This is another of the songs I recorded in the St. Joan of Arc Highschool studio in 2007. I did the vocals, guitar and bass, Derek Hope did the guitar solo and Devin Sigouin played the drums. Devin and I recorded the guitar and drums live off the floor. This in fact is the first take after one 20 second practice to show him the speed I like to do this song at (hence the bad ending). I then recorded the bass and after Derek put his solo on I added the vocals. This song was not exported into an audio program to mix. It was mixed straight off the board with no effects or eq because we were in a rush for grades. I think for how quick we made this it turned out well. I hope you enjoy it.
The photo I uploaded with it is from one of the school plays I was in called Sketch City High. I was not only a co-writer in this play but also a lead character (I wrote and auditioned for my own part). The characters name was Vince who was the lead pothead (as in Vince Neil of Motley Crue) and I had my own solo song (smokin in the boys room).
The photo I uploaded with it is from one of the school plays I was in called Sketch City High. I was not only a co-writer in this play but also a lead character (I wrote and auditioned for my own part). The characters name was Vince who was the lead pothead (as in Vince Neil of Motley Crue) and I had my own solo song (smokin in the boys room).