
Kapstun wrote on 4/22/2014, 6:33 AM

Beautiful music expertly played excellent work.

emacor wrote on 4/22/2014, 10:02 AM

Hi Akrivis:

Wooooow !!!! 

This is a great sound, the bass is amazing, but it seems synth bass am i right? the flutes sound is also great, all the work is very, very good.... i love it

All the best


Former user wrote on 4/22/2014, 11:23 AM

Hello Akrivis:

Welcome to the forum.

Very nice arrangement.  What instrument(s) is/are your expertise?

Good stuff!


Akrivis wrote on 4/22/2014, 2:57 PM


World Music Pulse was an immense coagulation of talent.  Jazz stalwarts like K. Peters, Sandy Chowtaet alfilled out the musical envelope with great diversity. The flute is A.P. Pattanaik who does a lot of Indian film music. The violin is B.R. Hemanth Kumar, another film specialist. They normally dont hire out so easily of flexibly but did so as a special favor for our producer. 

The bass is synth and real. At one point on tour the group was 11 musicians,

so it was more of an orchestra than a band.


This was not for a film, later I will put up a file that was for a movie so you can hear the difference...

Last changed by Akrivis on 4/22/2014, 2:57 PM, changed a total of 1 times.


Leomax wrote on 4/22/2014, 3:22 PM

 i like it

Former user wrote on 4/23/2014, 12:52 AM

Good Music, i love Experimentals.

LG, Heinz

Former user wrote on 4/24/2014, 12:43 PM

Hi! Die Flöten sind sehr aktiv zu hören. Sie spielen wohl die Hauptfigur in Deinem Jazz. So ist's aber sehr gut.

LG / aces-e37