
tgfmusica wrote on 7/21/2013, 4:40 PM

Traccia molto buona, ben mixata,ottimo ritmo, mi piace, 5* da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

Former user wrote on 7/21/2013, 7:48 PM

Hi DJ:

As always, very well put together.  Though I'm no Trance/Techno aficionado, I like the song's dramatic 'seasoning' and build-up.  Short?  Yes.  But it makes the point.


VisionART wrote on 7/21/2013, 10:54 PM

hey man,

I like the diffus bass at first, then the present second bass too.

I dont know, where your sound journey goes to, I think up to the hills with much work to do by your side...

so the sound told me, smile.

But, in the middle of nowhere near the top, your sound stopped. Why?

Was it Ruben?

Have a welldone monday,


Former user wrote on 7/22/2013, 3:19 AM

O.K. Beautiful music !     = 5*


Former user wrote on 7/22/2013, 5:30 AM

as always, well done.


Former user wrote on 7/22/2013, 5:40 AM

great track.


macca and alan.xx


Leomax wrote on 7/22/2013, 7:07 AM


very nice Sound 


Former user wrote on 7/22/2013, 10:32 AM


I liked the thumpin' bass, of course but then it stopped suddenly and I think it hurt the shape of the song and caused my mind to wander (which it does quite often anyway).  When it returned at about 2:09 (after the frog sounds ) it got going again,.


Thanks for sharing


Former user wrote on 7/22/2013, 12:28 PM

Good work, sound mysterious and engaging.


Former user wrote on 7/22/2013, 12:40 PM

Eine mir bislang unbekannte Person –welche Persönlichkeit also hat sich dieses Stück Namens gebend“ verdient? –welch ein Mythos versteckt sich dahinter, also? –bleibt bis dato unbekannt… . –, !!


Former user wrote on 7/22/2013, 2:51 PM

 very particular initial sequence, I would say rhythmic-style techno trance song very busy but also of excellent sound quality
very godd



Picnicboy wrote on 7/22/2013, 4:14 PM


Nice arranged Loops.

Would like to hear more real Music from yourself.


Former user wrote on 7/26/2013, 9:48 AM

great really great, like it

LG sigrid

Former user wrote on 7/26/2013, 10:23 AM

musical idea is very good, pleasant lopp used and adapts to the song, very good job



peterjirka40 wrote on 7/26/2013, 12:01 PM

Very  Very  nice Track and very good Sound .

I like it .

danne wrote on 8/9/2013, 6:33 AM

Gelungener Techtn Teack , sehr sauberer Sound.

Sehr gut. 

LG, Daniel

alexisaubin2010 wrote on 8/14/2013, 8:31 PM

mystery space

Last changed by alexisaubin2010 on 8/14/2013, 8:31 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

slt a toutes et a tous je me presente moi c alexis grand fanatique de musique et de chant vous pourrais trouver sur ma page toute mes compos perso et mes enregistrements studio en esperant que cela vous plairas

 qu il soit positif ou negatifs n'hesitez pas a me laisserr vos commentaire 

il n'y a rien de mieu pour s'ameliorer surtout dans ce millieu

en esperant vous faire passer d'agreable moment musical


je vous souhaite une bonne visite sur ma page


cordialement et musicalement 



Alighiero-Tozzi wrote on 8/31/2013, 1:22 AM

Interessante, e piacevole. Complimenti.

Last changed by Alighiero-Tozzi on 8/31/2013, 1:22 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Ho scritto la mia prima canzone nel 1991, ho smesso nel 1993 dopo aver realizzato un piccolo album casalingo e ho ripreso a scrivere e comporre nel 2011 dopo tanto tempo passato in tante occupazioni.

Fin da piccolo ho amato la canzone italiana da De Andrè a De Gregori, da Tenco a Branduardi, La New Wave ed il rock classico. Ringrazio la mia professoressa di musica delle scuole medie per avermi fatto ascoltare a 11 anni la musica classica che è la mia vera passione.


Huck wrote on 9/1/2013, 9:54 AM


Gerne gehört!!

Gruß Huck!

Skorpion62 wrote on 12/18/2013, 12:53 PM

coole Nummer

Gruß Günter