
Former user wrote on 1/8/2015, 3:49 AM

sounds definitely experimental, but I would say interesting.
pure electronic music, which still seems good quality.
through tracks, maybe that's what I liked the most.
music very personal.
great job


Former user wrote on 1/9/2015, 1:03 PM

Hi! bikergsx. Hätte mehr sein können. Irgendwie schon ...

LG / aces-e37

bikergsx wrote on 1/9/2015, 4:34 PM

Hi Franco,

Many thanks for your always freshingly descriptive comments and praise, which I appreciate immensely.

Have a good weekend my friend. 

ps. I hope your CD production is going well.

All the best



bikergsx wrote on 1/9/2015, 4:35 PM

Hi aces-37,

Many thanks for your critique.

Have a good weekend.

Best wishes
