
Former user wrote on 4/27/2014, 4:40 PM

Hello smallcatine:

A very interesting piece.  Musically sound and quite the listen.  (Love the dramatic big-drum opening sound).



Former user wrote on 4/28/2014, 12:58 PM

Hi! Ich war mir erst nicht so schlüssig, was der Titel zu sagen hat. Aber der ist gut.

LG / aces-e37

Piazzini wrote on 4/28/2014, 1:49 PM

Hoi Smallcatine

Beautiful and very gentle song. Fine tunes and a nice groove.
In places, the song sound but a bit empty.
You can try to fill the Bkgrnd with pads, or perhaps on this song with strings.

Beautiful song, right to dream.

en liebe gruess vom


tingel wrote on 4/28/2014, 2:12 PM

Very nice, a little too much left on the subject ... a little variation would have done well ... good sound and for me a nice round pop experiment. Greeting Tingel

gerrycix wrote on 4/28/2014, 3:39 PM

Particular ...and interessant track Small !

Very good sound and mix ,

Ciao David

Former user wrote on 4/29/2014, 4:24 AM

interesting instrumental choices.
rhythmic stylish and pleasant.
I liked the track, without doubt positive opinion
great job
