We Are The Future

hounddoggy56 wrote on 10/27/2013, 3:07 PM

Musicans have the power to affect great social change through the lyrics of their music.

No other medium cuts through to the human heart as well as music which speaks to the inner soul.


What would the greatest of movies be without the soundtrack?

Even the original great silent films had to have live musicians in the theatre

to accompany the film and give it meaning.


You are the future, make the most of your talent.................

Explore your world

Expand your horizons


Feel free to take risks for nothing new and exciting ever happens without risk



Most of all....

Free Your Mind


from the shackles of "formulae music"


See ya on the flip side,




Former user wrote on 10/30/2013, 11:08 AM

Hi hounddoggy:

I've listened to the piece twice and find the arrangement very interesting and quite listenable (yes, that's a word). <lol> There is a whole lot of great things going on in this song.  That's why I listened the second time 'round.  As I've said previously, it's not the loops, it's how they are put together.  You've found a nice groove with these loops my friend.  Keep on arranging, and I'll certainly keep listening.



smartsmurf wrote on 11/7/2013, 1:29 PM

I have to agree to nygriff... this is definetely an interesting arrangement... worth listening to. 


I can hear a strange volume drop at ~ 3:12 (seems that you raised the volume of the background sounds a little late).

Your ending imho is a little fast... try to avoid sudden fade-out.

Are we the future... who really knows?  

hounddoggy56 wrote on 11/7/2013, 3:31 PM

The volume drop around 3:12 (actually starts before that at around 2:50, but the vocal disguises the initial volume drop) is deliberate and is due to  a magix feature I used.

All the drums , percussion, FX, Sequencer, and Synth tracks are dropped to 20% of their volume level simultaneously when the "final solution" vocal loop kicks in, while the keyboard which forms the main line at this point and bass tracks stay at their original levels. (fade out/fade in)

most are ramped down dramatically over a short window to drop them rapidly into the background as the vocal starts, but the Congo drums in the percussion track are ramped down at a slower pace.

Makes for an interesting effect

This pops the vocal track "Final Solution" to the foreground for emphasis.


In contrast the other vocals play with the instrumentals at their same volume levels throughout.


at the end of the "final" loop, the volume levels are ramped back up together, where it changes style slightly

for a bit before the transitional change after the acoustical kit kicks in


I then deliberately overload  your speakers causing you to wince at the static hopefully just before the vocal loop "LOSE CONTROL" kicks in and the noise settles out as we regain control..... (or do we ever  )


No your speakers are not dying, we are controlling the horizontal and the vertical.....  (Twilight Zone)


10 tracks - two drums, 1 bass, 1 FX, 1 Keys, 1 pad, 1 percussion, 1 sequence, 1 synth, and 1 vocal.

multicultural fusion piece


The fade/in  fade/out was added in a rush as I pushed this to an MP3 to push out to magix.info.

I guess i made it too short a transition, but it does not sound bad to me as is,

maybe it is where it ends in the final loops that is more the issue.

I can try extending the final loop sequences out a bar or so to better control what notes it ends on.


I normally handle volume transitions in my movie package which has spline based volume controls.

This piece was created as the trailer music for a UFO film that will be coming to YOUTUBE as soon as the client

makes up his bloody mind about something.