Ring World Runner

RobWest wrote on 9/7/2011, 1:12 AM
Title: Ringwor1

This was my first, complete project using MMM6, (How's that for some nostalgia?) ca. 1996-1998? The mp3 quality was a little poorer back then -mostly the sampling rates- so don't expect the best fidelity. All of my earlier MMM6 and MMM10 songs were done with a SoundBlaster soundcard, in 4.1 mode, set to "Livingroom" reverb. The MMM6 songs seem to lack the "presence" and subtlety  they had in that set-up, now, when I listen to them in my current stereo set-up.

This song, RingWorld Runner was submitted for a contest Magix was running at the time, On a 31/2" floppy! due to the domestic internet standard of dial-up internet at the time.  It is, basically, three chunks fused together with a little splash at the end. I mis-alligned the third chunk slightly, and had always planned to fix it, once I learned of the zoom tool, but never did. It is what it is. I'm submitting these earlier efforts to record my and MMM's progress through the years.Enjoy! Rob