

beabea wrote on 7/25/2011, 3:03 PM

...sehr schönes teil...

Former user wrote on 11/6/2011, 7:09 AM

Hallo Joachim,

Eine interessante Zusammenstellung von unterschiedlichen Klangbausteinen!

Gefällt mir sehr gut! 5*****

Es grüßt "TheHeirOlaf" > electric music

denis61 wrote on 5/16/2012, 10:11 AM

Salut Spartano, excellente musique ! A bientôt, denis

Former user wrote on 7/20/2012, 11:00 AM

 coool music ♫♪ 5*****

Former user wrote on 8/31/2012, 11:48 AM


genaugenommen gibt es schon Unterschiede zur euen Version, aber auch diese ist auf  ein sehr hohen Level produziert worden.

Macht Spass, Deine Musik zu hören.

LG, Daniel

austria60 wrote on 9/19/2012, 8:03 PM

Hallo Joachim,

man sagt ja EIGENLOB STINKT , das solltest Du dir zu Herzen nehmen. Überlasse dass Loben anderen. Diese Eigenlobelei läßt dich, zumindest in meinen Augen, sehr überheblich und Machomäßig erscheinen.

Das Mastering ist wie immer sehr gut, aber zur Musik möchte ich mich nicht äussern. Mach Dir mal deine Gedanken.

GlG jack 

DamnHarry wrote on 10/11/2012, 5:15 PM

Da sag ich doch mal : ASTREIN !

NotQuiet wrote on 10/17/2012, 5:01 PM

Eigenlob stinkt vielleicht an manchen Ecken, aber nicht im Fall von Spartano. Das zeugt viel eher von einem gesunden Selbstbewustsein. Und außerdem gehört das Klappern ja bekanntlich zum Handwerk!!!

Ach ja...feines Odeuvre für Time 2 ;-)*****

LG NotQuiet :-)

julien-0106 wrote on 11/6/2012, 3:53 PM

Hallo Joachim,

Encore un très beau morceau de Techno & Trance !!!    Bravo !!! 5* Amicalement                                   julien-0106
Black2Production wrote on 11/6/2012, 8:54 PM

Ich liebe es wenn es schön melodisch ist und es insgesamt einen so richtig zum fliegen verleitet. Toller Track...
5 *****... LG Mister Miike....

Shinobi wrote on 11/8/2012, 3:06 PM

Earth to Spartano 5* schönen gruß

Former user wrote on 8/15/2014, 6:29 PM

Favoritos............. Esto es feeling en la disco music,La entrada en ritmos es de mi agrado,buen trabajo aqui Un gran saludo amigo

Former user wrote on 8/15/2014, 6:36 PM

y no es una ... Alabanza mi Comentario, discoteca musica LA No Es Mi Especialidad, Pero Tiene Algo Que ... This cancion los Sentidos Potencia misticos en mi alma .......... Es Mistico ... y ... Espiritual en mis oidos ....

                            YO EL HIJO DEL TECRAON ROCA

En 7:2 se hace ritmo agresivo muy de mi gusto............................AMEN

Former user wrote on 9/10/2014, 1:13 PM

Hi! Mir blieb wiedermal ein Klos im Hals stecken wegen der Musik, die Du hier angestellt hattest. Dein Niveau und Vielwissen ist erstaunlich, was Musik anbelangt. Der ist gut. Wollte ich nur mal in Erwägung ziehen.

LG / aces-e37

Mr-Funbeat wrote on 10/10/2014, 12:08 PM

I give it a 5*  , pro track

cornsy2008 wrote on 12/27/2014, 6:31 PM


i would i would.

5 stars with out a second thought.

from alan.



Last changed by cornsy2008 on 12/27/2014, 6:31 PM, changed a total of 1 times.







What happens when life breaks down?

When there is systemic contradiction?
My name symbolized all that was corrupt to society.
His name symbolized all that was pure.

And I was being hailed in the embrace of the man who was pure.

And these inviolable sanctities were preserved in those ten words.

And it is the de-sacralization of all of these that has put us in the mess that we find ourselves.

Isn't it true, alas it is much worse.

A person may end up believing in anything.

You know, if that human acceptance does so much for you and me.

Think of what it is when God himself puts his arms around you and says

"Welcome home".

What love is this?

It is God's love.

And no other love can be defined until that love has properly been understood.




If you can’t make the trip to my studio yourself, don’t worry I now have my brand new Online Mastering Service. Many of my customers are happy to leave me to it, and my wide-ranging experience ensures that you can trust me to make sound judgements on your behalf – no pun intended!

The services on offer include both attended and unattended (online) mastering, vinyl cutting, re-mastering, editing and restoration. For further details please message me here.

A gorgeous room full of lots of lovely equipment isn’t going to cut the mustard unless it’s in the hands of an experienced creative engineer who understands your music and how to get the results you’re looking for.

I personally have been mastering for over 14 years now.
i have remixed and engineered for alice deejay.

Please note home mastering and studio mastering are not the same. This is a misconception. the process is different,and while the sound of the polished track may seem the same to the NAKED EAR so to speak actually sound different to the trained ear.

THE TRACKS I WILL BE UPLOADING WILL BE ONLY "HOME" MASTERING. (fast process). music maker defaults are ok but not polished. 

most people are not concerned about the mastering there more comcerned about the FEEL.

i do not work for free so please do not sent me tracks to be mastered (for free). my time is not cheap.


there are some rules that are just plain idiotic. What are some examples of this behavior, why do people do it? Is it because (This is my assumption) they are afraid of the unknown? They are afraid of taking risk? Or is something that happens during the "nurturing" phase of life with overprotective parents. Maybe it's even a genetic thing.







from alan.





Happy wrote on 12/29/2014, 4:19 AM

Simply cosmic! A extreemly job well done. A clean sound and a patience to let the sounds come to their fullness.

Gratz on a pearl.

Last changed by Happy on 12/29/2014, 4:19 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Here to listen be inspired and improve own skill in music making and mastering etc. 

Mostly make music with a movie ongoing so much of the tracks will be more soundtrack'ish than actual club/dance orientated. Sadly Iam yet to un-skilled in the process of making the actual moving pictures/movies. 

I really appreciate the nice feedback. Makes a happy Happy. 

Must admit that my deutsc/german is stinking and cant translate comments in that launguage very good. 

Please keep comments in english, unless its very very bad critism, then please use Deutsc ;P 


My movie projects are located on youtube as I cant get to upload here. 

Please veiw and comment. 

Former user wrote on 12/29/2014, 5:17 AM

sometimes words are useless.
when one hears this track can only say: AMAZING.


tgfmusica wrote on 12/29/2014, 6:29 AM

Cosa posso dire, ho letto gli altri commenti e hanno già detto tutto  aggiungo solo che a me piace molto, saluti da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

Former user wrote on 12/29/2014, 2:58 PM

Heeeeeeey mon ami Espartano,,,Corsy 2008 me mando esta tu cancion,,, Pero yo recuerdo esta cancion,si me acuerdo,tengo buena memoria por desgracia,buena memoria,quizas sea otra version,pero,,,Yo me acuerdo,y me gusto mucho este sonido para dance y disco.Una sorpresa para mi,Un abrazo amigo Joachim el Espartano Me gusto de escuchar esta pieza de tu musica,Cuidate amigo.

gerrycix wrote on 12/30/2014, 2:21 PM

Uh.....Joachim ,

Very nice .....super track !

Great work my friend ,

Ciao David

kam937 wrote on 1/1/2015, 1:48 AM

I want to join the comments that are left up to me. This is great!!!

Former user wrote on 1/10/2015, 3:03 AM

wieder ein klasse track von Dir, Wünsche Dir ein "glückliche Neues Jahr" mit vielen musikalischen Ideen




LG Sigrid

walter-innerkofler wrote on 1/26/2015, 12:35 PM

klingt wie ein neuer Tripp ins Weltall, eine Art Traumschiff-Reise durchs Sonnensystem in etwa 150 Jahren. Dann gibt es sicher schon einige Weltrauminseln zu besuchen. Die Musik ist perfekt, 5*