WE OWN THE FINISH LINE BillyBoBBizWorth wrote on 5/3/2016, 6:05 AM 1 168 Tags: Hey guys,made this track a few years ago and cant continue so this is its finished form? Let me know what you think. Cheers Back to post
Comments NorbertSN wrote on 5/3/2016, 12:01 PM Hmm....it sounds like a great chorus section for a track. Way too short for a whole track, of course. But I like the ideas that are contained, but the finish line comes way too early! waalfred wrote on 5/3/2016, 3:27 PM Finished form ? I think too short - the song need more ideas waalfred Former user wrote on 5/4/2016, 1:57 AM this not my music prefer, but apprecciate your idea compositional fine franco beabea wrote on 5/6/2016, 2:23 PM ...schöner ansatz... jecke wrote on 5/10/2016, 4:03 PM It remind me a little of Rammstein but I think it repeat it self a little to much, I could see this as a powerful chorus and it would work great with a bit softer verse. 1