Galaxy Express kam937 wrote on 1/25/2014, 12:21 AM 6 219 Tags: Title: Galaxy Express Artists: Kostanitsa Alexandr Album: 4X5 Track has 2 parts. Back to post
Comments Picnicboy wrote on 1/25/2014, 12:27 AM MoinMoin! Schönes Intro. Mach auch gern so Space-Dinger. Hat auch´n guten Klang. Fas´n büddn viel Höhen. Aber sonst sehr gut. Angenehm chilliger Spacer. Gefällt mir, auch vonner Melo her. Pic stuallan wrote on 1/27/2014, 11:42 AM Excellent track. Loved the intro, when it kicks in at 2:02 look out!. Very well done. Where can I buy a ticket? Cheers, Stuart Former user wrote on 1/27/2014, 6:06 PM Beautiful music and excellent job !! ***** Bravo Best regards FuturX guentersiegert wrote on 1/28/2014, 11:37 PM Very cool music! gerrycix wrote on 1/29/2014, 12:12 PM Excellent track...Kam ! Very good sound and mix Ciao David redisland wrote on 2/15/2014, 5:23 AM sehr guter track sehr gut intro und sound sehr gute arbeit lg die redis Former user wrote on 8/16/2014, 8:38 PM Sehr gute Stimmung in diesen Track und super Sound. Gut gemacht Alex. bikergsx wrote on 10/17/2014, 4:15 AM I can hear 4 parts... The preparation.., couuntdown, take-off and travelling... Excellent. Well done. 1