Outta The Dark

gospelbj1 wrote on 4/6/2015, 7:13 PM

This song came "Outta The Dark."  This is another one of my archive pieces from years past and I place it as one of my favorite compositions.  It's a light jazz piece that you can just sit back, relax and listen to.  I wrote this as I felt like I was coming out of the dark and finding myself when it came to music.  Enjoy!



Former user wrote on 4/6/2015, 8:07 PM

Hi Brenda:

Thanks for the invitation to listen to this lovely song.  You're absolutely correct.  This is a delightfully presented and relaxing piece.  Your piano, once again, shines as brightly as a musical sun.  Listening to this really swings me back to a calmer period in my life.  And, that's a very good thing.

You're a real gem of a musician, young lady...

Enjoy a fantastic week!  


TommyG wrote on 4/6/2015, 11:34 PM

Sounds pretty nice.

Former user wrote on 4/7/2015, 5:45 AM

in my part when something is quality there is a saying that says "a lot of stuff"
passage of a unique refinement, track close to jazz even people like me who is not a true connoisseur.
compliments music of the highest level



Spartano wrote on 4/7/2015, 6:11 AM

Sehr schöne relaxe Musik,

Sehr gerne angehört,

Lg, von Spartano!

Last changed by Spartano on 4/7/2015, 6:11 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


Former user wrote on 4/7/2015, 7:37 AM

Hi Brenda

WOW, yes,  "you're a real gem of a musician" , as Griff so aptly put it.  Your use of various instruments and rhythms is super.  This will definitely go into my FAV file!


Former user wrote on 4/7/2015, 8:07 AM

Hi Brenda!

For the first - thank you so much for your big and nice comment on my track "Alien"! Show me the way, that is not all wrong, what I do! :-)) Thank you!!!!!!!!! WOW, I hear your music now and in that moment I feel better and better and I´m happy too! What for an good life we have! Big friends, fantastic musicans around of us - GREAT!! And what you can do with music is very great too! Fantastic playing and you choose ever the right way to bring us/me with your great charme, your big talent and what ever, what good music is! Thank you for sharing and it goes to my FAV and five stars!!!! Congratulations!!!

Many greets to you!


stuallan wrote on 4/7/2015, 11:35 AM

Hi Brenda,

So glad you came out of the dark and ino the light to allow us to enjoy your extraordinary talent. Loved the groove, you are absolutely correct, sit back, relax and listen. Exactly what I did and felt much better for it.


Great piece.

Best Regards,


MuggeMaker wrote on 4/7/2015, 12:03 PM

Wow, Brenda ... Awesome music! 

Have heard it 3 times .. this is soo great jazzy music! 

TetleyAnderton wrote on 4/7/2015, 3:05 PM

Very nice Brenda, I always enjoy a light up beat jazzy tune. And your made my day.  Thanks!!

Former user wrote on 4/8/2015, 1:14 PM

Hi! gospelbj1. Lang nicht hier und doch wieder erkannt. Wiederholen möchte ich mich nicht ... da ich mich meinen Vorrednern nur anschließen kann. SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LG / aces-e37

Nickillus wrote on 4/9/2015, 7:57 AM

More mellow blissfulness, Brenda.  Love the laid back vibe.  Driven by your wonderful playing of course, packed with sensitivity and invention.  Simply gorgeous.  Totally ear enriching.  Stars and the favourite folder- naturally.

gerrycix wrote on 4/10/2015, 1:51 PM

Great relax ...Brenda !

Excellent sound and very nice composition !

Ciao David

Trommel-Herbert wrote on 4/11/2015, 12:39 PM

Das habe ich gerne gehört und es gefällt mir sehr gut.

Musik, die direkt aus der Seele kommt.

olivier28 wrote on 4/21/2015, 2:34 PM

Ce qui à de bien sur ce site c'est que l'on trouve des merveilles

comme beaucoup de personnes qui sont de véritables artistes : vous , marshall 2 ,bernardph, et bien d'autres....

merci pour votre belle musique


Edi-no1 wrote on 4/24/2015, 1:28 PM

Hi Brenda,

another your great song. I need music just like this one- soothing my wild soul... especially

after a hard week of work.(I'm really happy that at this weekend I don't have to go

to work) . Very interesting composition, music inspires. Excellent work!

Have a nice weekend,
