Valencia II

Former user wrote on 7/29/2013, 9:14 AM

I elaborated a bit on Valencia just because I am really liking this genre of music at the moment and hated to be done with this little melody without improvising a little more on it.  So here it is again with a small injection of major chords thrown in to alter the mood a tad.


Former user wrote on 7/29/2013, 11:24 AM

i find it very sweet.



Former user wrote on 7/29/2013, 2:40 PM

herrliche gitarren musik

Former user wrote on 7/29/2013, 4:29 PM

Hi Trish,

whow, you realy play a great jazz piano, all my compliments! With your music I'm dreaming of palms, the ocean and a sunset over the beach. Wonderful!


Leomax wrote on 7/30/2013, 1:20 AM

Hallo Trish

Wunderbare gemacht!

Sehr schöner und gekonnt gespielt. RESPEKT! 




Rohe wrote on 7/30/2013, 5:29 AM

Das gefällt sehr!

Former user wrote on 7/30/2013, 12:38 PM

Ich finde allerdings, dass es nicht so abwegig ist –ist das nicht so ein spanischer Ort, oder so?... . auch bei denen klingen Gitarren durch die warmen Nächte –ist wohl das Typische für Romantik –, !!


smartsmurf wrote on 7/31/2013, 12:20 AM

I fully have to agree with Webster...

...this is such a sweet piece of music, could listen to it for much longer (well, just listened several times... ). Reminds me of wonderful Spanish nights... perfect sunset and some drinks with friends included. Been to Valencia... but that was at daytime and we did "touristy stuff".

again and again...


4exjohn wrote on 7/31/2013, 3:43 AM

Hey Trish.


With Smartsmurfs

smart words

and Websters way of seeing

I only can agreeing.

(Damn I´m such a poet).

Very smooth.

Cheers John.



marechal wrote on 7/31/2013, 8:17 PM


 bien   la   ...musik  ......

cordial  marechal .

GBTraveller wrote on 8/1/2013, 1:02 AM

Hallo Trish,

gefällt mir bis auf die leicht asynchron klingende Rhythmusabteilung sehr gut ! Das Mediterane Ambiente wird sehr schön getragen !

Gruss Freddy

emacor wrote on 8/2/2013, 6:51 AM

Hi marshallt2:


Great work very nicely played, with the flamenco spirit in it.

Congratulations for your work

All the best


Former user wrote on 8/25/2013, 10:19 AM

Re =  c'est quand vos concerts en public ???  Peut-être déjà fait ??? 

BEAUTIFUL !!             = 5*

Amical Andreus

ZIGGI wrote on 9/26/2013, 3:46 PM

The more i hear from you the more i feel that you play primarily from the heart.

Its like its all about feeling, and i like that. Music for me is all about feeling something.

I feel like i should have been dancing to this one.

