
taodoan wrote on 5/11/2014, 1:46 AM


Former user wrote on 5/11/2014, 12:23 PM

Hi! Titel verstehe ich jetzt nicht ganz. Ich wollte unbedingt mal hören, wie es ist. Okay, liegt im Durchschnitt. Hätte mehr erwartet.

LG / aces-e37

Piazzini wrote on 5/11/2014, 2:33 PM

Hoi LeoSousa

the cover is somehow quite promising .... but like the song do not meet this expectation.

The Male Rapgesang Although I find very interesting, however, could better move into the theme.
The instrumental is not very innovative. Something electronically with no real surprises.

Well, unfortunately I have to confess .... 3 stars should be enough.

en liebe gruess vom


0livier wrote on 6/25/2014, 3:30 PM

fun fun fun. tout bon :)