Fever In The Funk House!

Former user wrote on 4/8/2014, 8:57 PM

Hello Fellow Music Lovers:

A rhythmic tune with a strong "Funk" and Jazz flavor.  Contains, a Rhodes piano, bass, drums, brass, and a taste of guitar.  Not much to say, other than turn up the volume and grab yourself a stiff drink!

Hope you have a good time listening.



hanneshaas wrote on 4/9/2014, 12:57 AM

He super cooles Lied.  5*

L. G. Hannes

Last changed by hanneshaas on 4/9/2014, 12:57 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Wie Ich noch ein Baby war hab ich weder Schreiben noch Lessen können. Jetzt werden viele sagen OOOOOOH der arme, Keine sorge bin jetzt schon 45, und kann schon das C, D, E und F. Also ihr seht ich habe fortschritte gemacht. Jetzt versuch ich halt mit den bar Buchstaben etwas zu schreiben, das geht auch nicht also mach ich lieber Musik.

Spartano wrote on 4/9/2014, 3:09 AM

Sehr schöne Abwechslungsreiche  Funk Musik ,

Lg, von Spartano.

Last changed by Spartano on 4/9/2014, 3:09 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


MuggeMaker wrote on 4/9/2014, 7:43 AM


Very cool Funk-song! Like it very much.




Kapstun wrote on 4/9/2014, 12:34 PM

Excellent tune with a nice arrangement and that rhodes sounds amazing loved it.

Former user wrote on 4/9/2014, 1:07 PM

Hi! Mir persönlich kommt Dein Funk sehr lässig rüber. Ich nehme doch an, dass Du das alles von Deinem Vater hast. Auch das hast Du ja schon mitgeteilt. Sehr gut gemacht.

LG / aces-e37

Piazzini wrote on 4/9/2014, 1:10 PM

Hoi Griff

Fine and very nice funky sound. I like the game of high tones (flute, keys) in the swinging bass.

Absolutely exciting very fine listening experience.

Outstanding Mr. Jazzman ....

en liebe gruess vom


Former user wrote on 4/9/2014, 2:51 PM

Tolle Musik ........ gefällt mir ...! ...

Gruesse Andreas


donatomensi wrote on 4/9/2014, 4:02 PM

E si, Nycgriff, sei proprio bravo.
Pezzo pieno di ritmo ed musicalità. 
Mi piace VERAMENTE MOLTO.             

tgfmusica wrote on 4/9/2014, 4:52 PM

Brano molto bello, forse tira più sul Jazz, 5* da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

Leomax wrote on 4/9/2014, 4:53 PM

very nice music

LG Leomax

stuallan wrote on 4/9/2014, 7:41 PM

Hi Griff,

Very cool, you definitely got the funk out! Loved the bass line, well actually, I loved everything! The horn section reminded me a bit of that funky band "WAR". 

Super groove my friend.



Former user wrote on 4/9/2014, 10:54 PM

Hi Buddy

Well, your neighbors are lucky to be awakened by such a tune!  If they don't like it, they should move!  I LOVE the sound of Fender Rhodes.  At the time they were the big GO, I couldn't afford one.  I had a piece of crap Wurlitzer electric that I carried to and fro when I played out and about in the big city of Bloomington, IL.  The flute at the beginning reminded me of my college days , listening to Jethro Tull.  AH, to be young and stupid again. 

It went by too quickly even though it was 4:28.  I guess that means I like it and it's going into my favs!

Hey thanks for the emails and getting my computer working and for  letting me vent!!!

You're a good man and a good friend

Former user wrote on 4/9/2014, 11:13 PM

Sehr Guter Bassline,

Sehr gerne gehört.


pinodisola wrote on 4/10/2014, 3:56 AM

Bravo Griff lo sto ascoltando con piacere complimenti ciao Pino

Last changed by pinodisola on 4/10/2014, 3:56 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

PINO D'ISOLA Pino d'Isola (al secolo Pino Maiolo) nasce artisticamente negli anni '60 ad Isola Capo Rizzuto (KR), suo paese natio. E' il cantante e il batterista del suo primo gruppo "THE LOVERS"con la sua chitarra già scrive e compone le sue prime canzoni come "Sabrina", "Ritorna l'estate", "Non lasciarmi" ed altre. Trasferitosi a Milano, nel '66 entra a far parte del gruppo "I MAD BOYS"
Nel '82 esce il suo primo LP dal titolo"UNA SERATA SERENA" Edizioni LA PALMIERAMA di Milano
Pino incontra Giuliano Taddei (autorevolissimo autore di testi per Sanremo, Castrocaro, Zecchino D'Oro) con il quale nasce un sodalizio musicale eterno e molto produttivo: dal singolo DONNA AMORE
"DONNA AMORE" del 1983 (che riceve il premio da "La lega delle casalinghe"), passando per la produzione di diversi successi, fino ad arrivare alla scrittura di numerose canzoni per bambini. In questi anni sono frequenti le sue apparizioni come ospite su radio e TV locali. La sua popolarità cresce così come il suo impegno come cantante in giro con I FOLK 2000. "SENTIMENTO D'AMORE"
Nel 1987 esce l'album " LA MIA MUSICA con un pò di bon...gusto" Edizioni CARAMBA di Milano Come hanno riportato giornali e settimanali del settore, Fred Bongusto così come Bruno Martino sono sempre stati per Pino D'Isola dei punti di riferimento poiché molto vicini al suo modo di cantare "confidenziale". Da questo momento in poi sono sempre più frequenti le apparizioni di Rino accanto a Pino: la presenza del figlio nei suoi spettacoli gli permette, infatti, di interpretare al meglio i suoi brani fondendoli con le nuove tendenze musicali.
La grande occasione arriva per Pino nel 1990 quando ha l'opportunità di pubblicare un suo disco con la prestigiosa Casa Discografica "Fonit Cetra". Il titolo del disco è "CIAO":
PINO D'ISOLA & RINO Il 21 Aprile 1990 può essere considerata la data di nascita del duo musicale, riceve un significativo premio dall'Assessorato al Turismo e Cultura del comune di Isola di Capo Rizzuto. Il premio, intitolato "OMAGGIO A UN CALABRESE ILLUSTRE"
cita: " A CHI CON IMPEGNO E PROFESSIONALITA???HA RAGGIUNTO AMBITI RISULTATI, PORTANDO OLTRE I CONFINI DELLA CALABRIA, IL MESSAGGIO E LA CULTURA DELLA NOSTRA TERRA ???. Nel 1997 Pino riceve dal comune di Milano una medaglia per la sua canzone "TRAMMINANDO PER MILAN", originale dedica alla città che lo ha adottato.
Come autore Pino continua a scrivere canzoni incontrando nuovi personaggi in particolare: uno a livello internazionale, Carlo Alberto Rossi,
E....la musica va..................grazie a tutti Pino

Former user wrote on 4/10/2014, 4:57 AM

Wow Griff, very very good

emacor wrote on 4/10/2014, 6:21 AM

Hi Griff:

Back to the Funk again!!!!!! 

This is where i like to hear you... cool and Funky, that's the sound of New York City, and defenetelly your sound!

Like James Brown said.... "To Funky In Here"!!!!


All The best to you, Griff


gerrycix wrote on 4/10/2014, 6:57 AM

Hi , Griff !

Interessant track...excellent sound !

Very good ,

Ciao David

VOXS wrote on 4/10/2014, 12:53 PM

...hard funky jazz stuff my friend. It's difficult to play guitar to this song - but I solve it ; -)) Great and well done!

All the best 4 you - VOX

Maboe wrote on 4/10/2014, 1:43 PM

Yeeeaaah, what a nice tune - I've got a very good time listening! I love these jazzy harmonies and this funky rhythm. Bravo!


@ Voxy

I wanna listen... (I know you solve it)

beabea wrote on 4/10/2014, 2:47 PM

...mir gefällt das sehr gut...auch wenn ich hier die struktur ein bisschen vermisse, die bei dir sonst immer superfein ausgearbeitet ist...

[i'll give it a try in english: like this very much, but i'm missing structure, which you usually work out greatly]

GBTraveller wrote on 4/11/2014, 3:16 AM

Hi Griff,
if you love this music, you will notice that you are here in this community a very creative head!
Here all the instruments make a great communication and great work!

Big Points and Greeting Freddy

Former user wrote on 4/11/2014, 3:56 AM

for me to listen to this kind of music is like a new teaching.
I approached the jazz thanks to Sandro glavina and now listening pleasure with all that is close to this style of music.
I think overall the track as always well cared for, instrumental level is appropriate to the context of composition
music of other times but always modern.
very well


Funnywico wrote on 4/11/2014, 9:19 AM

<- Look at this!

Yes, I had the good time listening, like you wished! It´s very jazzy and kinda funny! I see myself sitting in a bar, having a drink, while a band plays your song!


DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 4/13/2014, 6:16 PM

I agree with Dirk below, this song is very appropriate for every member of Magix Info.

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Thank you.