with friendship
Antonio Fiorillo

Leomax wrote on 10/25/2013, 4:09 PM

very nice work! 


Former user wrote on 10/25/2013, 5:29 PM

Ce n'est plus la même musique et c'est différent =  Very-very good music Funk ! = 5*

Regards Andreus