
Rana wrote on 8/15/2009, 2:02 PM
This track is dedicated to those rare moments when everything surronding us is in complete sync with the inner soul - a serene moment. Track Information: Progression Key - E Minor. Time Signature - 4 / 4 Beat Per Minute - 90 Duration - 5 minutes 47 seconds. Measures - 130 Sample rate - 48000, 24 bit Upload Format - MP3, 320 Kbit Instruments, VSTi, Synthesizer, Sequencer, Soundfonts. Sytrus, AI APiano, Bansuri (Flute)4 front Bass module, Cute Instruments, Midi Standard drum kit, Sim synth, DSK Indian Dreamz. LovePhillter, Delay, Echo, multiband compressor, limiter, sound goodlizer. Composition has been done in Midi with the use of Multi softwares.


Former user wrote on 8/15/2009, 2:09 PM
Oh ha, I`m the first here of your new song.
Only:   Great done.
Very good in sound and mix in my ears.

LG Hans Josef.

Great in work of drums.

LEFTHANDER wrote on 8/16/2009, 2:24 AM
Hi Rana,

for the inner,s a fine Melody. Your Ideas are good.


ZIGGI wrote on 8/16/2009, 2:37 AM
A very nice and easy tune for a Sunday morning.

Former user wrote on 8/16/2009, 2:47 AM
hello rana,

it is always nice to hear your songs and howyou move your idea in music.


Former user wrote on 8/16/2009, 8:47 AM
Der Song hat mein Bewusstsein verändert!!
TommyG wrote on 8/16/2009, 9:23 AM
That sounds okay, with the exception of the kick, which seems to be a little bit too loud. The volume of the kick should be removed out of consideration for the subwoofers

Maybe the drummer plays too frentic, he does a lot of things in this song, but okay - this is a matter of taste.

Overall, I like the track.

Frantzi wrote on 8/16/2009, 3:57 PM
Quite nice Track...good expression...good impression....
ThaiArne wrote on 8/17/2009, 12:08 AM
Very well done... like the arrangement... thx for the info...!!!
Guitorb wrote on 8/17/2009, 2:07 AM
I like the free flow of the flute passage,it's jazzy. Also I like that you used hip-hop style mastering tools. I've never heard that applied to an easy listening song. I'm glad to hear that it works. 5 stars for thinking outside the box.
dKlaus wrote on 8/18/2009, 11:11 AM

Former user wrote on 8/19/2009, 11:53 AM
Shuja wrote on 8/20/2009, 4:10 AM
Dear Mr Rana

As beautiful and soothing as it can be. Great work.


Shuja Kamili
jefcor wrote on 8/22/2009, 9:15 AM
j'ai écouté l'ensemble de tes morceaux sur ce site,tous sont agréables à écouter et bien réalisés,un seul mot,bravo,salut.jef

ps:les indications que tu donne sur tes compos c'est une bonne idée.
Former user wrote on 8/23/2009, 8:45 AM
Very good, well done.

Gr Ray.
ecker wrote on 8/28/2009, 1:45 PM
gefält mir
Former user wrote on 8/29/2009, 3:55 PM
beautyful Drums, big FillIns & groovy Synthies & Effects & FlutesMelodies!

very nice!

Deneu wrote on 12/19/2009, 6:01 PM
I like this style well. you use it in perfection.

mauki wrote on 1/13/2010, 2:00 PM
hi rana...
it´s a very nice music...and a very good
cu mauki
Former user wrote on 2/19/2011, 3:24 PM

Sereno è la giusta definizione. Non riesco a capire degli accordi che vanno al limite della stonatura ma sono in linea con il brano tipo jazz o come melodica mediorientale. Comunque bene.Ciao .+++++Calm is the correct definition. I don't succeed in understanding some accords that go to the limit of the stonatura but they are in line with the passage type jazz or as melodic mediorientale. However well.Hi

Former user wrote on 7/13/2011, 5:08 PM

Esta muy bien este ambiente,suena muy bien,yo tengo algo que aprender de ti,muy buen sonido. Felicidades

Former user wrote on 12/6/2011, 3:04 AM

Der Musikkonsument braucht einfach irgendwelche Leitlinien um sich im Dschungel der  Musik zurechtzufinden.

Former user wrote on 9/1/2012, 6:23 AM

Die Leitlinien ist....Körper und Seele in Einklang bringen... Dschungel... ist es nicht....schön gemacht.

Herzliche Grüße...Conny