Sorry about my absence. Here's something I probably should have uploaded a long time ago...
All original. This was composed about a year ago, so it sounds much different than my newer songs. I'm not sure if that is positive or negative, haha! But it is an interesting mix of styles (dance-pop, metal, symphonic, etc.) I will probably add vocals one day, but I'm waiting until the time is right and I get a better microphone.
Anyway, this song is both inspired by, and dedicated to, one of my musical heroes. His name is Adam Goren, known for his solo project "Atom & His Package". He made music with a sequencer, and it was ingenious, so that's how I came up with the title. I have been a fan since I was about 14 or 15. One of his songs: 
Thanks for listening! As always, I would love to hear only your most honest opinions. The picture is of Adam, found on google.