Towards The Sunrise...

Former user wrote on 6/19/2013, 8:31 PM

A shifting tempo arrangement, but basically fast-paced.   This tune goes back to the basic modern Jazz elements with no pretense.  So, if you like your Jazz unfettered and punchy, I think you'll like this one.

The song is in the key of Bbm in 3/4 time (instead of the usual 4/4) at various tempos of 105-110-115-125 BPM.

Thanks for listening...



Former user wrote on 6/19/2013, 11:57 PM

Now you're talkin', Griff!!!

This sounds like some of my old records I used to listen to very late a night back in the good ol' days.It took me awhile to develop a feel for this kind of jazz and to really enjoy it but I do now and I appreciate the difficulty involved in playing it.

You do great work and I, for one appreciate your music!


TheDJGrandfatherKoeddi wrote on 6/20/2013, 2:59 AM

Hi Griff,


wiedereinmal ein sehr schöner Song

Last changed by TheDJGrandfatherKoeddi on 6/20/2013, 2:59 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

ich bin baujahr 1963 und Vater von 2Kindern und Musikverrückt

Mann nennt mich auch der Dieter Bohlen ohne Kohlen

Achtung !
Meine Songs entsprechen nicht den üblichen Hörgewohnheiten, sondern spiegeln nur meine persönliche Auffassung von Musik wieder.
Die Leute, die meinem speziellen Humor - den ich die Musik einfließen lasse - nicht folgen können, gibt es auf dieser Plattform ausreichend Mainstream zu hören.
Falls Dir oder Ihnen meine Musik gefällt, stell deine oder Ihre Anlage bitte auf Zimmerlautstärke - dein oder ihr Nachbar könnte anderer Meinung sein.

Viel Spaß beim Zuhören, Mut und gute Kopfhörer wünscht,

Euer Köddi


Zum kostenlosen Daunload des Albung bitte hier klicken


"Ich sage immer die Musik ist das Blut der Weld"

"Ich sage immer las die Musik in den Adern erklingen"

Hardware: Arturia Analog Lab, Fame Mix-802 FX USB,  RH Sound Wirelese Mic. Receiver, I Mac, Windows 10 Server, Fame Keyboard, Fender Stratocaster, E-bass, Halbakustisch Gitare,

Software: Apleton, Sampledude ProX, MMX Productionssuite, Analoglab, ElectraX, Gladiator, Astraldreamer, Diva, Groove Generator, Tr808, Absynth,

Videobearbeitung -Video Deluxe 2016 Plus, Elemens, I Movie

Und risiges Sampler-Tool vorhanden

VisionART wrote on 6/20/2013, 9:40 AM

Wow, thats a really great performance of free Jazz!

"Unfettered and punchy" are the right words to describe it, smile.

The sound quality is high and very well colored.

All the instruments have their chance to be free composed, may be the piano sometimes is too dominant (in my ears...)

Free Jazz  is a challenge to listen, but I hear the great work and fun in this arrangement between the notes.

A song with very high creative competence.



Sect.23 wrote on 6/20/2013, 10:51 AM

Wow, nycgriff!!!

I wish I made it to this website more often, so I would not miss such works of art like this! I LOVE MY JAZZ unfettered!

Way to go, Man!


Former user wrote on 6/20/2013, 11:20 AM

I like it. Wow.

Mit lieben Grüßen, Heinz

Farstom wrote on 6/20/2013, 2:02 PM

nice creation
well done
nice shades in
i like it

Last changed by Farstom on 6/20/2013, 2:02 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



Former user wrote on 6/21/2013, 12:33 PM

Sind ja reichlich Unterschiede zu hören -nicht nur was das Tempo angeht -auch die Auswahl der Teilchen stehen hier sehr gut im Rampenlicht -, !!


djroar wrote on 6/21/2013, 2:45 PM

Hello music friend 

Awsome music, i like this jazz 

Last changed by djroar on 6/21/2013, 2:45 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Music has always been part of my life. I started making music as a hobby for a couple of years ago. I work in an aluminum production plant, hard work but I'm not complaining.

Cheers Music friends :-)

stuartm5 wrote on 6/24/2013, 12:08 AM

j'ai écouter montage  du début jusqu'a la fin ,du beau jazz ,ca m'inspire beaucoups merci pour cette bonne musique!

Last changed by stuartm5 on 6/24/2013, 12:08 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Hallo alle und alles,bin 51 Jahre alt Ich bin kindisch und ich ruhe, was ich lancedans ein neues Abenteuer, das Magix ist entdeckte ich die Software Windows8plus exaxtement in Schaufenstern, investierte ich etwas Geld in einem programe mit Option, j 'ich breitete 2 Musik, die ich machen Marmelade mit music Maker, im Moment habe ich noch ein paar Loops mit anderen option.Je zahlen begrüßt Mitglieder aus Magix eine Chance für Amateur (s) wie mich zu unterstützen! bravo! kann eine gute Sache das ist mein Zuhören sein? aber manipulieren einen Synthesizer oder ein anderes Gerät ist etwas anderes! lese ich die Musiker, um ein paar Dinge zu lernen, zu spielen mit guten Noten (virtuelle natürlich) Bewertungen von meiner Musik kann mir helfen, andere Kreativität, würde ich die gleiche Sache in meine Linie für mein nächstes tun (wenn ich etwas?) Ich sehe Weg zu beginnen, weil ich die Leute auf der Website kennen, herzlich. .. stuartm5   (English)  Hi everyone and all, am 51 years oldI am childish and I Rest I lancedans a new adventure that is Magix I discovered the software Windows8plus exaxtement in store windows, I invested some money in a programe with more option, j 'I spread 2 music I make jam with Music maker, right now I pay a few more loops with other option.Je welcomes members from Magix to provide an opportunity for amateur (s) like me! bravo! can be a good thing this is my listening? but manipulate a synthesizer or other device is something else! I read the musicians to learn a few things, play with good grades (virtual of course) reviews of my music can help me to other creativity, I'd do the same thing in my line for my next (if I bit?) I see way to start because I know people on the site, cordially. .. stuartm5    éBonjours à tous et à toutes j'ai 51 ans et je suis enfantin et je le reste! Je me lance dans une nouvelle aventure qui est Magix j'ai découvert le logiciel dans Windows8 plus exactement dans le Windows store , j'ai investis un peu d'argent dans un programe avec plus d'option ,j'ai diffuser 2 tunes que j'ai réaliser avec Music maker jam,en ce moment je me suis payer quelques boucles de plus avec d'autres options .Je félicite les membres de chez Magix pour donner la chance au amateur (es) comme moi!bravo!une bonne chose peut être c'est mon écoute ?mais manipuler un synthétiseur ou un autre  périphérique c'est autre chose!je vais lire les musiciens afin d'apprendre quelques chose, jouer avec de bonne notes (virtuel bien sûr) les avis de ma musique peu m'aider pour d'autres créativité ,je ferais la même chose dans mes cordes pour mon prochain (si je le peu ?)  je vois ce moyen pour débuter puisque je ne connais personnes sur le site,cordialement...stuartm5

tinto wrote on 6/24/2013, 4:07 AM

Prachtige muziek,love the arrangement !

emacor wrote on 6/24/2013, 9:53 AM


Unfortunally my time is very reduced, so i don't come here often, but once in a while when i came here i take a few surprises...

I'm completely amazed with your music, defenetelly one of the best things that i've ever heared here in this forum.

Thank you very much for sharing your art.

All the best to you!


Origor wrote on 6/24/2013, 5:44 PM

Simply - Great 

BERNARDPH wrote on 6/25/2013, 11:39 AM

hi Griff
Just one thing to say to you, it's beautiful, it suffices to read and let go and listen to jazz when, very dynamic and strong in its design.
This is a film music, it reminds me of the style that the music could go on film the thomas crown affair, you know what I mean.
Super time


Nickillus wrote on 6/28/2013, 7:05 AM

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

That's what speechless looks like and what I want to say.  You are so far up there I can barely see the bottoms of your shoes.

Alighiero-Tozzi wrote on 7/15/2013, 1:43 PM

La tua è un tesoro di grande musica. 

5***** and Fav

Last changed by Alighiero-Tozzi on 7/15/2013, 1:43 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Ho scritto la mia prima canzone nel 1991, ho smesso nel 1993 dopo aver realizzato un piccolo album casalingo e ho ripreso a scrivere e comporre nel 2011 dopo tanto tempo passato in tante occupazioni.

Fin da piccolo ho amato la canzone italiana da De Andrè a De Gregori, da Tenco a Branduardi, La New Wave ed il rock classico. Ringrazio la mia professoressa di musica delle scuole medie per avermi fatto ascoltare a 11 anni la musica classica che è la mia vera passione.


hounddoggy56 wrote on 10/29/2013, 10:51 AM

I Like It

I Like It

What more can I say......

Former user wrote on 4/29/2014, 1:12 PM

Ola amigo,sin duda conoces Osivisa,..Me lo brecuerda al comienzo,esto es muy bueno,animado y alegre,Montones de cambios y las flautas de flipar...Muy bien...Yo soy hijo del rock,pero sus padres el Blues  Gospel y demas me gustan muchisimo,Esta pieza a mis favoritos,,,Parece mentira que este hecha con un maker,veo a todos los musicos en esta cancion enseñoreandose de sus instrumentos, Mucho feeling tu tienes y tambien buen oido...Que no es lo mismo,,,bum bum bum pom bum pom bum bum,que lo que tu has hecho aqui...Felicidades

DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 5/20/2014, 4:32 PM

Wow..... look at that picture. With the sun shining on the mountains.

Anyways, that song is pretty good. This song goes to my favs folder.

Very well done!

Daniel Lyons

Piazzini wrote on 8/13/2014, 3:22 PM

Hoi Griff

So far, unfortunately missed, I'll finally manage to enjoy this fine jazz.
Hats off to the various change of BPM.
Does not confusing and very well arranged on me .... as usual from you.

magnificent jazz feeling.

en liebe gruess vom
