Curb Your Appetite

Former user wrote on 3/29/2014, 5:20 AM

  Hello music friends!
This song is absolutely, totally different from anything I have ever done.  No loops, the drums were done on my keyboard as were the guitars.  Two reasons I did this song.(1) So you don't get bored  and (2) so I don't get bored and too comfortable doing the same type of music over and over.
Thanks for listening and for giving me the opportunity to spread my wings a little


The first attempt did not load right so if there are 2, forgive me,  It wasn't my fault


Former user wrote on 3/29/2014, 8:14 AM

Hi Trish:

Just finished listening to the song.  I must say that your sojourn into this "different" type of music style is very listenable (and yes, that is a word).  Your use of the drums and guitars (from your trusty keyboard) sound pretty damn good -- especially as a first-time effort.  

You are to be commended for "spreading your wings"; something that more than a few are loathe to try.  That is why I admire your musical sense of adventure when you undertake these bold and untested projects.

Just keep on expanding your artistic repertoire.  Your fans (as I am one) will always be eager to support you.



tgfmusica wrote on 3/29/2014, 8:37 AM

Bellissimo brano, penso che hai trovato soddisfazione a fare tutto da sola senza usare loop, ora prova a trovare un testo adatto e raddoppierai la tua soddisfazione, un saluto da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao. 5*

Spartano wrote on 3/29/2014, 10:23 AM

Hallo Lady, eine schöne Musik mit sehr schöne Melodien, was mir einwenig nicht so gefällt sind die viele Crasch Einsatz, sonst sehr Gerne Angehört, Lg, von Joachim.

Last changed by Spartano on 3/29/2014, 10:23 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


DEPO57 wrote on 3/29/2014, 11:36 AM

great idea! it ' s very difficult make drums by keyboards, but you have a good performance.....


VOXS wrote on 3/29/2014, 3:41 PM

Hi Trish,

for my opinion the drums are not really fit the song  Less is more - maybe? Sometimes it's a lil' bit of chaos in your song - crashes from drums, a melody from keyboard that are not really in time. Mhmm...

What shall I comment? It's a really fine beginning and need more work and heart - I'll hope you understand my stupid english 

All the best for you - VOX

Former user wrote on 3/29/2014, 5:36 PM

a mio parere troppi crash, i tamburi si possono migliorare continua cosi trish ciao da music64

Funnywico wrote on 3/29/2014, 6:50 PM

Hi Trish,

Since I follow your music, it never has been boring, but walking on new ways is always a great idea. This song is not one of your best, but it`s interesting to see this very new side of you! I think working again on this song would be a good idea. The song has really potential. But Vox is right: those drums don´t fit!




stuallan wrote on 3/29/2014, 11:18 PM

Hi Trish,

I don't think anyone is bored, good music is good music. I personally find enough variation in your repertoire to keep everything relevant and interesting.

It is however, in my estimation, very cool to push the boundaries and experiment. As long as you can take some criticism, you grow. I like the fact that you want to spread your wings and you should. Use the feedback to embellish and expand your style but keep the foundation to build off of.

 I found the melody to be excellent and the guitar bits quite nice. I would love to be able to create and paly something of this calibre on the keyboards. I agree with previous statements that the drums could be stronger. Again, done with keyboards only, there is room for enhanced sound. This is what experimentation is all about, you try and try again until it fufills your expectations or popular feedback.

Great creative effort!







Big-Krabbe wrote on 3/30/2014, 8:23 PM

wow, my chaos is mixed and yours arranged so it is fun to listen more so