
Former user wrote on 11/17/2009, 3:51 PM

I think creative feedback is very difficult as the song is originated from your own creativeness and from your own perspectives, mind and thoughts.

The mix is very balanced and exact, almost surgical precision.
The composition is very consistent and well held together.
The variations of the drumming and the percussion is very very good.
If I should venture to say anything that could be improved....hmmm...stronger percs/drums, just a little little bit.

Overall, though, I think this is very proffessional production. Electronica with emotions. Thanks for 5,49 mins of quality listening.


beabea wrote on 11/17/2009, 4:21 PM
ich kann dir zwar leider nicht die art von feedback geben, die du dir wünschst...aber mir gefällt dein stück sehr, finde es perfekt, es hat etwas ganz besonderes, fazinierendes...und depth perception ist genau der richtige titel dafür... *fav*

p.s.: das cover ist genial

siggi_s wrote on 11/17/2009, 4:46 PM
Kann mich da nur anschließen!


G Siggi S.

smartsmurf wrote on 11/17/2009, 4:51 PM
To my un-educated ears your mix sounds just perfect but who am I to tell anyway...
Guitorb wrote on 11/17/2009, 6:45 PM
Wow! Well worth the wait. I percieve a great deal of depth. You seem to have discovered the secret art of manipulating sound frequencies. The kick is in full command here,with an undulating current of mids and highs to keep things flowing. Full steam ahead captain!
Sect.23 wrote on 11/17/2009, 7:38 PM
Your audio depth perception is right on the $$$!
Wow, what a fantasctic sound...I had this shakin' my windows.
Whatever you do to finish off this track, please don't adjust the mastering! It's perfect.
I'm sorry my friend, I cannot come up with any suggestions on how to actaully finish this off. In fact, this is already my fav track from you.
Oh! and the vox sounds good! ;)

I'm gonna listen again.....
Sect.23 wrote on 11/17/2009, 7:43 PM
WoW,.....this is EXCITING!!!!!
Sect.23 wrote on 11/18/2009, 12:46 AM
OK, listening for the 3rd time....
And I think I have a suggestion! :)
I love the changes in pitch/FX on the synths...but how 'bout a little weird and funky intro to the changes? Talkin' about instead of getting right into the wicked melody, try some start/stop action for a few bars first, kind of a "build-Up"
Also between about 2:15 - 2:40 I would put some mixed up variation of some reverse FX and sustain (and then repeat later in sequence) but that is my MEASLEY input...who the hell do I think I am??..Ok, I've had a few strong ales, so I hope this makes sense and helps a wee bit!??
Cheers, bud...
Former user wrote on 11/18/2009, 5:35 AM
Very interesting and I like it !! FAV !
ArtistW wrote on 11/18/2009, 7:32 AM
I know what youn mean, after have listening to your own work "a thousend times" you start wondering if it is any good. I think it is quite original and good. I personal would have tried to get here and there some more (massive)melodie into it. 
Former user wrote on 11/18/2009, 11:30 PM
so the long-time waiting was worth it! for me it´s some sort of your masterpiece!
definitively FAV!
StoneFace wrote on 11/19/2009, 12:36 PM

In conjunction with the cover - excellent.

Exactly, we all have long controlled remotely...
SYR.production wrote on 11/19/2009, 1:23 PM
ausgezeichneter Sound, sehr gute Übergänge, hört man nicht täglich und dies weckt Interesse.

Gruß Sylvio
Former user wrote on 11/20/2009, 10:18 AM
muß sagen höre hier eine ganz Exzellente Arbeit, das gefällt mir richtig super.

mfg Conny
wm66 wrote on 11/22/2009, 2:55 PM
 Very cool electronic work...
Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 11/22/2009, 3:53 PM
An excellent sound with very good transitions.
A track,... it one not daily hears.

Guitorb wrote on 11/23/2009, 12:41 PM
 Me again. I had to test my depth perception-a head cold has caused me to go deaf in my right ear,temporarily I hope.
 That industrial strengnth snare is awesome-sounds like something Charlie Clouser would come up with.
eder2009 wrote on 11/23/2009, 1:20 PM
Cool 5*
Former user wrote on 11/24/2009, 6:02 PM
I loved the early relentless building drive train, v good vocal concept also, but from 4.50 to the end it looses its momentum for my ear. Maybe bring back in that great snare to lift the track again through to the close and go out on a high? 
Peace. Ian.... also, thanks for your comments my friend
Former user wrote on 11/25/2009, 2:40 AM
Hello, flawless work! Discreet sound carpet, which impresses with its delicate composition ................ great piece of music for me! Greeting Freddy 
Sect.23 wrote on 11/28/2009, 1:59 AM
YEEEEEEAH !!!!!!!!!!  
Again and again....Louder and cat is buggin out........:p
smartsmurf wrote on 11/28/2009, 6:27 AM