
Former user wrote on 2/7/2015, 1:03 PM

Hi! jjnicholls55. Erinnerte mich an einem berühmten Gitarrenmann namens Santana ... ist Dir doch ein Begriff, wie?

LG / aces-e37

Former user wrote on 2/7/2015, 1:21 PM

Hi JJ:

Music is as sweet as a box of granulated sugar, man.  I simply love your guitar-playing ability.  I hope that others in this community will quickly give you the attention that you so richly deserve.  Keep publishing tracks like this, and it won't be long...

I'm already a fan of your arrangements.


tingel wrote on 2/8/2015, 4:06 AM

Hey man, also a very good guitar and a good improvisation ... but here I think made too much and maybe her otherwise distributed by the sound (mastering) ok again ... it all comes from the middle ... let's just because your lead guitar improvisation by ... beautiful ... regards Tingel

Former user wrote on 2/8/2015, 11:43 AM

this music is very rafined.

beautiful sound and relaxing

great jpb
