
nafets. wrote on 2/14/2014, 1:36 PM

schön,dass Du mal wieder was von Dir hören lässt,der song platzt zwar zu plötzlich rein in voller fahrt ohne irgendwelche ankündigung.

so ein effekt vorweg wäre passend denke ich.

die musik ist dennoch vom feinsten und das ist midi ja...?

na da hast Du aber ordentlich geübt,denn das klingt verdammt gut auch wenn mich der anfang etwas erschrocken hatte,so ganz ohne intro !

schöne melodien,guter sound ! 3:50 meine ich setzt Du noch einen anderen beat hinzu.

der break bei 4:18 kommt gerade rechtzeitig.

der schluß effekt ist gut bedacht,keine fadeout oder so.

sehr gut und wie sagst Du immer....? "all the best"


smartsmurf wrote on 2/14/2014, 4:13 PM

Nice and very energetic track... like it !!!    

But like "GoodFriends" pointed out... an intro is missing.

stuallan wrote on 2/14/2014, 5:42 PM

This Is ..... Very nice. Loved the transition at 0:57 and back at 1:48. Very energetic and well arranged.

I liked it very much. As stated before, could use a smoother intro - 5***** with that.


Super job!



M.Krauss wrote on 2/14/2014, 6:56 PM

 hi..wieder toll gemacht!!!Gruss Michael

ArtistW wrote on 2/14/2014, 8:19 PM

Great sounds, love it (with midi and vst the way to go)

tingel wrote on 2/15/2014, 11:14 AM

Hola, BAMM and the Song starts... grerat idea... good work, the sound is mega... very good in change times and rythem... love this - happy song for happy people wish you all the best Andi

danne wrote on 2/15/2014, 11:33 AM

Hallo Jinty,

Das einzigste,was mir fehlt ist ein Intro.

Der Song hat einiges zu bieten, schade, dass Du so schnell einsteigst.

Mach was draus.

Besten Gruß, Daniel

Farstom wrote on 2/15/2014, 12:08 PM

well done

i like it

Last changed by Farstom on 2/15/2014, 12:08 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



Father_of_Joy wrote on 2/16/2014, 1:35 AM


Very nice track!!!!

All  the best

Maboe wrote on 2/16/2014, 3:31 AM

Yes, it's a very very nice track (let's dance)!

All the best from me, too!


Piazzini wrote on 2/16/2014, 2:50 PM

Hoi Jinty

The song is wonderful, after one has once rightly found therein.
I'm missing an intro ..... the song bursts directly into it. You should give the listener time to get into listening to the song.

Otherwise, I find it wonderful and enticing to dream.

en liebe gruess vom


Leomax wrote on 2/16/2014, 3:48 PM

very nice

scanty wrote on 2/16/2014, 4:00 PM

Very, very  good Track, but a little to much in Beginning.

LG DJscanty

Former user wrote on 4/30/2014, 6:44 AM

Esto es muy alegre,musica feliz,muy bien Jinty