
Former user wrote on 5/8/2013, 2:03 PM

Buena Salsa Amigo...

Un Saludo...

djroar wrote on 5/8/2013, 3:23 PM

Hello music expert 

Like this sound, great salsa rytems and good put togheter 

Last changed by djroar on 5/8/2013, 3:23 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Music has always been part of my life. I started making music as a hobby for a couple of years ago. I work in an aluminum production plant, hard work but I'm not complaining.

Cheers Music friends :-)

Former user wrote on 5/8/2013, 3:28 PM

Hola Alemany & DJ!

Thanks for your appreciative comments.

Enjoy the rest of the week!




Former user wrote on 5/10/2013, 12:48 PM

Klingt wie immer wie eine Sommernachts-Laune -mit etwas kühlem Tequila macht es erträglicher, gegen die heißen tanzbaren Nächte -, sehr schön


Former user wrote on 5/10/2013, 1:58 PM

Hallo yvette21:

Vielen Dank. Und Sie haben recht, wir brauchen sicher ein paar coole Musik für die schwülen Sommernächte, die bald auf uns sein wird.

Achten Sie darauf.


smartsmurf wrote on 5/16/2013, 5:30 PM

Very nice Salsa !!!

I so much love this kind of music... reminds me of holidays under Brasilian sun (even though I never went there)... and makes me wanna dance to this music (even though I would probaly look rather stupid trying too)

Could it be... that I recognize some well-known chord progressions in your wonderful piece..? Just asking. 

The fade out can not be the final solution...


Former user wrote on 5/16/2013, 9:00 PM

Hi smartsmurf:

Appreciate you comments...

You can't look "stupid" when dancing to Salsa; everyone is a star!.  Whatever you bring to the floor while gyrating and undulating will be just fine buddy. <lol>

I any event, I too love this music for a whole lot of reasons.  Aside from playing the Latin groove as a keyboardist and pianist, I also danced my butt off (back in the day).  Nothing comes close...

And yes, there are some 'classic' chord vamps used in the piece that can be found in just about every Salsa tune since the '50's.  It's *still* all good though.

Thanks for loving my favorite music...




UnityGirl wrote on 5/26/2013, 3:19 PM

I love it!  Get this QUICKLY to the businesses so they can use this for their "hold music".  You'd be so busy dancing you'd forget you were on hold!

Nickillus wrote on 6/5/2013, 12:13 PM

I've given up with superlatives for your offerings Griff.  They just don't do your excellence justice.

hounddoggy56 wrote on 10/29/2013, 8:59 PM

What is there not to enjoy?

another terrific mix that was a pleasure to listen to.


DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 5/7/2014, 1:44 AM

Wow, Griff - that's a very good song. I really enjoy it a lot.

And look at that girl, she looks cute, she looks like an anime girl or somewhat.

Otherwise you've done well! 

Daniel Lyons