
Former user wrote on 6/14/2015, 8:09 PM

Hello everyone

The title "Jamal"  came from nowhere.  It came to me out of the blue so that is what I have named it.  I looked up the word in the dictionary because I had no idea what it meant.  It's an Arabic word that means "Beauty",

The song is a little jazz and a little easy listening.  I thank you for listening and appreciate your comments, whether good or not so good.



Former user wrote on 6/14/2015, 9:52 PM

Hi Trish:

Let me be the first to say, simply "luxurious"!  Let's just call this a little piece of heavenly delight.  Shall we?  The addition of the sweet 'lyrical' flute, simply lends a gentle touch to this already beautiful song.  I thought I was already relaxed, but now, I am as mellow as a freshly-changed baby...

You provide wonderful entertainment, Trish...


GBTraveller wrote on 6/15/2015, 2:26 AM

hi trish
that is a wonderful entertainment !
Your keystroke is soft as butter and gives this piece this certain soul .
I tip my hat .

greeting freddy

rollii1953 wrote on 6/15/2015, 4:18 AM

very nice and romantic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nickillus wrote on 6/15/2015, 7:08 AM

Utterly gorgeous, Trish.  Your usual sensitivity shines through in this lovely, mellow composition, beautifully performed - the latter being a very encouraging sign of a recuperating hand.  Definitely going straight in the favourites folder.  Stars of course.

DEPO57 wrote on 6/15/2015, 7:44 AM

Ci conosciamo da diverso tempo e, nonostante le molte collaborazioni, non ti avevo mai ascoltato sotto questo aspetto blues , Io adoro questo tipo di musica. la tua composizione e l'arrangiamento mi ispirano tante belle melodie e parole ....mmmmm.....sono già una fontana di idee..... ovviamente il pezzo  è bellissimo. ciao un abbraccio.

6-21-3-11 wrote on 6/15/2015, 8:19 AM

tres joli

Former user wrote on 6/15/2015, 8:41 AM

Ein sehr schönes Lied Gefällt mir.


Edi-no1 wrote on 6/15/2015, 10:11 AM

Hi Trish,

This song is really relaxing and pleasant to my ears. 

Sounds great... piano + flute = wonderful music couple

Fantastic stuff!!!

All the best,


kam937 wrote on 6/15/2015, 10:17 AM

Hi, Trish! Flawless piano playing!!! I was pleased to listen to this music, in which all the instruments and the sound picked up very well! Cool! 5 +++++!

stuallan wrote on 6/15/2015, 11:16 AM

Hi Trish,

I would say that this song is very "jamal". Great keys and the oh so mellow flute. Just makes you float away.

Loved it!


best Regards,


PS great cover fits the mood perfectly.

Former user wrote on 6/15/2015, 11:36 AM

i say it in arabic ----> jamal 

gerrycix wrote on 6/15/2015, 12:00 PM

Hello Trish

Plesant piano ....

Great composition ....very nice !

Ciao David

Former user wrote on 6/15/2015, 12:20 PM

Hi Trish,
when you play using your hands but sounds especially with your heart and your passion.
And that, you can send it to your listeners.
A fan of yours.


Former user wrote on 6/15/2015, 12:45 PM

Hallo , .. " Trish " .. schöne Music .. echt !

Klasse !

Gruß Andreas

Former user wrote on 6/15/2015, 2:16 PM

I'm listening to this song pre 9.30 today, I'm tired and very hot.
immediately notes refine and delicate and I must say I have comlpito relaxed.
a song I would call a mix between modern jazz and ambient music new age.
the quality is absolutely professional, I would say that is not new, but perhaps remind many of our community it seems only right.
Trish are great

diegoweb13 wrote on 6/15/2015, 2:29 PM

Nice piece and beautiful execution.
As usual.
Brava Trish.
5 Stars.


Hello Diego

Last changed by diegoweb13 on 6/15/2015, 2:29 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

                                     Se la risposta e' stata utile, cliccare su Grazie qui sotto.

JuanIsidoro wrote on 6/15/2015, 3:05 PM

Lovely    Magic Hands.....

Last changed by JuanIsidoro on 6/15/2015, 3:05 PM, changed a total of 1 times.


Me llamo Juan Isidoro. Soy de Sevilla al sur de España.Trabajo en un camion y hago musica por placer.

Espero que os guste.

My name is juan Isidoro. I’m from Seville in southern Spain.
Working a truck and do music for pleasure.I hope you like.



olivier28 wrote on 6/15/2015, 5:09 PM


une pure beauté

 un mélange de piano et de flute qui s'accorde trés bien



oups les étoiles 5*****


tgfmusica wrote on 6/15/2015, 7:08 PM

Ottimo brano di blues, secondo il mio modesto parere dovresti metterci un testo, comunque è molto bello, 5* da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

Gryami wrote on 6/15/2015, 7:43 PM

Hi Trish,

Thanks for the invite. 

You have created a truly relaxed atmosphere,  Very professional, and a pleasure to listen to.  Thank you for sharing.



MuggeMaker wrote on 6/17/2015, 12:01 AM

Hi Trish!

Wonderful 'relaxing' music .. I love it. 

Fantastic piano playing.

Very nice job, trish!!!

Kind regards


-Celina-Neatly- wrote on 6/17/2015, 1:09 PM

I enjoyed listening to this music. I had so much studying and work to do and this really helped to reduced that stress.

Thanks for this.


Former user wrote on 6/17/2015, 4:03 PM

Hallo Trish,

Was soll Ich sagen über eine Großartige Musikerin die in der Lage ist mit ihre Musik Berge zu versetzen und den Zuhörer mit ihre Professionalität bis ins kleinste Detail zu fesseln(Egal was  du spielst).

Tolle Arbeit meine Liebe.

Beste Grüße aus Hamburg.


TetleyAnderton wrote on 6/17/2015, 7:08 PM

A lovely tune Trish,  I like this a lot, well done.