Great, professional work, good video and song and a good message, once an american friend told me "Mother nature takes care.". Gaia goes on, also without humans, maybe we are just on earth to create the road for higher intellegence, no animal destroyes his enviroment. And we are programmed that we think we live forever, also we have the knowledleg it isnt. How otherwise go humans at war. Both dumbs up.
👻💀👽 Si , ya,yes...Quizas tengamos que destruir para construir lo nuevo,Romper para crear algo mejor,diria que se comenzaria individualmente,pues no creo en la ameva colectiva,solos podremos cambiar esta situacion que nadie quiere ver,felicidades , me gusto,no entiendo mucho de ingles ,pero una escena son millones de palabras.Saludos.😵😏
Very good. I like the combination of language and music, is also very well orchestrated. Video also fits great to the gloomy atmosphere. Greetings Peter / Talan