That "Robota" synth sounds great. Is this a new one from Magix? Your voice is burried in the vocoder mix so much that I couldn't even tell it was a vocoder. I think I would like it more if the dry voice signal were a bit more audible.
Excellent! I haven't figured out a use for the vocorder yet. I'm going to have to take another look at it now. But I'm even more interested in that whale song type sound.
I received the software with the Roboter synth, and the voice is not mine, it is only a distorsion of the sample. Regards Jorual. Sorry Guitorb with my english.
Hab auch mal versucht mit ROBOTA was zu kreieren (stell mich dabei etwas dumm an an... er streikt öfter mal). SO ABER BEI DIR KANN ICH ROBOTA IN AKTION HÖREN (schrilles Ding)!