Fading Lights ricw147 wrote on 12/27/2012, 4:28 PM 10 162 Tags: As the year draws to a close, a felt a chillout track was of the essence. I give to you "Fading Lights". Again influences from Tangerine Dream. All loops from MMM. Comments welcome Rgds Ric Back to post
Comments TheDJGrandfatherKoeddi wrote on 12/27/2012, 5:52 PM Hi, sehr guter Sound und Geile Melodie Starless-Friend Ich wünsche dir und deine Lieben einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr "Ich sage nur las die Musik in den Adern erklingen" Former user wrote on 12/27/2012, 7:23 PM Hi ricw147 Very good work ambient relaxation music I like it 5***** Former user wrote on 12/28/2012, 9:37 AM Hola Amigo... Buen Trabajo... 5 *... Saludos... MW73 wrote on 12/28/2012, 11:19 AM schönes Cover, klasse Musik Happy New Year Former user wrote on 12/28/2012, 12:30 PM Kleine Träumereien schwirren nur so vor sich hin. Die Gesamtstruktur ist für mich etwas zu leblos -, !! yvette21 Farstom wrote on 12/28/2012, 2:01 PM beautiful building. soothing. so nicely done. I can enjoy. thank jou but in some parts go a very long time. you can mended with sounds or get away Former user wrote on 12/28/2012, 2:07 PM the song is very nice, both in sound and instrumental, I like the rhythm hello frank Picnicboy wrote on 12/29/2012, 11:37 AM MoinMoin! Nice Chiller. You could bring some more Melodies in the later Parts. Together playing Melodies, two changing Melodies... That will make it a bit more interisting without getting nervy. So it get´s a very very little bit boring to the End. But in a Chillout that´s not really a Problem. Call it a Good-Night-Track and everyone buys it. hihi Hey! Have a nice Sylvester and a Good New Year!!! Pic samp wrote on 12/30/2012, 11:15 AM I enjoyed listening to it .... gives peace.... Thank you so much for it..... it is a nice way to go through the door..... I wish you a very good New Year with a little bit more of what you dream about.... All the best! samp H Skorpion62 wrote on 12/31/2012, 4:56 AM sehr schöne musik zum entspannen gute arbeit skorpiON 62 Former user wrote on 12/31/2012, 11:39 AM Beruhigende Klänge zum Entspannen! Sehr angenehm! ♫ Viel musikalische Energie, Gesundheit und gute Laune mit einem sicheren Rutsch ins Jahr 2013 wünscht THE HEIR OLAF >>> http://www.the-heir-olaf.com/ , http://www.facebook.com/pages/THE-HEIR-OLAF/180927311968966 B59fly wrote on 1/1/2013, 3:32 PM Oh, that's nice chill with a good drive. Excellent! For you and your family a good 2013. Brigitte Starless Friend Huck wrote on 1/11/2013, 6:25 AM Hallo! Klasse Relax-Sound!!!! Gruß Huck! 1