
smartsmurf wrote on 4/13/2014, 5:25 PM

When overmodulation is style...

Interesting track... like it very much.

Sorry about the cut off ending... why ?

  [ о́чень хорошо́ ]

Akrivis wrote on 4/14/2014, 11:18 AM

I have a strange philosophy, almost all my songs are first takes only. If I want to do it again I make a whole new version. This includes mistakes and makes me try hard when I do it. I will fix things in post production, but only on that one session. With dance and electronica I can always remix it, with country rock blues it is harder. I post two more for you today...

Last changed by Akrivis on 4/14/2014, 11:18 AM, changed a total of 1 times.