
Former user wrote on 5/18/2014, 8:04 AM

This song was written by Leonard Cohen in 1984 and has been performed by hundreds of artists.  Although the lyrics are important to the song, I think it does well as a stand alone also.  Cohen wrote 80 different verses to this song, before paring it down to today's version. 

 Written in the key of C major, the chord progression matches lyrics from the song: " the fourth, the fifth, the minor fall, and the major lift": C, F, G, A minor, F.


Questa canzone è stata scritta da Leonard Cohen nel 1984 ed è stata eseguita da centinaia di artisti. Anche se i testi sono importanti per la canzone, penso che funziona bene come uno stand-alone troppo. Cohen ha scritto 80 diversi versi di questa canzone prima di peeling. Per la versione di oggiIn tonalità di Do maggiore scritti, la progressione di accordi inserisce il testo della canzone: "il quarto, il quinto, il calo minore e la maggiore lift": C, F, G, la minore, F.

Dieses Lied wurde von Leonard Cohen im Jahr 1984 geschrieben und wurde von Hunderten von Künstlern durchgeführt. Auch wenn die Texte sind wichtig, um den Song, ich denke, es ist zu gut funktioniert als Stand-alone. Cohen hat 80 verschiedene Verse dieses Liedes vor dem Schälen geschrieben. Für die heutige VersionIn der Tonart C-Dur geschrieben, die Akkordfolge passt die Texte: "Die vierte, die fünfte, die kleiner Sturz und die Hauptbahn": C, F, G, A-Moll, F.


hanneshaas wrote on 5/18/2014, 8:11 AM

Trish das ist einfach wuder schöhn. Zu meinen Fav und 5******++++++++

L. G. Hannes

Last changed by hanneshaas on 5/18/2014, 8:11 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Wie Ich noch ein Baby war hab ich weder Schreiben noch Lessen können. Jetzt werden viele sagen OOOOOOH der arme, Keine sorge bin jetzt schon 45, und kann schon das C, D, E und F. Also ihr seht ich habe fortschritte gemacht. Jetzt versuch ich halt mit den bar Buchstaben etwas zu schreiben, das geht auch nicht also mach ich lieber Musik.

DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 5/18/2014, 8:49 AM

Ahoy there Trish:

That song is very sweet. I have voted 5 stars on it. Thank you for posting it.

Daniel Lyons

rollii1953 wrote on 5/18/2014, 9:43 AM

very nice .. but I seem to know..10***********

DEPO57 wrote on 5/18/2014, 9:44 AM

dolce composizione, eseguita solo come tu sai fare. forse avrei inserito anche i violini, ma è solo un gusto personale.

bravissima trish

D.J.M. wrote on 5/18/2014, 11:51 AM

Very Good !

Former user wrote on 5/18/2014, 12:42 PM

Hi! Kommt mir auch bekannt vor. Dein Titel ist sehr gut arrangiert: Hallelujah!

LG / aces-e37

basemkarem wrote on 5/18/2014, 1:53 PM

plz wait ,, because I want to listen 2 it more n' more 

LooK Trish,,,

you have the talent not for playing piano ,no
you have that talent that can convert any laud track , to romantic
any strong chord to a soft key
any sad mood to a perfect mood
you can bring all souls to your Bailiwick
by such touch some keys
oooohhhhhhh perfect

5* with honor for me 2 comment on ur track

Leomax wrote on 5/18/2014, 3:08 PM

very nice piano

i like it 

5* work 


Former user wrote on 5/18/2014, 7:31 PM

Hi Trish!

Yes, I know this song and I love it so! And HALLELULJAH, it gives Trish who play so very great piano and brings us every time, so many nice and great moments! Thank you again for this wonderful piece of music! The other instruments are great too! GREAT!!!! GREAT!!! GREAT!!!! Thank you! 5***** and the FAV!!!


best wishes and a good start in the new week

greetings Bernd

Former user wrote on 5/19/2014, 3:30 AM

 one word: great!!!!!!!!
all very nice and quality
track interesting and well cared for
great key



Former user wrote on 5/19/2014, 4:22 AM

 this is a great track, both instrumental sound.
you've done a great job


AtomicFusion wrote on 5/19/2014, 5:14 AM

Halleluljah, Hallelulja.........

incredibly beautiful
I had to cry


thank you


Former user wrote on 5/19/2014, 7:55 AM

Hi Trish:

My schedule has been a bit frantic as of late, so pardon my tardiness.

This is one of those songs that know matter how many times one hears it, generates an emotional response.  I love your addition of the other instruments, as it enriches the overall tone and texture of this piece.  Of course, your piano is the main star here.  Played with your usually virtuosity and heartwarming conviction. 

Once gain you have demonstrated why your pianistic offerings are so well-received.

Simply wonderful...


Former user wrote on 5/19/2014, 7:57 AM

Hi Trish:

I hate typos; "know" should be read as "no" in my previous comments...



Former user wrote on 5/19/2014, 1:50 PM

Hi Trish!

Da bist Du ja wieder voll in Deinem Element!

Ist auch wieder so schön was zum träumen!!!


Viele liebe Grüße Chris

tingel wrote on 5/19/2014, 2:53 PM

This is once again arranged very nicely and shows your strength in the interpretation on your way to making music ... very delicate, beautifully understated and not celebrated as a great ... You can do it with the soft tones ... Good night - Greetings Andi

stuallan wrote on 5/20/2014, 9:32 PM

Hi Trish,

One of my favorites, your rendition is very beautiful. You have captured the essence of the song magnifcently. I do like Leonard Cohen's music very much, a poet and a musician, what a combo! You have definitely done it justice.

You mentioned that it was performed by hundreds of artists, if you haven't heard K.D. Lang's 2010 version, I recommend listening to it. A very poignant version which, your music would fit very well behind.

You did a super job with this one, we expect no less.

Loved it, you have a knack for picking the classics and making them your own. Keep em coming, we await with eager ears.



PitchforkSB wrote on 5/22/2014, 4:12 AM

I like the song in all versions. Thanks for your version very nice work.

Best regards ... Stefan

gerrycix wrote on 5/22/2014, 6:18 AM

Fantastic Job ...Trish !

Excellent .....composition ,

Ciao David

emacor wrote on 5/26/2014, 4:14 PM

Hi Trish:

It's curious because this song that i intended to make a version with the Open House Blues Band  but not for now...

Like usual you play it devinelly...

All the best to you, friend


ballabarr wrote on 5/29/2014, 9:11 PM

this is also just as good as # 2 real real good and a nice picking guitar over all a grate job

take care


Last changed by ballabarr on 5/29/2014, 9:11 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Im from sweden 55 year's young play 4 instruments,(Drums is my main instr) guitarr,keybords,and some bassand im learning to play faceorgan (Harmonica) I make my musc self.I love icehockey and soocer,bean to cooking school,bean a sailor for 10 years,but not anymore hade my last ship 1993 and i miss that job  (cargoship) see the world and get pay'd for it,that's nice

(Pleace wright in english if u can no requirement just a wishes)

neonron wrote on 7/23/2014, 9:49 AM

One of my all-time favorite songs. Thank you for playing it.