vmoneybeats vera-s22 wrote on 1/28/2014, 8:23 PM 2 80 Tags: This is just 1 minute and a few seconds long. Im only 16 trynna persue my dream. i accutally made this beat for homeboy to reck , you will hear my music soon.. Back to post
Comments Farstom wrote on 1/29/2014, 1:39 PM good start but little bare. I am curious on the following numbers Former user wrote on 1/29/2014, 1:52 PM ..von der Wiege bis zur Bahre, langsam aber sicher erreicht man allmählig Fortschritte ..sei lieb gegrüßt, und mache weiter so Beste Grüße, Nathalie Maboe wrote on 1/30/2014, 2:40 PM I like this piece, you're on a good way. But I miss a little bit variation and song structure. Listen to other songs here and read comments, you can learn a lot. Hold on! Mathias 1