Life can seems like a simple road, but its not when you think about it. There might not be anyone who has had to fight for life in the ocean or water, but it has happend to me and two of my buddies. We were looking at Jonsvannet an autumn with quite a windy day, this is a large and deep ocean so it was pretty big waves. The canoe sank and we were far from land. There we were three strong men in our prime, and shouted for help. We realized that here we were alone and no one heard us, but we helped each other and saved our lives of theat reason.But one do not live today, the best friend one can have, he never said anything bad about others, and stood up for you as soon as someone stepped on you ... He always helped a friend in need, but had even lost to cancer like so many others.
This simple track is dedicated to him..... Ps..I worked hard with the classic guitars to get the right sound
Peace my friends