Escape From Jana


Former user wrote on 9/13/2009, 9:31 AM
me gusta , buena musica
Former user wrote on 9/15/2009, 1:34 PM
Great sonority excellent Fx and sound ..
still search of new sonority ..I love that !!!
from your friend
Antboio Fiorillo
Former user wrote on 9/16/2009, 9:25 AM
Hi Rana!

As i already told you before: this track took me and my son on a space journey. We were just about putting our helmets and spacesuits on...Atmospheric track that sounded pretty good on my HiFi...Yes i like it!! All the best to you!

Hydrogen65 wrote on 9/18/2009, 1:31 AM
Hi Rana ,
really good track...
AmandaJo wrote on 9/26/2009, 2:07 PM
Hi Rana,

it´s an interesting theme and very good piece of music - eeeeeaaaasy listening. Fine work and a little bit spacy, well-done.

Best Regards, Amanda

Deneu wrote on 12/20/2009, 4:07 AM
Tremendous job which you made. Tremendous sound.

Former user wrote on 12/24/2009, 10:35 PM
mmmm! sawtooth!!!!! my favorite track!!!!!!
Former user wrote on 2/23/2011, 3:07 PM

Ciao dopo il valzer con "Escape From Jan" mi ai riportato in paradais. Una meraviglia. Scusami se uso termini a me familiari che forse tradotti non danno il giusto risultato ma*****+ meritato.   Hi after the waltz with "Escape From Jan" me to the brought in paradais. Beautifully. Excuse me if I use terms to me family that perhaps translated doesn't give the correct result but * * * * * + deserved