The woman on the cover made me think of the people I miss in my life. How it seems sad when you lose someone but under the sadness there is always hope that you will meet again.
distance shouldn't stop you loving someone, instead it makes your love and your craving for them more!
I've enjoyed to listen to
Former user
wrote on 11/6/2013, 6:30 PM
Very relaxing Great work ! I like it and Fav"s *****
Best regards Tony
Former user
wrote on 11/7/2013, 1:07 PM
Very interesting and beautiful melodie !! = 5*
Best regards Andreus
Former user
wrote on 11/7/2013, 2:10 PM
Hello Stu:
My, what a beautiful and transient musical essay. Your written sentiments are so right. One cannot ever truly "lose" someone you love. The memories of that person will always live within the very fabric of your being. The haunting, and wistful sounds of the horn, piano and strings lend a real gentle touch to the overall mood of this plaintive piece.
Wonderfully arranged my friend.
Former user
wrote on 11/12/2013, 12:20 PM
schönes donnerwetter,auch die mehankolische keys in verbindung mit der geige .
ich schreibe lieber auf deutsch,mein englisch ist nicht besonders gut.
cover und musikthema sehr eingängig,macht nachdenklich.
viele menschen die einem im laufe des lebens fehlen. das schwerste ist der abschied !
hat mir sehr gefallen !
Former user
wrote on 12/11/2013, 11:11 PM
This is just what the doctor ordered for sleep (or lack of) "issues". Headphones on ....ah but was over....abruptly. Dang. You are good at this stuff, Stuallen. It was a very quick 5 minutes and 12 seconds
Thanks. Your song made me think. I hope you're right about meeting the one you lost someday, somewhere, somehow, How sad if it doesn't happen
The intro with the echoing Brass and thunder sound effect gave me a initial sence of longing with a touch of sadness for a lost not spoken, the piano and strings multiplied these feelings but with a slight optimistic slant.
Lovely arrangement and playful change of moods throughtout this song.
Love this song a delight to listen too - Thank you
Former user
wrote on 1/20/2014, 10:39 AM
Hello Stuart!
I listen your Song and think about People who i miss! It is a great and wonderful Track and i feel your feelings! Ok, the End is to strong but is a very good work! Thank you for this atmosphere! Great!!! 4****+
many greets
Former user
wrote on 4/16/2014, 12:40 PM
Hi! Ich konnte es nicht glauben. Einige Sachen kommen in meinem Soundtrack auch vor. Hast ein gutes Gefühl, was mitreißende Melodien angeht. Mir gefällt das.
I love this piece. Very beautifully played and composed. Everything just flows so effortlessly throughout. I also have a song titled "Missing You" posted. Really love what you did with the loops...the keys are so limited, so finding things that will fit into the key of song are difficult, but you did a great job with this.
Superbe couverture de cette jeune femme qui se regarde , un peu triste comme cette musique avec les violons et après le sax , etc .... et superbes avec les choeurs à la fin !
Triste, certes, mais de circonstance et en plus c'est très agréable à écouter.
Cette musique nous fait planer et nous transporte en nous faisant penser à nos proches, disparu.
De très belle sonorités, avec de jolies mélodie que ce soit au hautbois ou peut être saxophone ?, puis au piano, ,puis au violon, violoncelle, ensemble de violons, et ensuite les percussion, les Chœurs, c'est très beau tout cela.