
MG4 wrote on 7/16/2021, 3:30 PM

Hallo , nice Music und sehr gut gemachte. 2x mal mit Kopfhörer angehört.

Gruß Andreas ( MG4

Jochen-S wrote on 7/16/2021, 3:34 PM

Hi, klasse gemacht und gern gehört...

Gruß Jochen...

Musicorum wrote on 7/17/2021, 2:46 AM

Cool Work

musicorum 😌☺️

franco-galateo wrote on 7/17/2021, 3:18 AM

good job compositional..very well


Kryo wrote on 7/17/2021, 11:58 AM

Cool and good...

ITCHYPHOX wrote on 7/24/2021, 4:45 AM

I remember the movie. Ultra dark story about the psychological, paranoid terror of being an unknowing victim of the MK Ultra experiments. I feel this tune does capture that dark vibe exceptionally well. Great tune man 🙂✌️

lee-livingston wrote on 7/30/2021, 3:04 PM

ITCHYPHOX thank you , never seen the film but remember it , didnt know it was about MK ultra , very good , ill check it out , cheers .