

Frantzi wrote on 11/5/2010, 4:57 PM

Yes Mahmood that´s right...

you ask us many of interesting questions (I´m struggeling with the last till today), but  I think, that there are not ultimate answers... (if there where some, we should have found them earlier...)

Therefore only for your music ( I hope you will work on)...



smartsmurf wrote on 11/5/2010, 5:26 PM

Mastering and sound choice are really good... like it.


Besides that... I know about your social ambition and think it is also okay to talk about it... but I am a person who rather gives an example by living the way than answering questions... I did read only little of your comment...




As long as we don't concentrate on what's really important in life and distract our insecurity about it by consuming and producing more than we need... just for the cause... this world will go the way it did so far (not up but down)


Great thoughts and discussions you bring here... but I have to critizise your inflationary use of Magix voice sample... definetely too much.


Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 11/5/2010, 5:50 PM

I read your post and is a great and noble cause to promote conservation of nature


Very interesting notice about the artist of image that you used for the cover


Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Gildean wrote on 11/5/2010, 8:45 PM

I like the theme..... strangely like electronic mid-evil faire.  Has a unique sound.

jacobba wrote on 11/6/2010, 2:20 AM

very good work and reflexion



Jokerface wrote on 11/6/2010, 2:46 AM

Mein Freund Rana,

wieder einmal hast du es geschafft, mich mit deinem Song zu binden. Es gibt mir Lebensgefühl, Kraft hier jetzt zuzuhören.

Zu Biorythmus:

Es ist schön, daß ihr was für unsere Erde tut. Wir haben nur die eine!




redisland wrote on 11/6/2010, 4:55 AM

wunderbar gemacht

unsere natur ist sehr wichtig

klasse arbeit


gruss die redis

samp wrote on 11/6/2010, 5:26 AM

Well - there IS actually a case where the big fish spares the smaller one....

they are called PUTZERFISCH

and they are swimming in the wide opened mouth of the big one while cleaning

up the mess....


I think there is survival in watching out myself and there is survival in trusting


I don´t think there is survival of the fittest alone.

Science has proved the unbelievable:

man is a social being...

can not live on its own...

and many big fishes will feel it when they have eaten up all the smaller ones...

or at least they thing they have....


Your project is unbelievably courageous - not to wait until someone does something

but to do it oneself. Who would put so much effort into such a thought to become



I really like your song - it goes softly with the thought....




Former user wrote on 11/6/2010, 8:12 AM

I salute here, your business and respects your ideas on this subject, but then there are extremes of our diverse communities. A small minority, has a maximum power (mainly monetary wealth) and are today, rain or shine for on our poor earth, and for many, environmentalism is a word missing from their vocabulary.
But stop here, this virtual philosophy
, and let's talk about your music, which is in support of your message ....

Quiet and smooth are my first words on this subject, perhaps a little too much "samples" voice, but it's a matter of sensitivity ear ....


Former user wrote on 11/6/2010, 8:16 AM

good work my freind this song is very special wonderfull^^



FikoKasasz wrote on 11/6/2010, 9:43 AM

i love this song.

masni wrote on 11/6/2010, 11:09 AM

Very good Rana  !    Ciao  Carl 

Nikita68 wrote on 11/6/2010, 4:01 PM

Good Song.....

papajeff wrote on 11/6/2010, 11:30 PM

Hi Rana, very good production, sounds eccellent! Is always a good way to protect our environmentally, i think it´s normal that kids give us this kind of questions.

LG Jeff

blla wrote on 11/7/2010, 12:00 AM

soll sich jemand zeit nehmen deine töne musik zu hören oder bücherwurm maler schriftsteller modeschöpfer,oder nur zuhörer sein,kannst ja nebenher noch ein tonparfüm erklären,das würde bei douglas gut ankommen.

Sascha_S wrote on 11/7/2010, 7:00 AM

Hallo Rana!!


Ich finde diesen Song großartig!!

Er hat einen super kräftigen und exzellent Mastering-Sound!

Ich mag Deine authentische Musik mit hohem Wiedererkennungswert und Deinen asiatisch-orientalischen Einflüssen sehr!!!  






Former user wrote on 11/7/2010, 11:02 AM

Hi Rana!


Thanks for your message, i checked this song out and i really like it. I'm glad you got as many listeners and comments on your music cause you deserve it, really :)


I tried to make instrumental music before and i think it's really hard to keep the song interesting for long. You know i make hiphopbeats and i rap over them, but hiphop beats mostly sound the same throughout the track, so you can really manage to make an interesting mostly instrumental song, and thats impressive.



massi04 wrote on 11/7/2010, 11:10 AM

Rana, you do an excellent job!




Guitorb wrote on 11/7/2010, 11:18 AM

 1,000,000 square feet of land! Holy Cow! So if I understand your message correctly,you are fighting commercialism with commercialism?

  Your daughter probably just needed some encouragement. No one knows what the future holds. I try to remind my little one of all the advancements people have made in a positive direction (there are a few). True,we need to be reminded of our mistakes so that we don't make them again. But I think of that as an arena for the grown-ups. As far as non-profit organizations go,I like PBS.

 I take exception to your statement that "survival is not an out come of charity empathy or compassion." We owe our very lives to these human traits.

  Good music.

Former user wrote on 11/7/2010, 11:27 AM

Wie gewohnt sehr gute Arbeit von Dir

Former user wrote on 11/7/2010, 12:16 PM

Wonderful! (5*)




Spencer wrote on 11/7/2010, 1:58 PM

Großartige Arbeit!

Former user wrote on 11/7/2010, 2:34 PM

Ein echt super gut gelungener Track von dir, den man mehr als einmal anhören muss!!!

Coole Arbeit!!



Dj Ronne

Former user wrote on 11/7/2010, 2:41 PM

Hallo Rana.


Du hast dich wieder mal selbst Übertroffen.


Ein Fantastischer Song Klasse



