
SVEDAN93-PROJECT wrote on 5/13/2015, 1:14 AM

Hi ValSetter,

man, könnte ich doch E-Gitarre spielen . Bin kein Rock oder Metal Fan, aber das was ich hier wieder höre, geht unter die Haut. Super!  5*

Gruß Sven

Former user wrote on 5/13/2015, 3:43 AM

Great job again !         Excellent guitar                    = 5*

Best regards Tony

Alighiero-Tozzi wrote on 5/13/2015, 5:29 AM

Very good........I like


Last changed by Alighiero-Tozzi on 5/13/2015, 5:29 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Ho scritto la mia prima canzone nel 1991, ho smesso nel 1993 dopo aver realizzato un piccolo album casalingo e ho ripreso a scrivere e comporre nel 2011 dopo tanto tempo passato in tante occupazioni.

Fin da piccolo ho amato la canzone italiana da De Andrè a De Gregori, da Tenco a Branduardi, La New Wave ed il rock classico. Ringrazio la mia professoressa di musica delle scuole medie per avermi fatto ascoltare a 11 anni la musica classica che è la mia vera passione.


Piazzini wrote on 5/13/2015, 2:07 PM

Very nice game of Metal guitar. You have the drive and you can hear that well.

Very suitable Metal Parts, exciting topics. More practice and there is something very exciting arise.

Listen to a lot of other members in the com. Try to analyze and understand their music. From this you can learn a lot.

Exciting experiments, liked to hear.

en liebe gruess vom


AugeAugeAuge wrote on 5/13/2015, 3:14 PM

Very nice!!!!!

Former user wrote on 5/16/2015, 10:59 AM

song would say exaggerated, both in rhythm and in the melodic part, where the guitar explodes in a thousand sounds.
I would say great performance metal
