"The Same as You"

Brazilady wrote on 10/24/2013, 8:33 PM

Lyrics by Tom Simanek ( great musican and big friend of mine)

music by Renata Carone


This is a demo


I had a music video  I made with the final song,  ready to be uploaded to YT ...then my computer....died.  


LORDPEER wrote on 10/26/2013, 8:14 PM

Hello Brazilady

ENIKMA Style , coll ! Beat + Ambiente , Cultur Beat  Style !! saubere  Übergänge gute Kombination + Effekte !!

Da kann ich nicht verstehen warum Dich noch keiner bewertet hat 

Also ich finde es sehr gut gemacht  von Mir gibs 5 Sterne und nen 6 oben drauf !!!

Dee . Jee . Peer Saludos by Lady    

Brazilady wrote on 10/27/2013, 12:48 AM

Thank you all!!!!!!!!!