
smartsmurf wrote on 4/19/2015, 10:51 AM

sorry to tell you... but this is not a house track... but only a presentation of magix house samples.

why do you change samples every few seconds... so there is no connection between the different parts. in house (and other electronic genres) you are allowed to add or leave instruments away every 8 bars.

listen to many house tracks to understand the genre.

  welcome !!!

Former user wrote on 4/19/2015, 11:18 AM

and plz without vocals they don`t fit

Former user wrote on 4/19/2015, 12:27 PM

Hi! iikingsireii. Besser wäre es gewesen, dass nicht gleich so wilde losgelegt wird ... das Mastern ist eine andere Geschichte. Wünsche weiter gutes Gelingen.

LG / aces-e37

iikingsireii wrote on 4/19/2015, 8:25 PM

   House music began in the mid 80's, and Chicago made it explode that all forms want a part of it. House music was the first with the fast drum beat, and followed hip-house, and then techno. Electronica was with Hip-Hop in the 80's. I have a lot of house music from the eighties to the 2000's, and all beats sound the same, but just different instrumentals. All other Genres just branched off thats all. There is only one, and that is "House."

tingel wrote on 4/21/2015, 2:48 PM

??? so what is your way??? welcome but....???