
Guitorb wrote on 1/19/2014, 6:47 AM

 Oh YEAH! The man with the outboard gear. Throwing down some complex patterns Bro! Kitty says,"Why won't you speak to me Teddy?" Teddy says,"I'm scared...MOMMY!"

 The strings sounds are Marvelous.

-All the Best,Teddy


Former user wrote on 1/19/2014, 6:28 PM

Hi Sect23:

Really good stuff man.  Kindly alert me when you are ready to post one of your gems.  Trying to sort through the hundreds of songs posted can be a real feat.

I love the drum vamp.

Well done!


SpriteBat wrote on 2/9/2014, 3:39 AM

It's been a while, sorry. I'll try to catch up soon.

Great beat and atmosphere. There's some kind of exotic sound, not sure exactly what it is, but works very well.

The way the synth/bass leads into the drum beat (very beginning) is cool. It might have been nice to do that again around 1:56, but just my opinion.

Well done.