Richard Somers - El Taco Loco


Former user wrote on 10/8/2009, 12:25 PM
ein schönes Harmonisches Stück was du hier gemacht hast. Ich find das richtig super wenn man ein Instrument spielen kann, hab leider nicht das Glück. Hab zwei linke Hände.

mfg Conny
Vasilis wrote on 10/15/2009, 3:51 PM
Very nice like all the others. One piece of advice. When you play, forget the camera. Don't look at it, because it steals from the feeling you should give to the music. Close the eyes if possible and concentrate on the piece you play.
Soundschill wrote on 10/18/2009, 9:51 AM
What should I say in addition? Simply magnificently, brilliantly !!! You are an absolutely first-class musican.
-Sonnenanbeter- wrote on 10/22/2009, 5:11 PM
Hey Rockheart

no comment.

let my simlys speak:
PS: the first Recording-CD is send to mee !!!! ok ^^
...das Yang
holie wrote on 10/26/2009, 3:31 PM
I say nothing more. if .
Everything is already said... I listen in... please me that we live in a time in which I can experience you so far away and however, thus near! Thank you!

From Karin with love
Rana wrote on 11/2/2009, 12:12 PM
This is awesome Richard, the community is blessed to have you here. I wish you the best of luck that your talent gets the recognition that it deserves. It is amazing how you play individual tracks and mix them later to bring us masterpieces one after another. I can imagine the effort involved.
st_paul wrote on 11/5/2009, 11:52 PM
your music is......great!
Kessy666 wrote on 11/13/2009, 1:16 AM
Sehr guter Song. Kein Instrument ist so sehr geeignet um seine Gefühle auszudrücken wie die Gitarre.
5 *****

Grüße aus Germany
StoneFace wrote on 12/6/2009, 5:20 AM
Great play on all Instruments. Great piece of music.

I like it... very well

merry chrismas
Soulbridge wrote on 12/16/2009, 7:38 AM
Hi Richard,
now I didn´t only hear this song, but all of your songs.
It´s very impressive to me to hear your handmade music on difference instruments, allways played with feeling and good playing technic.
If we would´nt live so far away in difference countrys and I would need somebody for a new music-project, i would be glad to be with you in one team to play live.

So I will give you my respect and 5* to all songs I could find from you at this moment.

Relaxo_JanWo wrote on 1/25/2013, 5:01 PM

well,well,well ...very well.\